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Author Topic: Irratic bleeding perimenopause and taking evorel sequi HRT patches  (Read 5687 times)


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I had erratic bleeding a few years ago, I was investigated and all was ok, started having horrible peri-menopause symptoms and so started hrt, which made a big difference.  Whilst on hrt my natural cycle has gone out of sync a few times with the patches, but generally sorted out again eventually.  However I just missed a bleed with one cycle, and then had a withdrawal bleed with the next cycle, but then two weeks later had another bleed!

So it seems like my natural cycle is now in complete opposition to the patches cycle.  So what do I do?

I am not sure if I should go to see the gp about this (gp has always been anti-HRT).

Or if I should just ignore and hope the cycles get back into sync again.

Or if I should try to switch the patches early to try to get the cycles in sync again.

Is there any concern with irratic bleeding while on hrt?

Thank you for any advice you can give.


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Re: Irratic bleeding perimenopause and taking evorel sequi HRT patches
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 01:35:31 PM »

Hi menomummy


Unfortunately what you are describing sounds very typical of peri-menopause! Your hormones are fluctuating sometimes erratically, and the dose of HRT you are on is not strong enough to override your cycle - so that when you ovulate at the "wrong" time then you will also bleed out of sync with your natural cycle.

It also depends to some extent where you were in menopause when you started the HRT. You mentioned starting it when you had peri-menopause symptoms - but how many periods had you skipped and were you having long gaps between periods? If you were still having more or less regular periods then on average the whole process to menopause will take much longer so your own cycle will be fairly dominant for longer if you see what I mean?

There is a good article here about peri-menopause which you might find helpful:

Depending on your age if you want to control your cycle you could try one of the contraceptive pills - QLAIRA or ZOELY that are similar to HRT and only have a few tablet free days ( not a week!). Another possibility is to have the Mirena coil which may well stop the bleeds well before you reach menopause although your cycle will still carry on in the background.

If you are worried about the bleeding then go and see your GP but it does sound fairly normal to me. Better still find a different gP in the practice who is prepared to work with you rather than be anti-HRT!

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x



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Re: Irratic bleeding perimenopause and taking evorel sequi HRT patches
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 09:19:26 AM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you for your reply.

I am only 49, I have never fully skipped a cycle until this previous one.  I had been having periods every two weeks at one point.  My periods had become closer together and much heavier.  That was about 4 years ago.  I started HRT due to brain fog!  My skin had become very dry and I realised that it was hormone related.  I started HRT 3 years ago and it really lifted the brain fog and I was able to function on a day-to-day basis again.   I am on patches as tablets don't suit me, so taking oral contraceptives are a no go. 

I am not worried about trying to control my cycle, as long as I don't get anemic again from too much bleeding.  I am just not sure if it is harmful to be so totally out of sync with my own cycle.

(I can't see another gp due to geography. so I just have to go armed with information to pass onto the gp.  Hence why I am trying to find out more information here.)

It just feels wrong to be putting a patch with progesterone (evorel sequi) on when I am in the follicular phase of my natural cycle, and then will be putting on eostogen only patches (evorel 50) during the second half of my cycle.  Most of my cycles I am sure have been annovulatory during the last year.   I have been getting pain around my ovaries at odd times too, so my natural cycle is fighting hard! 

Should I try to adjust the timing of the patches to match up with the natural cycle, or just leave it and wait for them to get back into sync again?



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Re: Irratic bleeding perimenopause and taking evorel sequi HRT patches
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2021, 01:37:00 PM »

Hi Menomummy,

Sorry I realise this post is 4 years old but wondered whether things finally synched up for you. I am new to everol sequi patches and had a period on day 18 and am now out of synch taking combi patch when in theory I should just be on the oestrogen patch.
Thank you x


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Re: Irratic bleeding perimenopause and taking evorel sequi HRT patches
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2021, 04:05:39 PM »

Hi it might be better to start your own  post asking the question so more people see it. X