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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: Bowel habits.  (Read 40144 times)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #135 on: July 27, 2016, 08:42:19 AM »

when mine slow down it slows down and nothing will make any difference.  I have porridge with prunes and Linwoods ground seeds and goji berries for breakfast, eat a banana and a pear daily and at least 2 or more fresh veg or salad with my dinner plus sweet potatoes, brown rice, spelt pasta and processed foods are a big no no.  I also drink enough to keep well hydrated.  This is my normal diet and yet sometimes my bowel gets a right strop on and others it throws a tantrum then it will go back to smiling sweetly so I can only presume it is all psychological or hormonal based.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #136 on: July 27, 2016, 09:51:18 AM »

When you slow down, it takes longer to go through the colon, which is the part of the bowel that takes the excess water out.  So it takes more water out, and you slow down further.  Catch 22.  ::)

My condolences to those who have accidents.  :(  I have managed to have have complete bladder emptying accidents and perfomed a complete choral work in damp boots, but at least it is easier to hide.  ::)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #137 on: July 27, 2016, 09:59:20 AM »

Mangoes are good for keeping things moving. 

I can't tolerate much fruit or veg since my hysterectomy as they don't stay long in the system!  I really miss raspberries and strawberries. Apples are a definite no-no unless I peel them first which does help. Peas, beans, carrots all upset my tum. I reckon it's the lack of fruit and veg that's raised my blood pressure over the last year.

Bowel accidents are often caused by weak sphincter muscles - the internal one lets waste through into the "holding bay" and the external one isn't strong enough to keep the door shut. Pelvic floor exercises can help with this but it does need proper diagnosis.

Taz x


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #138 on: July 27, 2016, 12:14:20 PM »

Oh Taz how awful.  I would miss my green veg in particular freshly podded peas - straight in, no cooking  ;D

Pakistani mangoes are sweet, very juicy [ remember Terry Wogan suggesting that they are eaten in the bath  ;D ] and have a short growing/Import season.  I don't like the Indian varieties as much and don't bother buying other types as they are too fibrous and chewy.

In generaly nowt alters my bowel actions except anxiety !


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #139 on: July 27, 2016, 07:06:16 PM »

Thanks ladies, your kindness and understanding has actually made me quite emotional, but in a nice way, if that makes sense.  I live in UK and was holidaying in Scotland so no alteration in diet that would account for it.  I had had a very bland breakfast, fruit, yogurt, followed by poached egg/toast so can't understand what the trigger was.  We were traveling to a wedding the previous day and I had taken Imodium as a precautionary measure, but had had a lot of food and drink over the previous few days so perhaps that could have been the reason.

It reduced me to tears, humiliation and total loss of dignity.  However , I normally can plan and cope well so I'm not letting it get to me.  I've had numerous investagaitons ( friend is a colorectal surgeon) and nothing sinister ever showed up. I've had muscle tone stimulus tested too, it's not great, having had instrumental delivery of first child with third degree tear, plus three further pregnancies .

Oh well, just have to adjust.  I'm currently coping with the cystitis brought on no doubt by the " accident ". Isn't life fun  ;D


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #140 on: July 27, 2016, 07:10:46 PM »

Any bugs in the bowel can be transported during a mishap so maybe have a chat with a Pharmacist re treatment, no need to go into detail …….

That amount of breakfast would be too much for me  ::) particularly when away from home, a round of dry toast is about all I can usually manage.  Eggs don't suit me at all  :-\


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #141 on: July 28, 2016, 10:00:42 AM »

Hi Evelyn

Did you take the precautionary Imodium the day before, ie the day you travelled? There's nothing wrong with Imodium and I often use them in these circumstances as a precaution, with my Dr's consent - in fact I think she suggested it - but I sometimes find that the day after there can be a bit of a knock-on effect as you have effectively slowed the gut down whilst still eating and then it goes back to normal again - a bit different from their usual use for a diarrhoea attack when the gut would be emptier, IYSWIM. Don't know if anyone else finds this.

I'm not planning to leave the house on Monday as I've got events that will require a precautionary dose this afternoon, tomorrow morning and Sunday   >:( Though I will try without this afternoon as I did manage to go to supermarket the other weekend without taking any. (BTW if you've not seen my posts before this is all due to the health anxiety which is in part due to an accident which was due to being ill - if I went without taking them I would probably be OK but now my stupid Brain won't let me >:().


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #142 on: July 28, 2016, 10:26:48 AM »

Yes Betty, I did take them the previous day, transport to and from the wedding was via coach , plus I was worried I might need to go during the service, so had taken Imodium to give me peace of mind.  I'm used to having frequent bowel motions, but this was on another level, there was absolutely nothing I could do to " hold on" as it was so sudden.  ( apologies if TMI )


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #143 on: July 28, 2016, 10:51:30 AM »

This can happen with Immodium according to my friend who uses them quite a lot but has to juggle with whether she will be at home for the day or two after using it. You get a "backing up" effect and then it just has to all come out eventually. Not everyone gets it and not every time. The bowel can rule our lives!

Taz x


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #144 on: July 28, 2016, 11:21:25 AM »

One thing I had to watch out for was food on plates that had been washed with industrial dish washer stuff. They are supposed to put one load in the machine of the tablet/powder per day, but some people just keep adding & it leaves a film on the plate - like shellac. It isn't a good thing for your gut - at least not mine.

I stayed somewhere for a week & always insisted on washing the plate by hand & rinsing it that my meal was going to be on - same with the cup etc. It solved it as I'd stayed at the same place previously & been plagued with the runs.

I now have ulcerative colitis & do often have to rush to the loo, but I aways know where the loos are if I'm somewhere new - first thing I find out, just do it by second nature now. Terrible that a lot of public loos are being closed - what sort of country are we living in when the shut public loos? A bug bear of mine.


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #145 on: July 28, 2016, 11:37:53 AM »

If 1 has a 'bug' then it will come out even if 1 uses Immodium, it's the bodies way of getting rid of dangerous germs.  If it stops the churning though I would say 'go for it', but not every day or the whole system will be catching up at inopportune moments  ::)


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #146 on: July 28, 2016, 03:53:20 PM »

If 1 has a 'bug' then it will come out even if 1 uses Immodium, it's the bodies way of getting rid of dangerous germs.  If it stops the churning though I would say 'go for it', but not every day or the whole system will be catching up at inopportune moments  ::)

I would never take them if I knew I had a bug, that's the worst thing you can do, I only use them when I know finding a toilet is going to be awkward, especially when travelling .


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #147 on: July 28, 2016, 05:56:03 PM »

I knew every Lay-by on the A5 for years: from Holyhead downwards  ;D

Ju Ju

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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #148 on: July 28, 2016, 06:32:22 PM »

Currently, my BMs are like the English weather, sometimes 4 seasons in one day. Well I start at one end of the Bristol Stool chart, touch base with perfection in the middle and finish at the other end all in one BM!


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Re: Bowel habits.
« Reply #149 on: July 28, 2016, 07:02:40 PM »

And I thought that was the only one like that, Ju Ju!

Evelyn - nothing is TMI on this forum  :o I had exactly that problem in a restaurant whilst out with friends last year, I wanted to die I was so embarrassed and it was an hour and half drive home.

Have you thought of Tena pants as added protection? I do use them to provide extra reassurance though I have to admit they have not seen 'active service' so capability untested.

I failed today. Had to take a preventative pill. Was accompanying OH on a hospital appt (for him) but I was far more nervous than he was even though he was having camera down throat. I was in the toilet taking Imodium the minute we got there, gut churning away. It's not like the place didn't have enough loo's either. I'm always worse when he is with me...
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