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Author Topic: 6 month update Angeliq  (Read 4511 times)


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6 month update Angeliq
« on: October 10, 2017, 01:16:33 PM »

Hi Ladies

As promised here is my 6 month update on Angeliq combi HRT.


Joint pain massive improvement
Mood very good and stable
Improvement in VA
Skin/hair better
Sleeping well
No bleeds


libido not great even though using testogel
still getting light headed during the day (listed as side effect) which is worse symptom.
No hot flushes but increase in sweats between 10:00 -2:00 as regular as this. Also accompanied by the light-headedness.
Some times I feel a bit like I have flu
a little anxious at times during the day (again listed as side effect)

Not sure if the symptoms are due to side effects or a reduction in oestrogen as Angeliq is a low dose.
My question is do you think things will settle or do I need to increase my HRT?? I like the progesterone in Angeliq esp for my mood and at 58 would prefer to stay on Angeliq..... but hate this daily light-headedness :(



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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2017, 05:34:52 PM »

I've now been on Angeliq for 3 months and so far so good, I'd suffered from depression and anxiety every 3 months which would last for about 3 weeks while I was on Elleste Conti and then Kliovance.
Had a few stomach problems for the first few weeks on Angeliq but it settled. I thought I was going to have another bout of depression a few weeks ago but it was mild and only lasted a couple of days.
Like you my skin is great and I'm sleeping well.
I've not experienced any light headedness but can find myself a bit dizzy in the afternoon but I think that's dehydration as I know I don't drink enough water.
Maybe get your ears checked, I was lightheaded for weeks a while back,turned out it was labrynthitis (sp).
I'm hoping to stay on Angeliq as it seems to suit me, praying they don't discontinue it!!


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2017, 06:05:16 PM »

Hello warwick 01.

Thank you so much for the update. I am not an Angeliq user but I wonder if side effects take longer to settle for those of us on a low dose regime.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2017, 07:49:00 AM »

Hi warwick01 - thanks for the update. What is your diet like? Maybe it is related to blood sugar. Perhaps you need to look at your pattern of food consumption throughout the day and have more to eat for breakfast and lunch?

Glad it is better overall and hope your libido improves!

Hurdity x


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2017, 01:14:29 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Thank you for your replies along with advice.

Yes, may be I need to assess my diet as its so regular that I get the light-headedness, sweating etc.

My mood is the best its been for ages.

Hope the update helps others Wxx


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2017, 02:46:47 PM »

Graze?  I try to eat every 3 hours.  To stop that awful nausea lurch  :-\.  Dried fruits and nuts.  Toast with hot Bovril drink.  Spreading out my meals to accommodate how I need to eat to keep nourished. 


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2017, 07:36:22 AM »

Morning Marie62 and all,
I've been switched recently to Angelique......not even a month in yet so I know it's early days.

Being positive I've enjoying a massive reduction in sweating and being overheated....(I put a blanket over my feet last night for the first time in - forever! I was so excited to feel cool I could have thrown a party to celebrate!! ☺️🙄)     Ah the little things!

And I've had a couple of weeks of not bleeding at all for the first time in ages which nice (I'm being positive and enjoying that little perk! Please PLEASE may that continue!!!)

But I have noticed quite few times I feel lightheaded. As if I've turned my head too quickly and the contents of my scull have taken a few seconds to catch up and stop rocking.  This morning, for the first time that feeling is not going.. I feel very slightly "sea sick".

I'm sure it's not blood sugar or dehydration related.

 My libido feels like it's woken up a little.....but getting some sleep, not bleeding or feeling sweaty and irritable because of it will do that for you I guess..

But the lightheadedness is not pleasant. Im hoping it will settle.

I'm afraid and sorry to say I have no medical or specific info to offer, but I really hope you find an sounds like Angelique may work for you in a lot of ways.......maybe we should all be put into a medically induced coma for abaout 5 years to bypass all this "bollocks" and wake up with it all behind us! 😂

Good luck and thanks for sharing. X



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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2017, 10:42:59 AM »

Hi LizzyD

Welcome to the Angeliq club ;D

In my experience this has one of the kindest progesterone's in it and for me less side effects than others I've tried. With regards the lightheadedness - It is a common side effect and should improve with time. This is the one symptom I have struggled with as I have a phobia of fainting >:( so you can imagine the anxiety it brings with it.

I have just started month 7 so lets hope the lightheadedness improves for me too. I have read after 6 months 90% of women do not suffer side effects.

Hope this helps Wxx


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2017, 11:11:13 AM »

Hi Warwick 01

Thank you  ☺️ 

Good to hear you are doing well on it. That's encouraging.
I know what you mean about the fainting,,,I wouldn't say I have a phobia but I know what you makes me feel anxious, feeling disorientated and out of control, and sort of unable to focus.  A bit like being mildly drunk.
I'm not enjoying it all all at the moment. But as other symptoms seem to have been helped fairly significantly in just the first couple of weeks I'll hang in there.

Another question for you all please  -  I do acknowledge my tolerance for alcohol is just not what it was.  That's ok. I can live with that.. but yesterday I had a really relaxed nice (early) lunch and afternoon with good friends. Ate healthily but very enjoyably. Drank water as well so was nicely hydrated. I had 2 glasses of sparkling wine - and then developed the most horrible sickly headache afterwards. It just would not go and built up and up.  I ate again in the evening thinking maybe I needed food although I didn't feel hungry again but my headache just wouldn't go. Got home feeling awful.  Had an upset stomach and had to go to bed at 7pm I felt so bad.  I slept, with only a short wake in the night,  for nearly 12 hours.  I'm writing this to you from my bed where I've taken myself for a snooze (mainly to get away from hubby watching football! I'm not so ill or being dramatic 😁) but I still feel wiped out and sleepy and headachy.

That's really not happened to me like that before. Could it be related to the hrt and has anyone else experienced it?



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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2017, 02:08:05 PM »

Yes LizzyD, I find my tolerance of alcohol has decreased since going back on HRT a few months ago. I had Tibolone for a while, but am now on Oestrogel. I can just about manage one small glass of wine in the evening but it makes me feel more anxious than usual the next morning. More than that I would no longer risk. A small amount at lunchtime (small glass of wine or beer) seems OK. Don't know if it is age (68) or the oestrogen. I have heard that fizzy wine goes to one's head more quickly.

Anyway, I do hope you feel back to normal soon. Here's a  :foryou: for the invalid!


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2017, 02:14:12 PM »

Hi LizzyD

The first 2 months I struggled with headache after drinking wine. Improved now, I think your body needs to adjust esp with oral HRT as both go through the liver.

You will feel better at the 3 month mark as for me most side effects settled.

Take Care Wxx


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Re: 6 month update Angeliq
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2017, 02:23:31 PM »

Thanks for those replies

Ah well, it seems like itll probably be me on the virgin GnT's (i.e. Tonic!!😩) tonight at the birthday party I'm going to.

I've still got a low level sickly head this afternoon.   But I'll not risk spoiling a night out by feeling like I did yesterday if I have any alcohol.

I'll give it some time as you say, and I appreciate hearing your experiences.