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Author Topic: Extra oestrogen question  (Read 2885 times)


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Extra oestrogen question
« on: June 26, 2017, 05:36:43 AM »

Hi all, I've now been referred to the menopause clinic due to progesterone side effects that have only really kicked in after 4 months on everol sequi. I'd already tried elleste duet and femseven sequi patches, again progesterone side effects. I've now been on everol for 6 months and thought all was going well but not sure if my natural cycle started again as I started bleeding after 3 months on the everol. Anyway the gp has referred me so I'm awaiting that. Also having swabs and an examination.
On Friday last week I switched to oestrogen only patch but knew I was going to have a progesterone withdrawal phase that lasts approx 3-4 days (tiredness fatigue feeling low, etc) so I added my usual patch then put another half on to see if this would counteract the withdrawal and I feel great. My back ache has stopped my mood has been really good no more constipation no tiredness in fact more energy than I have had in a while !!
I told my gp I'd done this and he shook his head but I said I just wanted to see if it would work.
My question now is should I be doing this? Is it safe? And does this show I need a higher dose of oestrogen?
My only worry is that they don't do a 75mg of oestro/prog everol sequi.
Has anyone got any suggestions as I would like to know what to suggest at the meno clinic when I go. Also been reading around some stories that the meno clinic experts have given some ladies a hard time and some don't  appear to be "experts" at all. I live in Nottingham so has anyone got any experience of the Nottingham meno clinic please? 
Thank you x


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 06:12:46 PM »

Hopefully someone with more knowledge will be along soon.

My only thought is that the amount of oestrogen has to be balanced against the progesterone. I have read on here before some ladies have increased the Oestrogen at progesterone withdrawal time with good effects.

I think you just need to make sure that the progesterone you take is enough to clear down the lining built up from the oestrogen. Hope that makes sense!

No experience of Nottingham menopause clinic as I'm in Sheffield.



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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 02:15:14 PM »

Hi all, I've now been referred to the menopause clinic due to progesterone side effects that have only really kicked in after 4 months on everol sequi. I'd already tried elleste duet and femseven sequi patches, again progesterone side effects. I've now been on everol for 6 months and thought all was going well but not sure if my natural cycle started again as I started bleeding after 3 months on the everol. Anyway the gp has referred me so I'm awaiting that. Also having swabs and an examination.
On Friday last week I switched to oestrogen only patch but knew I was going to have a progesterone withdrawal phase that lasts approx 3-4 days (tiredness fatigue feeling low, etc) so I added my usual patch then put another half on to see if this would counteract the withdrawal and I feel great. My back ache has stopped my mood has been really good no more constipation no tiredness in fact more energy than I have had in a while !!
I told my gp I'd done this and he shook his head but I said I just wanted to see if it would work.
My question now is should I be doing this? Is it safe? And does this show I need a higher dose of oestrogen?
My only worry is that they don't do a 75mg of oestro/prog everol sequi.
Has anyone got any suggestions as I would like to know what to suggest at the meno clinic when I go. Also been reading around some stories that the meno clinic experts have given some ladies a hard time and some don't  appear to be "experts" at all. I live in Nottingham so has anyone got any experience of the Nottingham meno clinic please? 
Thank you x

Re meno specialists, perhaos we only hear about the difficulty stories. When you go, Just be as factual as you can, be clear about what you want. Maybe some research on alternative different hrt? I think a lot of women will relate to your estrogen/progesterone balance experience. Hope you get what you need. Let us know how it goes 🤞🏼


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2017, 05:13:01 PM »

Hi Optimist - as the others have said - it may or may not be alright long term for you. The only way to alter the oestrogen separately from the progestogen is to take them separately - but with the progestogens this means orally (Provera or utrogestan) unless the Mirena is used or vaginal Utrogestan ie there is no separate patch progestogen as part of HRT.  It does sound like you will benefit from a higher dose of oestrogen and there are 75 mcg oestrogen patches. Perhpas you could change regime without having to go to a private menopause specialist or perhpas ask for a referral ro an NHS one near you if there is one?

(Hello Mis71Mum - great to see you back :) Hope you're well! )

Hurdity x


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 06:26:28 AM »

Hi ladies thanks for replies. Sorry no post as have been wanting to see how I get on. Have found out that GP referred me to "post coital" gynaecology clinic not meno clinic as requested! Think he's concentrated in the fact I mentioned breakthrough bleeding. I'm thinking of going back this morning to see if I can get the menopause clinic referral I wanted. The woman booking my referral said it should all get sorted as it's gynaecology but I'm not so sure they will deal with my hrt also?!
I've been a bit naughty and have been using the extra half patch since changing to oestrogen only as it's eliminated my back ache and any joint pain also loads more energy and better mood. Sleeping better too. I realise that to increase the oestrogen I'll have to change hrt to provera or utrogestgon as Hurdity mentioned. I do wonder though if I'd been able to try the femoston if that would have worked bug I do like the patches and the fact they bypass the liver.
I'm also thinking of ending my 3 year relationship with my partner as the periods of wanting to be with him which I thought were dependant on my moods/hormones are now so small that I actually think we may have come to the end of the road. I'm scared I'm making a big mistake and don't want to be on my own but that's no excuse I realise to keep it going. He's been understanding of this journey I'm going through but although I love him I feel I can't carry on with him and keep putting him through my moods and feelings. That likely belongs on another thread but I'm wondering if my moods are also part of not wanting to be with him anymore.
Hope you're all okay xx


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 07:29:21 AM »

Hi Optimist, I'm no expert but I think you need a little bit of help balancing the oestrogen/progesterone.  Please persevere with the menopause clinic and hopefully you will resolve this issue to your satisfaction and will also feel better in yourself which in turn will help you in your relationship.  Also have you considered testosterone, it can do wonders for energy/ mood and libido.

I think it's no coincidence relationship difficulties/breakdown peak for women at this time of life.  In fact I went through a very similar period to you (doubting my relationship because of how I felt) when I became peri menopausal but which resolved itself once I perfected my hrt regime.  Don't get me wrong nothings ever perfect but I wouldn't be without my husband now.  So I suspect how you're feeling is partly to do with your stage of life and urge you to look after yourself before you make any big decisions .
Wishing you well and keep us posted xxx


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2017, 05:17:38 AM »

Thanks both. I feel I'm at a crossroads & scared of making any decisions but not sure if he's also coming to the same decision. It's not great at present and I feel his tolerance is low and that he wants me to end it to put him out of his misery as such, but that could be me thinking negatively. We've got a holiday booked in August with family so will try enjoy that (if I haven't pushed him too far already).
I went back to GP yesterday and she listened to me and rang and spoke to the treatment centre where I've been referred to. She said that I should get seen by the correct department in gynae as it's all interlinked. She said if I didn't to come back and see her. Also said I'm okay to carry on with additional half patch of oestrogen if it's making me feel better, which it is physically but not mentally so much !!
Thanks ladies I'll try not do anything rash xx


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2017, 05:53:44 PM »

My god these hormones are just crazy!! Have spent the weekend together and it's been perfect!! What was I thinking. I really hope I get this sorted asap! Thanks for advice ladies so glad I didn't do anything rash. Xx


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Re: Extra oestrogen question
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2017, 04:50:25 AM »

Thanks shortie, it still seems to be going well. Hopefully because I'm using the extra half patch of oestrogen still, (which gp said short term shouldn't do any harm).
I went for my gynae appointment yesterday and was told I was having a colposcopy due to mentioning post coital bleeding & a lovely nurse consultant discussed all with me and said you need our menopausal specialist and made me the appointment there and then.
She also did a very minor silver nitrate cautery that she said could possibly explain any irregular bleeding (although only watery bleeds). Even the nurse and health care assistant were fantastic and said that the lady I would be seeing in the menopause clinic really knows her stuff. So waiting for the 22nd August appointment now, (would have been before but I'm on holiday).
I'm at the end of my 2 weeks progesterone/oestrogen and can say that with the extra oestrogen I've been using, do not appear to have had so much of the usual progesterone side effects, although back ache throughout the two weeks which disappears on oestrogen only. Also early waking again. Does anyone know why this happens?
Hope all are okay today 💐☺️X