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Author Topic: Vit D supplement in the summer  (Read 4330 times)


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2017, 01:24:19 PM »

Have you tried taking a combined Vit D and magnesium supplement or does that upset your tummy too? x

I haven't seen one around - has anyone any recommendations?

(re: emergency biscuit - I usually save the ones you get with cups of tea/coffee these days.  I had need of it a couple of weeks ago and it was  (a) Too Small and (b) crumbled to powder.  I may have to rethink - flapjack?  I knew someone who carried an Emergency Banana because she had Coeliac disease.  Unfortunately it was confiscated at NZ customs and she was fined for importing it  >:( )


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2017, 02:06:04 PM »

Banana smuggling then  ;D

I use a magnesium spray as the oral tabs make me run to the loo.

I do like a light tan but I'm not prepared to take any risks in getting burned. Trying to get some bits in the sun while keeping my face and chest in the shade.  :o ;D not the easiest thing to do.
I'm not fair skinned at all but the last thing I need is a very deep tan.
Apart from aging your skin it really does increase the chance of skin cancers.
Both my sister and I had a little growth at the side of our nose.

Fortunately neither was maglignant but it certainly made me think very carefully about my time in the sunshine.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2017, 02:15:46 PM »

dahliagirl, I've been taking Vitabiotics Osteocare plus glucosamine and chondroitin which contains a full range of minerals and vit D3 considered nec for joint and bone health. It's advertised on this site (see above columns). I would say it has definitely helped my overall joint pain that kicked in through peri, aside from bulging disc pain in my spine which has flared terribly recently.

For the regulars who generally fly in with the advice re eating well and supplements being unnecessary - I eat brilliantly well but at this age and with evidence of mild arthritis and the fact that I can't expose my skin to the sun unprotected, my docs recommended a supplement would be beneficial. This has definitely helped and helps hubbies IBS too. x

Couldn't agree more Mrs B. The weathered prune look doesn't wear well into old age either! One of my neighbours is a keen gardner and sun lover, tiny shorts and string tops without sun preps and looks so much older than she is. She's had three Squamous cell carcinomas and Actinic keratoses but continues to worship the sun. My MIL suffers from melanoma on her legs and it's something to be avoided at all costs!! Very nasty and just keeps erupting no matter how many times they perform surgery. x


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2017, 02:40:28 PM »

Thanks - it does contain a lot of useful vits/minerals - and I have been meaning to try glucosamine - a dancing teacher said that although things came out in the newspapers saying it did nothing, she could feel the difference when she stopped taking it.

I have tried to avoid things containing calcium supplements because I am not supposed to take them because of kidney stones.  I am not supposed to take vitamin D either  ::)  Not sure how you get round it.  Most vitamin d tablets contain calcium as a filler, whether they say so or not and the spray did not seem to work for me.  I will give it a trial (and drink plenty water ;)) It is 10 years since I had a stone so it was hopefully a one-off.


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2017, 02:50:37 PM »

Give it a try dahliagirl, I'm naturally a skeptic but open minded enough to give things a try. I was struggling with gripping heavy pans (do a lot of batch cooking so have massive pans), fingers could be really sore and achey, along with other joints. That has all calmed fairly dramatically. Interestingly when I've stopped taking it a couple of times when travelling or getting out of the routine, the pain flares again.

Dr Curry discusses it here.,77.0.html


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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2017, 03:07:44 PM »

Yes, I have had trouble with pans etc and choir music for some years.  :(

Mia C

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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2017, 09:45:34 PM »

Hello everyone.
This is really topical at the moment, especially in light of our three days of summer!
Vitamin D is a confusing little blighter as it is actually a steroid hormone and vitally important for good bone and connective tissue development as children but also to prevent osteoporosis in later years. Current research also suggests levels below 20mmols may increase certain cancers. Even with a perfect diet it is incredibly difficult to obtain more than 10% or your requirement, daily broad area exposure to sunshine, ideally in the morning, without sunscreen may maintain low / normal levels in folk without underlying health issues.
I use mineral sunscreen all year round because of an autoimmune condition so manafactured very little, after 3 weeks in Mexico mine reached the dizzy heights of 17, deemed critically low.
Depending on how low levels are determines the need for active or therapeutic treatment. Active is a very high dose weekly for 7 weeks then a fairly high dose usually for life. Therapeutic management can be obtained by using high quality over the counter supplements  ( prescription doses are not bound with calcium for those who cannot take this).
The main thing is to remember that this is a vital hormone and even slightly low levels can lead to unpleasent symptoms, research is on going and some members of the medical profession are more enlightened than others.
If you are concerned discuss with your GP 're the need for a blood test to check, you can then make an informed decision on how best to manage your levels moving forwards.

Mia C

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Re: Vit D supplement in the summer
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2017, 09:22:59 PM »

You're very welcome. I hope it helped a little. More 🌞🌞🌞
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