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Author Topic: anti anxiety meds  (Read 10245 times)


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2018, 06:40:51 PM »

Different health professionals racjen.  Some GPs deny access to such small amounts ..... but mine has been very supportive. 

As long as one is aware that these particular meds can get a grip, one can use with care.  One has to realise that they do work and not to panic which is difficult sometimes. 

Rescue Remedy can be useful too, I may have said previously.  I use the mouth spray with relief.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2018, 10:08:36 PM »

Sorry but that's just not good enough - you shouldn't be advocating use of these potentially life-ruining drugs when you have no idea whether people on here will be able to resist the lure of dependency or not. It's not good enough to say it's up to individual health professionals, you also have a responsibility not to give out misleading and potentially dangerous advice based purely on your own experience.

And I don't know what kind of anxiety you suffer from, but Rescue Remedy has absolutely no effect on mine whatsoever - I envy you if it really does help, you've either got a very different consitutition from mine or we have a completely different idea of what anxiety actually means.

Abba Fan

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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2018, 10:42:38 AM »

My life was ruined for 2 years because I was misdiagnosed, I was having the most crippling panic attacks more or less 24/7. My GP thought I was a nutcase and denied it was caused by menopause, I was on the devil drug for 1 year and another year to slowly wean back off them. I needed HRT, as simple as that, I had to pay to see Prof Studd, who basically gave me my life back. racjen when the time comes for you to wean off, start off with 10% every 2 weeks until it gets too unbeareable then 5% every 2 weeks. If you feel the need to hold for an extra week or 2 do it. Coming off benzos the way CKLD was told could cause you to have a seizure and you could die. If there was a way to sue my GP I would haven taken her uncaring butt to the cleaners.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2018, 11:47:15 AM »

I don't like being slammed on an open forum when I am sharing my experiences which were guidance from my GP for my particular circumstances.  Without a very support GP who had time to listen I wouldn't be here.  He saved my Life as well as my marriage ......

I also have experience of speaking with other people addicted to various medications who have all been given similar advice.  I worked in the NHS as a medical secretary for many years so was involved with quite a few different situations. 

Off to start another thread  ::)

No one needs to take my advice without consulting a health professional.  It is up to the individual to take what they read or are told and see if it will help their particular situation.  I have not given out mid-leading information, a quite strange statement.  It is not based on 'purely' anything. 

I 1st tried Rescue Remedy years ago when it was recommended to me by a Pharmacist.  I never looked round to see if it worked/not.  I used the spray when anxiety was threatening then got on with the day, realising later that in fact, the anxiety hadn't ballooned.  Phew.   I still use it if I think a situation will cause me anxiety .......... I'm not a great fan of 'alternatives' nor do I say if it works for me but each time, the anxiety hasn't manifested itself.

However, when anxiety strikes it floors me: there is no background warning: to the point of being suicidal which is when the emergency drug is necessary.  Relaxation and logical through processes go out the window  :'(

Someone once told me Abba Fan that a panic attack only lasts 30 mins. at most as the body and brain can't sustain such high levels of anxiety, I could have kicked her into touch.  I walked out of that session straight to my GP ........ my longest attack was for 2 nights and 3 days; November 1995; and I shook so badly that my bed moved across the room.  I never want to feel that ill again.  :'(.

From coping with anxiety such as pre-exam nerves, pre-driving test nerves, moving house nerves, it took over and almost ruined my Life.  I never thought that I would leave my house again .......... 
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 12:08:44 PM by CLKD »


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2018, 11:59:39 AM »

My objection is that you don't just share these things as your own experience, you share them as general advice in quite an authorative way, and in this particular case I think it's more than inappropriate, it's downright dangerous. Sorry if you find me saying that upsetting, but i think it needs to be said.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2018, 12:04:59 PM »

I agree Racjen.  I have wanted to say this for a long while, but haven't as I felt a bit intimidated, but CLKD does put herself across as an expert in a way that can be quite worrying.  Forums like this should be a helpful pat on the back, not a place to get bossy drug advice.  I also worry that she posts on everything, but gives the same story each time...  I stop using the forum for months as I felt she just popped up whatever my issue was.

Gosh, I can't believe I have written that!  Waits to be shot down...


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2018, 12:12:48 PM »

The written word is static.  Sorry if I come across as hard but maybe it's because you disagree or have different experiences to my own, if so share.  Don't keep quiet on my behalf.  I am quite an expert on my own health issues.  Sharing is important, if someone doesn't agree then don't take my advice? 

Popped up rebel2?  I am probably a lot older than many on here so it stands to reason I will have more experiences ........ forums are about sharing.  Offering suggestions.  Which can be taken if they suit the individual at that time.  There's nothing that I have ever written that says as person 'must do'! 

racjen - everything is written as my own experience.  It's up to others how they read what is written.  I have never stated anything that is dangerous, it is up to the individual to either consider or ignore.  I have no control as to how many do that, any more than I am responsible for how others react to the written word. 

Face-2-face would be a totally different situation because the written word lacks facial expressions and the opportunity for instant response if that makes sense.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 12:14:26 PM by CLKD »

Abba Fan

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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2018, 01:34:56 PM »

CLKD my panic attacks were hormonal.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2018, 02:12:52 PM »

There is an awful lot on this forum that is stated as fact. I've possibly been guilty of it myself, grammatically.

Even the articles on this forum are, apart from any pure science statements, opinion based and it's up to us all to take in the information, varying opinions and whatever other research we do before making our own decisions.

Even doctors base a lot of their decisions on their own personal opinions, it's what makes them ‘skilled', whilst attempting to follow NICE guidelines (or similar for other countries).

If we remember this then it allows free expression and our individual passions for our own opinions and experiences. We really don't want to discourage anyone from posting passionately, it's just our own personalities coming through.

In support of CLKD, she posts a lot about her situation because that is what she is expert at. I post a lot on alternatives and my love of progesterone. Most others post of their hatred of it. By having a mixed bag it means we can sometimes find that golden nugget that is going to work for us and that is the most important thing.

Let's encourage free expression, and never take this as medical advice, as some of the challenge is what then educates us to find out more about things we may have made damaging assumptions about.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2018, 02:35:03 PM »



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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2018, 03:46:45 PM »

I'm taking fluoxetine for anxiety and depression and it's working quite well. I would personally not take benzodiazepines though I was offered 6 by the dr.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2018, 08:14:31 PM »

Sertraline has been great for me. I had major anxiety debilitating I couldn't go out. Now I could stand and speak in front of thousands. Not had a panic attack in a year. I'm not coming off it anytime soon. Feel back to myself almost!!!!! The menopause is a challenging time and not called the change for nothing. I like to think it has forced me to face my fears and make changes to make myself happier. Not easy though.


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2018, 08:51:03 PM »

I had crippling anxiety suddenly start ,off work for 2 months,then finally decided to give up work as I couldn't cope . Diazepam was a true life saver for me,obviously only my personal experience. I was made aware by gp to treat them as a short term aid,only 2 mg up to 4 times a day ,which gave me some much needed respite from it all. During this time I was trying different anti anxiety meds until I found one that worked for me . When I did I stopped the diazepam but I still always have a couple to hand, on the rare occasions now thankfully,to use as an when. I found the solution that works and is suitable for me luckily and I believe that is what we all need to do. It's all trial and error,we're all unique and will all differ in our approaches. I can read everyone's experiences and then make my own mind up as I'm sure we all can do .  Here's to hoping we all find out answers !😀



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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2018, 09:04:29 PM »

The problem comes when you find, like me, that you've tried every anxiety med going and none of them work, or they give you such awful side effects you can't stand them (if you were given the choice of crippling anxiety or suicidal depression, which would you choose?) I'm in a situation where I have to find a way of managing the anxiety on a daily basis for an unspecified length of time, with no relief except for ever-increasing doses of diazepam, or self-medication with alcohol. Who wouldn't get addicted in that situation?


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Re: anti anxiety meds
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2018, 07:41:26 AM »

racjen have you tried CBT, counselling or exercise for your anxiety? I've struggled with suicidal thoughts and ended up in A&E a couple of times. I've had counselling with a brilliant therapist on the nhs. I ride my bike a lot and a long hard ride can move my mood from suicidal to euphoric.
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