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Author Topic: HRT patches  (Read 3282 times)


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2018, 05:00:50 PM »

I have 4 pumps a day and each bottle lasts 2 weeks. I get 6 bottles of Oestrogel and 3 packets of Utrogestan for 2 prescription charges .... £17.20 I think it is.

Thanks Dotty. I will ask for more the next time I go. Have you noticed an improvement with having 4 pumps?


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2018, 05:11:48 PM »

They will hardly give me one bottle without a battle loubylou( that was my favourite dolly's name lol )it's an ongoin* battle every month to get anything that's why I buy extra in privately.x good luck I hope you get it resolved x


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2018, 05:20:05 PM »

Louby Loo - you can buy a prepaid certificate ..... £29 for 3 months or £100 for a year ( they are estimates and they might be a bit more ) and then all your prescriptions are free. That would probably work out more cost effective if they will only give you 1 bottle at a time.

Yes, 4 pumps is much better .


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2018, 05:35:34 PM »

Louby Loo - you can buy a prepaid certificate ..... £29 for 3 months or £100 for a year ( they are estimates and they might be a bit more ) and then all your prescriptions are free. That would probably work out more cost effective if they will only give you 1 bottle at a time.

Yes, 4 pumps is much better .

Thanks Dotty. I will  certainly look into this! It sounds great.
Do you have to stay out of the sun if you have oestrogel? I was wondering if it would react to sun and cause patches of darker skin in places.


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2018, 05:40:30 PM »

Good morning ladies
Just looking for some advice and your views please.
I'm peri, 50 years old and for some time experiences hot and cold flashes, tingling, lots of weird symptoms really. I've had lots of tests bloods ans scans and don't seem to be able to find what's wrong. I do have a b12 deficiency and have my injections every 12 weeks although my go may change this to more often depending on how things go on this cycle.
We talked yesterday about going onto HRT patches in a couple of weeks, just curious as to your views and how you have found them. I'm desperate to feel like me again, I seem to be lost
Thank you in advance

Hi Foni1 - I have only ever used patches for my HRT and found them brilliant - but it is a matter of preference and how well you absorb them compared to gel. Where are you in menopause? Will you be looking to take combi patches ( ie part of the month having patches with progestogen) or oestrogen only with separate progestogen or Mirena coil (or maybe no progestogen if you don't have a womb?).

How well HRT works and what dose to use will depend partly on where in menopause you are if you are still having periods - if they are few and far between you will probably have fewer fluctuations so easier to settle on a consistent dose. Sometimes in early peri your own cycle kicks in so there can still be some mood swings initially.

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2018, 02:31:21 PM »

Hi foni1. I note that you are B12 deficient and on injections. I've been convinced that I'm B12 deficient due to my symptoms but my results came back normal. Unfortunately, I've read (on nhs info amongst others) that the test is not always reliable as only test total B12 levels rather than just active. I therefore started self injecting and indeed, I do seem to feel better afterwards, but it doesn't seem to last.

I am perimenopausal confirmed by blood test and I am finding hard to know whether my symptoms are that of the perimenopause or the B12 deficiency and I am finding it very frustrating. I decided to give hrt a go and I'm now on my 4th week. So far, I haven't really felt a real benefit. Like you, I struggle with tingling and pins and needles in my hands and feet and terrible tinnitus, which is worse when the tingling is. What is so confusing is that some days I feel dreadful and then suddenly, out of the blue, I'll have a better day without symptoms to hit be again with a hammer the next. Even today, I woke up feeling best I had for a long time, no symptoms and some little energy I normally never get on Saturday mornings and I felt great until an hour ago and out of the blue, the tinnitus, tingling and muscle aching is back with that feeling of drain.

I have no idea if it's the perimenopause, the B12 or something else although nothing else picked up and I wish I knew. I don't suffer from hot flushes or even night sweats, everything is more of a neurological nature. I'm giving hrt 3 months to see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, I'll just stop and up the injections. Like you, I'm desperate to feel like me again and feel totally loss.


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Re: HRT patches
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2018, 12:41:05 PM »

Hi Letmein
Hi Hurdity

My B12 levels are very low but still classed as in the normal range but I have a family history of Pernicious anemia and various auto immune conditions and a very understanding GP which is why I have the injections. Having them does help but doesn't completely irradiate them completely.  I've tired iron tablets too as my iron store is low but they have made me feel awful so thinking about infusions, currently not taking.
My gut feeling months ago was I might be Peri but she wasn't sure so I've undergone loads of scans and tests and fortunately they came back clear so now looking at starting HRT to see if it helps.
I'm realky hoping they will as I'm sick to death of feeling like a complete wreck both physically and emotionally.
Still having periods but they are hit and miss and some months have 3 🙄 which is horrible. 
Hope you get some positive results with HRT.
Thanks for replying 💜
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