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Author Topic: Mirena and me!  (Read 10721 times)


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2016, 09:48:44 PM »

Oh Mis71Mum
So sorry you are still having problems - it was going so well.
At least if you do end up having a hysterectomy you have tried everything possible alternative.
Keep positive.  Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2016, 08:56:24 PM »

Hi Ladies
After nearly 5 weeks on the Mirena, I thought I'd give a bit of an update.

Bleeding still happening but only light, so only had 2 bleed free days over the last 5 weeks.

Luckily haven't had the need to use the Provera as the bleeding has lightened.

In terms of mood, there's good and bad news!
No more horrible progesterone withdrawal - yippee!
Yes and my mood has been more stable and less feelings of depression or sadness.
However on evorel sequi, very occasionally, I'd get about 3 days here and there when I felt I could take on the world and really felt on my game workwise. I haven't had any days like that!

In addition, I seem to have developed a few new symptoms, really struggling to swallow some of my food, cold shivers and trembling and aching bones and joints!

I'm currently on 37.5 mg patch, but I suppose the million dollar question is, should I increase or stay where I am?  Been on 37.5 for approx 4 months now  :-*


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2016, 10:15:51 PM »

Still early days Mis71mum.  A slightly higher dose of oestrogen could be a good idea but I would wait another 4-6 weeks when helpfully the bleeding has stopped or is just a bit of spotting now and again.  More oestrogen might trigger more bleeding at this stage. 
The symptoms you are describing sound very like a low grade virus and unlikely to be the Mirena. Energy etc.wil return in time.  Be patient - things are already looking better.  Dg x

Pam Madra

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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2016, 09:58:10 PM »

HI is your progress going


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2017, 05:58:36 PM »

Hi I'm new here & not sure where to start but I'm 47 and experiencing some unwelcome
Menopause symptoms.
I've had 4 Mirena coils over the last 20 years and have been very happy with them & i'm due to get my coil changed this month. After my 3rd child I had my first fitted and I haven't looked back.
I'd rather not use HRT as I see menopause as another hurdle For us women that I'd rather get through as naturally as possible BUT I'd do anything to get my libido back & my mood lately has been very low, not like me at all. Night sweats and insomnia I can live with.  My nurse suggested oestrogen tablets if I can't manage as the Mirena has progestin in it. Can anyone offer advice?


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2017, 06:29:32 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Grace24
Many think that the meno is just something we have to go through - an inconvenience that will last for a while with night sweats, flushes etc. gradually subsiding and then we're out the other side and feeling OK.  I'm sorry to put the pin in this balloon but around 50-60% of women get meno symptoms for up to 7 years and the ongoing oestrogen deficiency can often bring even more problems as time goes on.  HRT is a personal choice and some women are lucky - they sail through and get relatively few problems.
At 47, if your oestrogen levels are dropping (which it sounds as though they are) then adding in some oestrogen would be a good idea and would probably help libido, mood and energy. AS you get on well with the Mirena your HRT regime will be very simple - you just add in oestrogen as pills, patch or gel. As the Mirena is protecting your womb lining, you don't need combined HRT preparations (containing both oestrogen and progesterone) which can often bring more side effects - so the Mirena with separate oestrogen can be the perfect HRT combination.
Do remember that 5 years of HRT in your 50s can protect your heart and bones for the long term and reduce the impact of menopause symptoms which can be devastating for our work, family and general quality of life.
You are also too young to be deficient in oestrogen (normally meno arrives at 53/4) so in fact I would suggest that having some oestrogen would be very necessary for you right now - I think you would be amazed at much better your fell with a bit of oestrogen - so I'd take the nurses advice and try the oestrogen pills.
Taking HRT is not a weakness - it's the sensible thing to use if you need it - it's not delaying the inevitable but easing you through a tough time and giving good health benefits along the way.  DG x


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2017, 06:44:02 PM »

Thank you dancinggirl, I hope I didn't offend, certainly didn't want to trivialise it.  I think I've been influenced unduly by a nagative friend and I really didn't appreciate the fact that I'm young for this and exactly how long this can go on for and I'm not prepared to let my fun and enjoyment of life suffer for this.  I'm very happily married and my kids are all grown up so I'm enjoying a new found freedom.  I had 2 knee replacements in 2014 and being active is a new joy for me.  I will endeavour to get an appt with my nurse and discuss trialling oestrogen and see how I go.  I'll post my experiences. X


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2017, 06:53:17 PM »

Grace24 - you didn't offend at all - you were simply expressing the view that many of us have when we approach the meno.  The bad press about HRT has been so overblown and nobody tells you about the positives - there is still so much taboo around the menopause.
I'm 60 now, started an early meno in my mid 30s so have had to use HRT for many years - I stopped about 6 months ago and things are going OK but I couldn't have managed without HRT through my 40s. I took a break from HRT for 3 year in my early 50s and I feel I lost 3 years of my life as a result - my bones are suffering because I took this break but I did have a Mirena with separate oestrogen for 5 years in my mid 50s which has helped to stem the decline in my bone density.
Quality of life is terribly important - so give the oestrogen a try and see how it goes - you can always stop it when you get to 53 and see how you feel. DG x


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2017, 07:17:01 PM »

I have a Mirena like DG said you can just add a patch, pill or gel. I use Estrogel and don't listen to other people's opinions it is up to you.
My sister in law suffers bad flushes but won't give HRT a try as it is a natural part of life, yes it is, but you don't need to suffer with it.


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2017, 09:07:02 PM »

Hello Ladies
I thought I would update as it's nearly 8 weeks since my 'fit'!
On the whole my mood has improved, I'm still spotting/bleeding but I was with other HRT's so there's no change there.
The plus points are still no horrible Progesterone withdrawals, my mood is more stable and I have more energy.
The down sides so far are; I constantly feel sick, this is a new side effect, I have gained about 5lb in weight, I know we've had Christmas but because of the sickness, I've tended to eat to take it away just like in my pregnancies.
I have cold flushes now - this didn't happen before but has since having the mirena and is a sign to me that my patch is running out.
My digestion is all over the place, I'm swigging Gaviscon out of the bottle, like when I was pregnant. My digestion was fine after pregnancy but started to play up about 4 years ago, I've had an endoscopy and have a small hiatus hernia but I suspect my hormones are playing up again to cause this.
However, the worst side effect of the Mirena and I know it's still early days, is anger and rage. I can fly off the handle so easily - and to be honest, I could argue and fall out with anyone and not give a toss! Again this was me at 16, and my poor parents bore the brunt of it - but it's not me now. I would hate to think that I had hurt anyone's feelings and been unkind to them. My husband gets the anger from me at the moment, luckily he knows it's my hormones.
I'm still on 37.5 patch until I see my gyny next week, so will report back then.
Grace24 - if you can, ask your nurse for a patch or gel as they don't go through your digestive system, liver, etc.  Also you get the option to adjust your doseage yourself. With pills you can't.
Did any of the above happen to anyone else with the Mirena?
Happy New Year!


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2017, 11:07:04 PM »

I have had none of the problems you mention, apart from spotting every day for 4.5 months. The first month I did feel hungry and snacked more, this reminded me of the days running up to a period when younger. I have not put weight on, I have lost a bit actually!
I can feel a bit tearful now and again a bit like PMT.
I never suffered badly with PMT, I expect my partner would disagree though! So wonder if that is why I have not had too much trouble so far.


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2017, 06:17:05 PM »

An update and some
Advice needed.
I had my Mirena changed this week and started on Evorel  50mg. How long should I expect to see a change in myself? This morning I felt so so touchy and snappy, luckily I have an understanding husband and I explained how I felt. I could actually feel my mood lifting away around 3pm and felt more myself. I had changed the patch this morning. I'm not expecting to feel different for a few months possibly. I am so relived to be giving this a try!


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2017, 06:31:59 PM »

Hi GRace - adding in the oestrogen should make you feel better in just a few weeks - possibly within 2 weeks.  Lack of libido is a tricky thing to treat - the oestrogen will help, but if you sleep and eat well, get some exercise and therefore generally feel a bit more ‘on your game', then feeling more sexy is a bit easier. Good luck - do keep us posted.  Dg x


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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2017, 10:24:48 AM »

Mis71Mum - how are you doing with Mirena? We had them fitted around same time and I'm having some 'issues'.



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Re: Mirena and me!
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2017, 08:15:03 PM »

Hi MurphyDurf
Hmmm - trying to answer objectively!
Well yes I think I am 10 weeks now, and still bleeding. I do have adenomyosis which is the reason for the fit in the first place.
I have very painful cramping and am sure that I can feel the Mirena spiking my insides.
I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able to tolerate the Mirena without the Oestrogen- I'm currently on approximately 4/5 ths of a 50 mg patch.
I can feel the patch wear off as I either become very withdrawn or very angry and pmt like.
However please be aware that this is just my experience and there are plenty of ladies who love the Mirena.

Also for me, it's hard to know if it's the lack of oestrogen or my adenomyosis thats causing my problems.

For me, it's certainly been better than a sequential regime as I really suffered from progesterone withdrawal.

What problems are you having?
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