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Author Topic: *Tiptoes in nervously*  (Read 13429 times)


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2017, 09:16:28 AM »

A "Pointless void" eh? Wow - now there's a helpful phrase for a GP to use! In fairness mine's always been fairly pointless but I guess it fills my innards up so... !  ;)

It had already occurred to me that if I DO manage to cope with the blood test they'd better take a full armload there and then as I certainly won't be doing it again!  ;D


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2017, 11:11:55 AM »

As for a needle phobia - it's really common  ::) - I have held the hand of many men when they were waiting for pain relieving injections  :D.  The older I get the more it bothers me (as does my up-coming smear test)  :sigh: ....... so I make sure that I lay down B4 I need to give blood.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2017, 01:29:27 PM »

Hello worstwitch,

It's good you have joined us.



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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2017, 01:59:46 PM »

OK - in the interests of keeping track:
Things are a little better today on the bleeding front - it's still happening but as this is my "patch free" week I'm trying to remind myself that I would expect it to be at this stage. It's still heavy but not so much so, and far "thinner" than it has been (this could be related to the ibuprofen?) but feels more "normal period" than anything I've experienced for a while. Back to being incredibly low on energy though and the breathlessness isn't much better. No - scrub that, it's not helpful - the breathlessness is getting worse.
*note: forgot to take the wellwoman capsule on Sunday - this *could* be related to a dip in energy again yesterday and today. Need to remember to put a pack in my work bag so I have them with me and can take at lunchtime if I remember, and in the evening if not.
Unsure whether the Ibuprofen are having an effect or not as yet - bleeding is still heavier than I would have expected when I was on the patch before - a LOT heavier - but it's definitely nowhere near as floody and clotty as it was before - that was horrible.
Just having somewhere to note this stuff and bounce things off people is making a HUGE difference to how I feel about things - the light is back on at the end of the tunnel, albeit still quite dimly as yet.

Making a point of trying to eat at least 1 specifically "iron rich" food per day - yesterday was watercress, today will be eggs, tomorrow probably liver, this is in additional to a normal balanced diet.



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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2017, 02:04:56 PM »



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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2017, 02:11:11 PM »

Awww fanks CLKD!  :)


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2017, 07:33:38 PM »

Hi just to say I went through a shocking phase of flooding last year. I use cloth pads and found that some of them coped remarkably well. I also found that I have become more sensitive to everything and the cloth pads were more comfortable and soothing. The heavier ones sold on here are good .


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2017, 07:56:54 PM »

I just wanted to say Hello and tell you that you aren't alone. In May, well all of May to be exact, I had very heavy bleeding (changing a maxi towel every hour and 3 pairs of Tena pants + pads overnight). After the second week I went to A&E as I was away from home and really unsure what to do. They tested me and told me I was borderline anaemic but to eat lots of spinach and other iron rich foods and as long as I wasn't pregnant / miscarrying or haemorrhaging (sp?) to see how things went and if it recurred to get my GP to book a scan! It stopped about 2 days after I got back so I am now waiting to see what happens next  ???


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2017, 08:15:56 PM »

It's almost impossible to get enough iron from food if you are low. A couple of members have recommended a kind to the tummy supplement. It might be a good idea to start that.
As to taking Ibuprofen. Do be careful that you don't end up with an upset tummy. They are not good for long term use at all.

Hope you get to see a GP really soon.....well one that will give you the appropriate treatment.

Mrs Brown


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2017, 09:19:33 PM »

Sadly I have no choice but to go the food route as I'm intolerant to some of the ingredients in iron pills, including Floradix, so I can either be anaemic or vomiting.

Re the ibuprofen, I did some research during that episode and it can either reduce or increase the bleeding, and as you say isn't a long term solution. I found taking 1 each day appeared to help but the effect was negligible so may well have happened if I hadn't taken them.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 09:21:40 PM by getting_old »


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2017, 10:03:16 PM »

Welcome Helenhelena ......... tnx for your input  :thankyou:


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2017, 06:57:14 AM »

Just to add re iron - I know Floradix do pills but I have only ever used the liquid tonic which is very gentle on the system - it's very natural and I can't imagine it has additives that would upset the stomach. If you are bleeding that much and feeling breathless ( I remember this from pregnancy) I really would try to boost your iron levels asap and thereafter of course maintain an iron rich diet.

Here are the ingredients from Floradix liquid:
Aqueous Extract (54%) from Carrots, Nettles, Spinach, Quitch Roots, Fennel, Ocean Kelp, African Mallow Blossom. Mixture of Fruit Juice Concentrates (29.4%) Pear, Grape, Blackcurrant Juice, Water, Blackberry, Cherry, Orange, Red Beet, Lemon, Carob Extract, It also says this :

"No alcohol, preservatives, colourings or artificial flavourings, & free from lactose
Floradix Liquid Iron Formula contains iron (in the form of iron gluconate), vitamins B2, B6, B12 and C, which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and to normal energy yielding metabolism. Iron also contributes to normal red blood cell and haemoglobin formation, which is supported by vitamins B6 and B12. Floradix also contains vitamin C, which increases iron absorption.

As these nutrients are already dissolved in the liquid, they're absorbed more quickly by the digestive system compared to tablets. Floradix is particularly beneficial for people with an active lifestyle, and expectant and lactating mothers."

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2017, 02:00:55 PM »

Thank you all - much appreciated.

Helenhelena I've looked into cloth pads before but have disregarded them on several levels - firstly that OH really wasn't comfortable with the idea of them sitting around in a bucket etc (bless him he's so good on every other level I really do need to considering him in this!) and secondly the difficulty in using them with work etc. Hopefully it's a suggestion that might work for others though.

getting_old (and I bet you're not really!) glad to hear your situation sorted itself out and more particularly that the food route on the iron worked for you too - I'm incredibly wary of taking an iron supplement without medical advice as I know people can be sensitive to them - not sure I have much of a choice now though!

Mrs Brown thank you - I'm actually fine on Ibuprofen long term - have had to take it in the past and thankfully it has no adverse affects on me at all - a bit of a relief in this situation as I do think it might be helping a bit!  :)

Hurdity thank you so much for listing those ingredients - that certainly does sound gentle and reassuring. I did have a look in Boots yesterday to see what they did and saw the tablets as well as the liquid so again the recommendation to the liquid specifically is a good one.

Definitely feeling as though I have a bit more energy today I think.

On balance I'm inclined to give it a few days really working on the dietary stuff and taking my WellWoman supplement as I have been - that in itself provides 86% of RDA and I *think* I'm starting to see a correlation with having less energy the day or two after I forget to take one... ::) which might mean I can better kick myself up the backside and REMEMBER TO TAKE THE F...LIPPING THINGS!

I think if this continues much longer I'm going to have to see what the earlier appointment I can get with the Nurse Practitioner is though - not ideal as her appointment slots start late and finish early I believe but I'll just have to see what I can do.

On the blood test thing - if I DO manage to get myself over the phobia to get one done, can anyone give me an idea of what aside from iron levels I should be leaning on them to test for?


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2017, 04:42:34 PM »

Just to add re iron - I know Floradix do pills but I have only ever used the liquid tonic which is very gentle on the system - it's very natural and I can't imagine it has additives that would upset the stomach. If you are bleeding that much and feeling breathless ( I remember this from pregnancy) I really would try to boost your iron levels asap and thereafter of course maintain an iron rich diet.

Here are the ingredients from Floradix liquid:

Hurdity x

There are things on that ingredient list that I just need to read to feel ill and would put me out of action for a week  :(  Only option is to eat an iron rich diet.


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Re: *Tiptoes in nervously*
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2017, 08:34:57 AM »

There are things on that ingredient list that I just need to read to feel ill and would put me out of action for a week  :(  Only option is to eat an iron rich diet.

I'll be honest - that really helps from my point of view as I'd far rather know it *can* be done by diet - that's very much my preferred route! So thank you!

So far I've discovered that the Wellwoman capsules are giving me not that far short of what the Floridix would anyway - so I think I'm going to start there. I'm already taking so many different bits with my standard Evening Primrose that I've taken for years, plus the bits I take for arthritis, and now the Magnesium (arrived yesterday - first one taken this morning!) as well, I really want to avoid anything else for as long as I can. I hate taking tablets!

Any foods you can really recommend that might not be that obvious getting_old?

I'm definitely feeling better this morning - first morning for weeks I've got into work and not immediately needed to dash to the loo to do a change. More energy too which is handy as I've got a busy weekend coming up so hoping that lasts!  Feel nervous about getting too positive which is ridiculous I know but I've been here before!  ;D
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