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Author Topic: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?  (Read 11992 times)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2017, 09:11:02 PM »

Thank you edieweiss and tempest! It is early days yet, as they say, and it could well be that I'll be clamoring for my HRT patches at some point down the line.

I'm not yet off the patch but have stepped down to a lower dose. Some weeks I leave the patch on all week rather than doing the twice-weekly change, etc.

Truly there are as many ways to get through menopause as there are women.  :) Nothing cookie cutter and no one approach. I am continually amazed at how varied women's reactions are (physiologically) to HRT, as well as how some women get hit with every symptom, some only a few, and others nearly none. It's a quandary to say the least! 

I'm a sort of "cross that bridge when I come to it" type person but never say never.  I'm sure many a woman has made her mind up one way of the other (about hormones), only to reverse completely based on changing/evolving circumstances.

The chocolate and Gin doesn't sound too bad to me!  ;). Thank you for your kindness in replying to my post.  :thankyou:


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2017, 09:30:03 PM »

Hurdity, thank you for this info!  In hindsight, I'd wished I'd waited to even begin the HRT until I knew my periods were done. At the time I started in 2015 I was still cycling, albeit very infrequently.  I sort of wanted to get 'ahead' of it. But not knowing if I'm fully in meno is now my real question.

I will go off for a time and see how I feel. As you say, I can go back if need be. I've read nearly everything I can get my hands on regarding HRT. Tried to stick with mostly published research and reputable medical websites and follow the research of well known menopause specialists/researchers/experts.

I'm not medically contraindicated from using it because of the endometriosis, however when I first began the patches, the higher dose one (doctor thought best to start higher as I was 'young') gave me lots of discomfort like I had with endo. So for me, low dose has been key.

I have never used progesterone vaginally.  Unfortunately, I don't think it would work for me as I'm too 'active' to want to deal with the leakage and what not. My original GYN had said I could cycle a 12-day dose every 10 weeks or so, but he has since retired, and my current prescriber is not in agreement with less frequent cycling.  He would prefer optimal endometrial protection and does not feel confident in the less frequent dosing.

I'm not ultimately convinced of the absolute 'need' for HRT to start with - that's part of my dilemma. Most of the women I know in their 60's and 70's are doing just fine and never used it. I feel if they have managed so well, why not I? 

Quite honestly, I think I allowed myself to feel scared by much of what I read in forums  :( and that's my own fault.  I know for some women, this is a quite horrible passage, I do, but I also try to remind myself that likely the women that are out there enjoying their lives, perhaps not having bad symptoms, and who have passed through doing well, are not the ones usually posting.

Lots of good for thought, and I'm so grateful to hear different perspectives. Thank you so much! I will chew and digest all this info. A wonderful group of ladies you all seem to be!  :)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 10:46:11 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2017, 10:01:31 PM »

Good on your TovahFell! I hope you do really well and feel great, whichever route you take. All the best to you xxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2017, 10:04:45 PM »

Maybe make a diary: chart mood/food/symptoms and decide which symptom you want to remain free from?  If you didn't have too much problem previous to HRT then maybe ease off, stop and decide?  You may find that you have nil of note  ;).

I was lucky in that the various symptoms that can be troublesome didn't last for long, i.e. no more than 6-7 months.  The flushes happened after my evening bath as did the itchy skin  ::) - anxiety and depression were already being treated. 

As oestrogen levels drop off so the body may become dry = itchiness: deep in the ears, eyes, skin, vagina (be wary of *that* one)! as well as muscles may become lax = aches and pains which should be eased by over the counter medication; many ladies find that they suffer indigestion or acid reflux  :sigh: which is where the diary can chart any symptoms after foods.

It's The Change tha' knows  >:(  ::)

Will you let us know how you get on?


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2017, 10:11:05 PM »

Eh bah gum! Tha's some good tips there, our CLKD! ;)

You're most very welcome, TovahFell!  :) xxxxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2017, 10:23:53 PM »




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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2017, 11:27:29 PM »

CLKD, what an excellent thought. ;)  For years, Ive been recording my exercise/workouts and also keeping track of my HRT use.  I will do the same thing when I decide to stop.  For many years I used natural family planning for birth control, and then to get pregnant.  I learned so much about my body and my cycles doing this (keeping records and charting)  It is one of the key ways I knew I was well into peri, if not finishing it up - for at least 6-8 months prior to starting HRT, I no longer experienced the cyclic temperature rise that happens post-ovulation when progesterone increases in the luteal phase of the cycle.  This was a key indicator for me that my progesterone had tapped out and I was no longer ovulating.  Any periods I was having were anovulatory and likely shedding from having excess estrogen in relation to very low progesterone.

Sorry for that tangent! LOL! Anyway, I will follow all of the advice on here and report back as to how the weeks/months go by.  I have an appt with a new GYN next month (mine retired last year) and will also discuss all of this with her.  I definitely will want to maintain vaginal integrity and at the very least, would consider Vagifem or other local estrogen if I stop and dryness becomes an issue. 

This journey is so unique for all of us....the stories are as individual as the women who tell them.  I am so appreciative and grateful to all who have responded and offered thoughts and advice!  :bighug:


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2017, 08:58:52 AM »

can I just add that every day is not plain sailing, I don't want to present a 'pollyanna' type approach to where I am in my life.

I still get bad days, I get anxiety, I get joint aches and I get the occasional sweat or flush.  It has not all beautifully melted away.  What it is, it is manageable and there are many good days.  On a not so good day I can deal with the blips.

Overall things are better and I have no reason to believe they will not continue to be so  :)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2017, 12:09:51 PM »

babyjane, and that's the way of life anyway, isn't it?  We all have periods of time where we feel like crap, or things are just 'off'.  I never expect to have indefinite periods of harmony - I'll take what I can get!   ;)  All we can do is take very good care of our bodies, get proper rest, nutrition and any other modality we see fit to try, and then get up each day and start again!   Thanks for sharing!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2017, 02:10:56 PM »

You are right and can I say this - don't over exercise  :gym:.

If you have been used to exercising all your life then there is no reason to stop  :spin:.  However if mild or moderate exercise has been normal for you then please resist the scaremongering media/press who would have us all over-exercising in a bid to ward off old age  :hapij:.  I did this and caused myself physical harm so now I exercise at a level that is right for me, and that is not the same every day either  :bunny:


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2017, 02:35:00 PM »

Hi, I have been researching a product/supplememt which has a facebook group of 80'000 following it called "Happy Hormones" and many women are taking this to balance their hormones instead of HRT and seem very happy! Aussie company, will deliver to UK and USA. Maybe worth checking it out.  You could also try the ladycare magnet!

Anyway good luck!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2017, 02:57:12 PM »

babyjane, good point.  Yes, like everything in life, moderation is important. I agree.  And what is a heavy level of exercise for one person may be light for another.  Just listening to our bodies is so important! thanks!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2017, 02:57:54 PM »

sweetie222, thank you.  ;) I will pop over there and check it out!!


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2017, 10:21:38 PM »

It's means flying though TovahFell  ;)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2017, 09:57:18 PM »

Just wanted to jump in and wish you huge amounts of good luck.

I started HRT in Feb 2010 (aged 47) for panic attacks, unable to sleep, frequent hot flushes, no sex, and felt like my world was falling apart.  And for a while all was great (except the libido which was still reduced).  I changed HRT formulation around Sept 2011 (can't remember why, think I may have started feeling emotionally 'flat'), and by March 2012 I knew I had to come off.  I just wasn't feeling myself, it was keeping the flushes at bay but nothing else, so I weaned myself off over 2 months, by gradually reducing the dosage.

It wasn't too bad to start with, besides the shocking VA, for which I was prescribed Vagifem, which helped a fair bit but didn't completely sort things out, sex was still an issue, but it had been when I was on the HRT anyway - still zero libido.

I didn't push to try any other HRT because I thought I'd have the same side effects with whatever I took.  I stayed HRT free until I finally pushed for a referral to a Gynaecologist in July last year - just over 4yrs since I'd stopped, in desperation, as I realised I was trying to convince myself that I was managing, but I really wasn't.  I was miserable, exhausted, had no sex drive and completely pissed off - and the stupid thing is now I can't believe it took me so long to realise I felt that way, and that I might not have to feel that way. 

And that's what you need to be aware of, coming off HRT IMO.  You might be fine and not have any issues, but do try and be more self aware than I was and seek help and advice before things get really bad if they are heading that way.  For me it wasn't an overnight 'suddenly feeling crap', it was a gradual sink to the bottom, and to be honest the flushes were the least of my problems.

I have to add my story does have a happy ending - I started Tibolone & Ovestin (in addition to Vagifem) last September and basically I have my life back.  I feel like I did in my 30's (without the PMT & periods), sex is brilliant, I feel energised and can exercise 4 or more time a week.  I feel so lucky that I've found something that suits me so well.  Yes it's not perfect & I've had the odd side effect  along the way (see my diary), but the longer I'm on it the less I seem to be getting.

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