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Author Topic: Hot/cold/dizzy  (Read 1950 times)


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« on: March 15, 2018, 02:48:57 PM »

Not sure if I can describe what just happened to me. I was standing in the kitchen and suddenly felt extremely dizzy, I thought I was going to fall. I got a wave of heat through my body for a few seconds then extremely cold feeling rushing through me, I'm still shaking with the cold as I type. Has made me really panicky, please can anyone relate. Still feel a bit dizzy and extremely cold. It's not my sugars as I checked but feels like there's something tight on my head like Im Wearing glasses
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 03:03:00 PM by Yammy1 »


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2018, 05:18:24 PM »

Hi Yammy,
I know you have had a chest infection recently. I was wondering if you have some kind of virus which effects the inner ear which can make you dizzy.
I was watching a GP programme last night and there was a woman with this problem. She had gone extremely dizzy while out shopping and had to sit down and had been feeling dizzy ever since. The Dr asked her to stand up and close her eyes and put her arms out to the sides. She then asked her to walk one foot in front of the other  (like they ask drunk drivers to do). Try doing that. If you are unbalanced, maybe go to GP to check your inner ear. The Dr in the programme said it's a virus of the inner ear and there isn't much they can do other than you have to rest. The woman in question felt hot and said her heart was racing but when the Dr took her pulse it was fine as was her temp and blood pressure. The racing heart was obviously a panic attack. (you can watch the prog on the Ch5 I player, it's called GP's Behind Closed Doors).
Also, with anxiety, if I get something like you did eg. the fright of the dizzy feeling I will get a wave of heat which I assume is the adrenaline of the anxiety attack then I will go cold and even shiver a bit and this can last a good few hours afterwards.
Try not to worry and perhaps take one of your emergency meds?


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2018, 05:57:16 PM »

Thank you snoooze your very kind to reply. I did panic and this obviously made things worse. I took half an emergency pill and I I'm feeling a bit better now. I just got a fright because I was on my own with my four old grandson. I think your right about a virus, I had chest X-ray last week which was clear but even though I'm finished my antibiotic for  chest infection I still feel Fluey. I'll ring doc in the morning if I still feel bad, I had bloods taken last week and I'm wondering if my iron has dropped again. This would explain a lot.  Once again thank you so much I've been doing so well the past couple of months and this has set me back.


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2018, 08:43:56 PM »

I've also been doing well, but the anxiety is never completely gone, it's always in the background. I get that dizzy feeling sometimes and it does scare you but to reassure you, when I had a really bad virus quite a few years ago that lasted 8 weeks, I had quite a few dizzy spells like that and I aso got an ear infection. Viruses are nasty things and they do tend to linger. Obviously if it is a virus your GP will tell you there is nothing they can do for it but at least it will put your mind at rest if he confirms the virus.

Don't let this set you back and also, I can tell that you're not as anxious as you used to be, you are reassured more quicky so your AD's are doing their job.


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2018, 08:53:37 PM »

I've had this from hormonal migraines and the pressure feeling around my head has been constant for 18 months but the hot and cold shakes are less intense now.

It's frightening when it suddenly hits you and a family member who looked after me for a week when very bad said that I looked like I was coming off heroin!


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2018, 10:16:51 PM »

Thank you snoooze and dangermouse, it's reassuring to know your not alone. I'm determined not to let this blip bring me back to where I was before. If I have to I will go to doc and maybe talk about upping my ads. I'm only on 10mg so very low dose. I'm going to have a few drinks now and stay in bed in the morning for a well deserved rest, i. Not minding my grandson tomorrow, nice day off


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Re: Hot/cold/dizzy
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2018, 10:42:28 PM »

Have yourself a lovely relaxing day Yammy!

I know with my anxiety when my kids were very young, it used to make me 10 times worse if I had an attack when they were with me. Hope tomorrow is a good day.