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Author Topic: menopause test  (Read 5585 times)


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menopause test
« on: January 18, 2018, 12:54:51 PM »

Hi I am 53 I had a hysterectomy at the age of 32, both ovaries left in had one removed 15 years ago. I have had a lot of trouble with water infections the last two years but I've been clear for three months now thankfully. I have been to my gp and asked for a hormone test but was told your 53 no need your going through menopause have a look on this website and make a decision if I wanted to try hrt. So here I am I was diagnosed with under active thyroid when I turned 59 not the best birthday present I feel exhausted I've just had it checked again and its OK I could all asleep standing up to be honest, my skin is dry in places my nipples hurt I have headaches was diagnosed with fybromyalgia 8 years ago to. I did see a dermatologist as the top of my head has a burning sensation really uncomfortable not hot as in a flush. My moods are all over I am on antidepressants at the minute I am just looking for some helpful advise and am I going through menopause. My daughter is so angry with the doctor she feels a hormone test would be beneficial to me any advice would be great fully received
« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 01:39:16 PM by Emma »


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2018, 01:26:22 PM »

Hi and welcome Juneo
Do start you own thread so more people can respond to you.

I assume you were diagnosed with thyroid problems at 49? Not 59 as stated in your post? Surely they must have checked you hormones as well at that stage - if not, why not???!!!! All very strange!!!

Anyway, blood tests for hormone levels are not always that reliable and at 53 it is right to assume that you are in menopause, so HRT would be the right way forward.  You have many health issues going on and HRT may well help with many things you are struggling with.   As you have had a hysterectomy, you only need oestrogen - which is great.
I would suggest you try Oestrogel or oestrogen patches as using HRT transdermally is more effective and safer.
You may find the oestrogen will help with mood and you could try coming of the ADs - you should have been given oestrogen before being given ADs really!!!!

Pop back to your GP and ask for oestrogen as Oestrogel or patch - if you go for patches ask for Estrodot and at least a 50mcg dose.  I suspect after a few weeks you may start to feel better and you could then start coming slowly off the ADs. 
Do look at lifestyle choices as well - so eat small amounts often and eat a low fat, low sugar diet, take supplements if need be ( e.g. Vitamins D and B12  and iron) and start increasing physical activity when you can - start with short brisk walks. It will be a range of strategies that will start to get your life back on track. DG x

This topic has been moved from another board.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2018, 01:40:21 PM by Emma »


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2018, 04:35:47 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop the muscles may become lax = aches and pains which can be eased by over-the-counter pain relief.

As oestrogen levels drop the body becomes dry: inside and out  >:(  ::) - skin; deep in the ears; eyes; my insteps itch every night when I take off my socks, no problems in the day  ::) and do read the threads on vaginal atrophy here.  For me it was like razor blades up there  :o with repeated urine infection-type symptoms; fortunately my GP recognised what the was happening and prescribed appropriate treatments.

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary useful.


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2018, 05:39:49 PM »

Hi Juneo


As Dancinggirl said - you should never have been given anti-depressants for menopausal symptoms. and doctors need to be alert to symptoms in women such as yourself who do not have periods to tell what is happening to your cycle. I agree also re the transdermal HRT.

Re underactive thryoid - this and menopause may well be the cause of the fibromyalgia diagnosis since underactive thyroid is one of the known causes, and low oestrogen/testosterone too (although often not recognised by some doctors who refuse to treat women appropriately ie with hormones as a result of fibro). I presume you are taking medication? Re blood tests - more important to have your thyroid tested regularly especially as you are going through the menopause and also your medication may well need adjusting once you start HRT as there is some interaction between thyroid hormone metabolism and oestrogen. Also how you feel and how your weight is? If you are exhausted and with dry skin - this could be due to insufficient thyroid meds as well as low oestrogen (and even testosterone).

Hurdity x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2018, 07:18:25 PM »

Hi thank you for the replies great information sorry I should have checked yes I was 49 when I was first diagnosed with an under active thyroid. I'm not sure how to start a new thread new to this and to be honest my concentration levels are really bad. Its lovely to be given such posative information thankyou


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2018, 06:08:13 PM »

Hi again Juneo - not sure where you first posted but you don't need to start a new thread now because Emma (moderator/administrator) has moved it for you so all OK and in the right place! :)

Do ask if the is anything else we can help you with.

Hurdity x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2018, 06:17:51 PM »

Hi Juneo just for future start a new thread go to home page click on whichever subject you feel you'd like to post under,that page will then come up and at the top right of it there's a row of blue boxes where you just click on “new topic” and write away till your hearts content lol good luck and keep posting.xx


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2018, 08:38:16 AM »

Thankyou both for your advice I appreciate it, regarding the advice on the gel and patches I'm a little nervous of this I have to half cousin's on my mothers side who are sister boh were on hrt and both had breast cancer two different types of cancer but sadly one lost her fight at age 52 to years ago and her sister is in remission. With everything that's been said about hrt I'm nervous about it to be honest any advice would be much appreciated thankyou


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2018, 09:13:26 AM »

Juneo. - It has to be close relatives e.g. mother sister for their to be increase risk of BC. 
AS you have had a hysterectomy, using oestrogen should reduce your risk of Breast cancer!!!!!
Oestrogen will also protect you heart and bones and help prevent urogenital atrophy - it may also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.  So, for you, there are lots of health benefits and very, very few risks.  You probably should have been given oestrogen earlier - your doctors have been a bit negligent over this really. 
You will hopefully feel so much better when on some oestrogen - my neighbour was just like you and, once I'd given her a ‘bit of a talk' about all this, she popped to the GP, got the Oestrogel and hasn't looked back. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2018, 02:57:09 PM »

Dancinggirl thankyou for clarifying this for me :)I will be going to see my gp next week thankyou for your help and advice. Its nice to be able to talk about things it does get me down so tired all the time.


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2018, 04:55:49 PM »

Hi Juneo
It's worth writing down all your symptoms and questions when seeing the doctor and print off any info from this site you might need, this helps you to focus during the appointment - you could simply hand it to the doctor for them to keep on file for reference.
Keep us posted - we are here to support you. DG x


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2018, 06:22:57 PM »

Thankyou I should have mentioned when I did see the dermatologist she said the painful burning sensation on the top of my head was because of in her opinion I was going through the change this was a year ago she also told me to use Audovatr 0.02&% w/w ointment 2 times a week vaginally and to used epaderm ointment internally to help with the discomfort with sex not that it helps but I've just carried on doing it I suppose I've just given up to be honest. So many things going on I didn't realise until I've put it on here  :'(


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2018, 06:50:11 PM »

Urogenital atrophy needs local oestrogen prescribed by your GP (Vagifem is the most popular) and vaginal moisturisers e.g. SYLK or the YES products are the best and you can buy these online.

I don't recognise the products your dermatologist prescribed - what is in these?

So when you see you GP, I'd ask for the Vagifem.

To make sex possible and more comfortable, I find Durex ‘Perfect Glide' the best lubrication.



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Re: menopause test
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2018, 07:22:37 PM »

H I'm sensitive to Durex lubricants the audavate is a steroid ointment the other is a moisturizer for sensitive skin. I will look at the silk and yes products thankyou


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Re: menopause test
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2018, 07:39:10 PM »

Thankyou Hurdity just re read what you have put my daughter was saying the same to me regarding estrogen , testosterone etc, my under active thyroid she was quite angry when I last visited my go and that my gp refused to check my hormone levels my daughter has seen me struggle with this for a few years now and its got worse , I was convinced my blood tests would come back with my thyroid playing up but I've been told it was OK I've never felt as tired as what I do now everything is an effort, sometimes I can't bring myself t make conversation with any one I have the worst crawling sensation gong up and down my arms on a night time, the burning sensation vaginally is hurendous,when I do eventually sleep I do  for aprox 9 hours then I feel like I've never slept, I'm a size 14 and struggle to keep my weight down I'm craving sweet things all the time, I have terrible mood swings. I'm not having the flushes as much at the minute, my hair is dry and limp my skin is dry my memory is terrible, palpations in my chest, I am going to go back to see my gp thankyou
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