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Author Topic: hi no period for 8 months and yesterday BANG - They came back with a vengeance  (Read 1564 times)


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hi i'm 47 have had no periods for 8 months - no other symptoms either - thought to myself maybe this is it.
i was hoping that this is it as i suffer from really heavy periods - have been all my life. i have no pain with it just heavy periods, however this makes me feel weak for about a week, so two weeks out of the month i feel under the weather . For 8 months that i didn't have them was absolute bliss - i cant' tell you.
but yesterday they came back with a vengeance - heavier than before - had to change three times during the night.
not sure what to do.
i just want them to stop
has anyone used any alternative medicine to at least make the periods lighter? Don't want to take HRT as there are risks.

what do you recommend?



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The risks of hrt are minimal especially at your age. The benefits greatly outweigh the risks so I would visit your GP and ask for a low dose hrt.


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Morning nosymptoms

I do not know of anything alternative to lighten the periods.  I had the same problem, but I had the pain as well, as if I was going into labour. In the end I had an ablation, due to thickening of the womb (adenomyosis), which was causing the heavy periods.  Bliss for 7 months and then they came back, but not so heavy and without the severe pain. Went back to gynie who explained that my ovaries were probably having a last little hurrah and then periods would go of their own accord again, which they did.  So it may be that there has been a bit of ovary action and yours will go quite soon again.  In the meantime, please make sure you do not become anaemic as I did. It did not occur to me that the original loss of so much blood each month was the reason for me feeling so exhausted.  I am sure you are much more switched on than me!


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nosymptoms - I'm afraid this can be typical of the peri stage.  Periods can be heavier, lighter, closer together or further apart.  It might be worth considering having a Mirena fitted as this will keep the womb lining thin and help prevent heavy bleeds - the bleeds may well stop altogether!! You could then add in some oestrogen if you start to get flushes or other meno symptoms and having a few years of oestrogen in your 50s does give protection for the heart and bones for the long term.  At 47, you are still your to be oestrogen deficient so some HRT might be advisable. This option may give you the balance you need right now or you could try an oral low dose HRT.  DG x