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Author Topic: Heavy periods - again  (Read 6182 times)


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Heavy periods - again
« on: March 13, 2018, 04:59:58 PM »

This perimeno period thing is really getting to me, I actually feel scared of my period coming as I feel I could bleed to death. I know it sounds dramatic  ::), but it just scares me and I have panic attacks during it. For the last couple of years or so, and I've posted about this before,  it is getting to me more and more over time. I've had bleeding at 23 days and sometimes at 28 days and sometimes a few days later. I know I obviously come into the 'heavy bleeding' category and have estimated a loss of 180 ml or something like that each period, with day 2 and 3 being the worse, but even that changes. Nothing is the same anymore, heavy days have changed, bleeding lasts longer, sometimes shorter, stops for 12 hours then starts again, comes quickly usually in rushes...blah blah blah (I'm sure you've all heard this so many times before)....but it is these 2 -3 bad days that really get to me badly and the not knowing what to expect each time. I wasn't so bad when I was using tampons, but I switched to towels a couple of years ago, as the stop start nature meant tampon insertion was hard at times. (sorry TMI probably) There is no pain involved, and no bleeding between periods, clots if they occur are very small.

I take iron supplements daily to stave off anaemia, as I am prone that way.

Can anyone give me some advice - is this hideously heavy ? Should I be more worried ? Have people have heavier than this ? I guess I just want to hear that I'm not alone, that this is an expected perimeno quantity of blood loss. I would be grateful for any thoughts and experiences.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 05:05:08 PM »

I was going to add, I first posted about this last November - and had some fantastic replies which I have re-read, including some links to articles. I don't want people to think that I'm ignoring the comments I've had before, it is more that I'm asking about the 'heavy' element, as nothing describes what 'heavy' is.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2018, 05:13:10 PM »

4 me heavy was 10 days bleeding: clots, sudden loss of blood, the need to change pads every 25-40 mins., in the night I would sleep on a thick towel as it would drain - down my bottom onto the bed  :'(.  AND THE PAIN  :-\  :'(.  for the 1st two days.  Then I would have 10 days without bleeding B4 it began again.  I would move and clots would leave my body to the point that I didn't dare move in case it leaked.  For 2-3 years until I went on The Pill.

Then the PMT began  :-\

28 day cycle.  Someone once told me that a lady's period loss was no more than a tablespoon ful.  I never measured mine but know that my loss was a lot more.  I was never anaemic as we had a balanced diet whilst I was growing up with lots of exercise and home grown foods. 

How many pads do you use?  How thick do you require? 


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2018, 05:27:00 PM »

Thanks for your reply CLKD, I really appreciate it, as am feeling low today.

I'm basing my guesstimated loss on the last time I used tampons for the whole period. On the 2-3 heaviest days a super sized - orange - tampon (I'm basing it on that, since even though it s a while since I used them I don't think the flow has changed to currently) lasts about 1 and 1/2 -  1 and 3/4 hours.

I do apologise for the type of information I'm putting here, but I guess you guys are used to it.   :( Without wishing to be - err - too personal - Since changing to pads I don't seem to lose vaginally without going to the toilet or when I make a  physical movement that causes the positional change and 'whoosh'. I'm not sure what that is, always been the same and a bit 'vaccum sealed' internally  ;D. So, during the night with a pad nothing comes out, but its all backed up and floods first thing.

Tablespoon, yeah right LOL That's 15 mls only. I don't remember that little even from being a teenager.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2018, 05:31:01 PM »

Nowt is too much info on here  ::). Been there, done it.

That 'whoosh' covers it completely 4 me!  I would bleed 24/7 until the period stopped.  I could never use tampons as my vagina is too short, it was pads ........ initially via a belt: remember those  :-\  :-X : then as in the pants-type pads arrived, I tried most.  The more modern protection hadn't yet been developed so they were quite bulky.  Sometimes I needed to stick one on top of the other ......... and the leakage round the edges proved that they were designed by someone not familiar with the Female Form  :poke2:


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2018, 05:56:14 PM »

I used to worry on a period, thought i was going to bleed to death most months and would panic.  At night I would have to use 2 tampons side by side and a sanitary towel and still have to rush to the toilet 2 or 3 times.  During the day I would have to plan where the toilets were if going out ready for the hourly change and holidays were planned around my periods! I was very regular so could usually do this within a day or two.  Also the more stress I had in my life always made it worse.

The only time I noticed lighter periods was when I was taking ibuprofen for about a year with a frozen shoulder.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2018, 06:04:51 PM »

Dierdre! Thanks so much. Thats how I feel right now, like my period is ruling my activity, life and daily events. Its not even like I can guarantee which day its going to affect. I guess you never did bleed to death though  ;) We went on a cruise in the summer, and day 2 came on the day we were on a big off-shore visit in Russia. It was a nightmare, I can't even describe how terrible it was, I flooded a toilet, had it on my clothes and everything. The whole day was hideous.

I honestly can't believe you said that about Ibruprofen, I was literally just thinking that I'd heard it can significantly reduce bleeding and was coming back on to ask if anyone had tried it during heavy bleed days !


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2018, 06:05:58 PM »

I can't tell you how much better I feel having had this on-line interaction with you guys. Its not something people talk about IRL. I tried with my mother as shes the only person I felt I could ask, and she clammed up on it.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2018, 07:07:09 PM »

I could never go on holiday around that time  :-\.  I would have required a suitcase to carry the pads and towels in  ;D

Being a woman sucks  :-X


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2018, 07:29:15 PM »

It really does suck. I used to laugh when people said 'being a woman is crap' at times.....I never really knew how crap until the last year or so of crap.


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2018, 07:30:00 PM »

It certainly does CLKD  :-\

Charys the day I went to
See my menopause guru I had to stand with my legs crossed because it was literally running down my legs :o
My husband asked my if I wanted him to carry me!!!
I had to go into the library and stuff that blue hand towel in my knickers!!

When we got to the hospital they had cream leather seats  ::)
You can imagine my reaction to that!!

My super plus tampon would only last an hour too, it's truly horrid. Since I've started HRT they last 4/5 days instead of 8/10 and for the first time ever I can use regular tampons  :D


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2018, 08:37:32 PM »

i can also relate to all this , i went to an event last june i had been really looking foward to and there i had my first flood  , lucky i was wearing black trousers , then i missed a period and i thought it was the end of my periods but then the nightmare started and was bleeding continuosly but lightly for 2 months , and when had period had to use tampon plus pad, i was sent to gynae for further investigation and ended up with scan and then biopsy , in december i was told i had hyperplasia and given prog treatment for three months first month was fine , second month started bleeding like a light period and then the first 2 weeks of 3rd month a nightmare , sores between legs whatever pads i used ,bleeding would stop and then suddenly at night i would flood with big clots , 2 mornings when i got to work about an hour after getting up i had floods so bads had to rinse my trousers and dry them at work , now i have had 8 days of only very very light bleeding so i hope it's sorting it's self out  ???


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2018, 08:38:54 PM »

How awful  :(


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2018, 08:50:15 PM »

Ladies I seriously don't know how you cope with that I'm so blood phobic best thing I ever did was have that hysterectomy,I so admire you for taking it in your stride the way you do I just couldn't it wrecked me mentally.I still hate blood I wish I could change the colour of it lol.good luck everyone xx


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Re: Heavy periods - again
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2018, 12:32:13 PM »

I used to feel really ill if I heard the siren of an Ambulance but that stopped once I worked in a Hospital  ::).  Blood can do 'strange' things to people, I've seen the tallest rugby players faint. 

Is it the warning red colour I wonder?

It's human sick I don't do  :-X:scottie: :cat48:  OK with, human  :-X :-X.
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