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Author Topic: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'  (Read 16838 times)


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #60 on: October 21, 2017, 11:35:12 PM »

Your original post could have been mine - you've nailed exactly how I feel.   I have had several really bad bouts over the last three years and this current one has now been with me for nearly three months.  I have some kind of funny trapped wind thing on my left side that is almost certainly anxiety related - as it never bothers me or it goes when I am busy or out with others and happily distracted.  But I can't seem to lift the negativity long term, or when I'm alone/not distracted.  Like the OP I want desperately to get out of my head.

I would actually really like a couple of glasses of wine, but meno has stopped me metabolising it, it makes me wake in the early hours completely paranoid.

I am starting to despair of ever being well.  Have prescription for Sertraline but too scared to take it.   Take HRT but not convinced it helps the anxiety (my god, if it does, what on earth would I be like without it!).


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #61 on: October 22, 2017, 08:53:05 AM »

I woke this morning in tears of despair! Thinking that my anxiety and depression are back. I truly feel that I've made very little progress over the last 2 years.
But the posters on this thread have made me feel ‘normal' - so thank you!
I too, wish I could get out of my head as it's not the best place to be.
I feel like I'm wishing my life away at the moment.
Good luck to all and let's hope we find some respite soon x


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #62 on: October 22, 2017, 02:50:20 PM »

Sweet Pea - sorry if you've already said but menobrain here can't remember whether you have considered Anti-depressant and Anti-anxiety medications?  Without mine I wouldn't be here!  I also have an emergency pill to take when anxiety floors me.  I am gradually withdrawing the Propranolol due to background headaches which have made my mental health judder, they have served me well since 2002 but I need to adjust what I am swallowing.  The GP is keeping a close eye  ::).  PHEW!

Does the 'fluoxetine' help any, an AD?  Don't know why the Companies give these drugs such long names  ::).  Is it a drug that you could 'up' the dosage of, or even take one dose on one day and up the next to even out how you feel?  It will pass.  I used to wake in DEEP pre-hensile fear - that I would never feel well again.  I never considered that any of my depression was hormone related, it was AWFUL - regardless of the cause  :-\


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #63 on: October 22, 2017, 03:55:36 PM »

Hi all

CLKD - fluoxetine is a long name for Prozac. Sorry - I have a nurse background and can't help using big words when a little one will do  ;D. Prozac has saved my life I think.  I came off it last year  as I HATE the notion of having to take the damned thing just to feel normal.  I was taking biotin to help hair growth and thought it was also helping my anxiety as I felt great for a while.  I soon found myself having suicidal thoughts and feeling as I described in my first post.  Within days of re starting Prozac I was coping again.  It is an AD but it works for my anxiety. It must counter whatever it is I produce early morning (cortisol? Adrenaline?  ) and although I have started with the dreads again it's nothing like as bad as it was.  What a rollercoaster this is.

Wendy, Rebel and Mis171mum...I'm sorry you  are struggling too.  I wish I had some words of reassurance...perhaps just we are NOT alone in this and hundreds and of other women suffer with the Madness. I'm sort of proof it can be controlled a little with drugs...but I never know if I'm cured, if it will come back. 

Rebel: I think if I were you I would try the sertraline. It can't do any harm and might just even up your brain chemicals as the Prozac has done for me.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 04:04:04 PM by SweetPea »


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #64 on: October 23, 2017, 03:25:51 PM »

I have just been give elleste duet my doctor says it was one of the common ones that is used by a lot of women , I was using the sequi patch a that worked at first then ‘bang ‘all my sweats moods etc came back , feeling so low and worthless have a funeral tomorrow my uncle and I am dreading it , can't start the elleste duet until I start a period whenever that will be ! Now reading your post I don't feel so keen I know different ones work for some people but knowing my luck they won't work, has anyone been on them and they have worked well ?


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2017, 01:09:06 AM »

Dear Sweet Pea

Thanks for your account of how you are feeling with menopause.  I am sure that many of us can identify with the awful feelings of fear and anxiety that cause so much distress particularly on waking.  So glad that the Prozac is having a beneficial effect and hope that you continue to feel better as meno can be so disturbing.  Would you mind sharing the dose of the ad with us.  Did you encounter any difficulties when first going on it.  Many thanks for sharing on the forum.



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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2017, 11:06:04 AM »

Hi Meg

I'm currently taking 20 mg twice daily and I think it's a regime that works for me.  It works quickly to elevate my dreadful “I can't do this wish I was dead” mood. According to my GP this shouldn't happen as it's not the way the drug metabolises......but I can really feel it kick me into gear about ten mins after taking it.    I have had no problems with it although my sister said she felt drugged and woozy like a zombie when she was on it.  I find it makes me more motivated and productive. Just lifts that dark cloud.   There are lots of newer SSRIs that perhaps are better... but this works for me.  I've had a problem with it for years, viewing it as the enemy...why should I have to take a drug to make me feel happy.  But now I've come to terms, especially in meno, that it is a life saver for me.


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2017, 12:24:05 PM »

Why not take medication?  When you are hungry, do you not eat?  The brain needs support too.  I wanted to know what was causing my depression B4 agreeing to long-term ADs, but no one was interested.  'genetic pre-disposition' has never been enough explanation!!

I have to take ADs for ever.  I sometimes need to alter the dose in order to feel well.  It's taken years to get so that I'm not worrying all the while.


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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #68 on: October 25, 2017, 01:30:57 AM »

Thanks Sweet Pea for your response.  I appreciate your candour in describing your horrendous symptoms. My heart goes out to all of you lovely ladies who are going through so much suffering through menopause.  It is hard to know why some women are hit so much harder than others and we are in the 21st century.  Thanks CLKD for your wisdom.



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Re: Really desperate for advice menopause cyclic 'madness'
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2017, 04:00:29 PM »

So this is how random and weird it is.  I SO wanted to be well.  But,  today I feel the shitty (sorry) demon return.   I can just be sitting thinking about what to make for lunch one minute,  and , ‘oooh, I would be better off dead'  next minute.   Here we go again.

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