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Author Topic: Mucus and Staining /Spotting  (Read 276654 times)


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #150 on: August 17, 2016, 12:14:25 PM »

Hi Elaine

Good plan, you might pick up some hot tips!

Dancing Girl recommended Sylk to me a few weeks ago and it was utterly brilliant so good luck with yours. The oestrogen surges have prevented VA thus far but I have read on here that that is a common problem when oestrogen drops. The great thing about this site is that we can be forewarned and prevent issues becoming a problem!

Take care x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #151 on: August 17, 2016, 12:26:59 PM »

thanks Elizabethrose.,good luck with yours too xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #152 on: August 18, 2016, 09:27:18 AM »

How are you doing Elizabethrose- oestrogen high or low? Things have been very quiet with me until yesterday. Nipples started getting sensitive and I was aware of them and then fertile mucus. Continues on today so here we go again. 


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #153 on: August 18, 2016, 10:26:56 AM »

Hi Machair

Oh it's such a bore isn't it? So the twenty five thousand dollar question is, will you ovulate or won't you ovulate?!! We're constantly checking out the state of our ovaries! How long ago was the last blip?

I'm having a heck of a time if I'm honest. I cannot shift the migraine they are here virtually every day. It hasn't been constant like this in ages. I think my oestrogen is raised enough, to prevent the flushes, to trigger the cervical mucus but interestingly not to swell my breasts and cause massive bloating which I always get.

I've been trying to analyse this and wonder whether it's what happened in Dec, Jan and Feb I had a hellish massive high for six weeks then a crash mid Dec followed by an anovulatory bleed. I then had absolutely no signs of oestrogen change (never happened before), had constant migraine like now and then the hot flushes started at the beginning of March. The difference though is then I had no cerv mucus but now I have. It stopped weekend before last and then built up again 2 days later, still got it. Which is always a sign of failed ovulation.

The difficulty is of course, trying to recognise which ones are going to build into a monster because if I leave it too late to take the meds they won't work. BUT I'm only allowed so many med days a month otherwise I could get struck down with medication overuse headache and then I'd be in big trouble. Despite the horrors of my past I've managed to avoid this. To be honest I follow these rules religiously to prevent it from happening but it's hard. I'm lying on my bed trying to work out whether this mig is going to build, I've screaming prodrome symptoms and my head is tightening but I've only five migraine med days left til the end of the month. It is such a bore and I am bored, I hate not being busy and achieving things, life has to just stop! Thank God for my laptop otherwise I'd go doolally!

I'm sorry for prattling on, my brain has stopped computing and it's therefore hard to think sensibly but talking to you has made me decide that something has to be done so I'll start by not taking a Frovatriptan but just using a Diclofenac suppository. Let's see if that works!

I've a really really busy September and seriously need this to calm. Oh blah, blah, blah!!!!!

Sorry, rant over, you caught me at a bad moment and now I've probably thoroughly depressed you! Now I've thrown a hissy fit I can get on.
1. Make some tea. 2. Insert a suppository (sorry for the image!) 3. Watch some inane Netflix series where a brain isn't necessary and I won't miss anything if I manage to doze. 4. Just accept another day with nothing crossed off of my to do list.

These BLOODY ovaries!!!!!!!

And on that manic note, I wish you a happy day!  ;) xx
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 10:32:11 AM by Elizabethrose »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #154 on: August 18, 2016, 11:06:04 AM »

Oh Sparkle, poor you!

You're absolutely right to get it investigated and I really hope it's something inane or at worst something that can be resolved easily. Good luck to you!!

Sorry for my rant! xx


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #155 on: August 18, 2016, 12:37:13 PM »

Elizabethrose I am so sorry about your migraine nightmare, it must be absolutely dreadful and you too Sparkle- I hope you get on ok at the doctors.

I know what you mean Elizabethrose about not so much oestrogen to trigger bloating and breast pain, but enough to deter the sweats. I think this is my predicament most of the time, but I can feel surges as well from time to time when my breasts do seem tender and sore and the mucus increases.

This week I haven't really had much sleep as my beautiful cat is very ill, and I have been looking after her. At 17 she is a real old lady especially for a Persian and I adore her. Maybe this is affecting my hormones as they seem to have increased this week, but then again I got up 5 times last night to see if she was ok so maybe lack of sleep affects it somehow.

Certainly late meno has strange goings on but at least we can support each other.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #156 on: August 18, 2016, 12:47:52 PM »

Thanks Machair, it's onwards and upwards. I've learnt to ride the storm over the years, I've experienced much worse than this for long periods of time. I suppose I've been spoilt over the past 5 months with things being easier and this has just caught me unprepared. There is absolutely no point getting upset about it, I've just got to close down mentally and ride it. Hopefully this is a blip and will settle soon.

I'm really sorry about your darling cat and do hope she picks up. So sad for you.  x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #157 on: August 18, 2016, 01:48:04 PM »

Thanks girls  :foryou:


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #158 on: August 18, 2016, 06:28:46 PM »

elizabethrose hope you feel a bit  better soon
machair hope your cat gets better, i know how stressful it can be with a sick pet
am doing ok today no spotting, been a mad day fetched mums prescription and they forgot 2 items so had to
rush back to town to sort that so i had a session of eating ice cream and choc
wore myself out  will be glad for bedtime although we have a firework competition here i n plymouth so
wont get any peace till 11


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #159 on: August 18, 2016, 07:19:36 PM »

Thanks Elaine, poor you sounds like a stressful day. However, chocolate and ice cream sounds pretty good - what more could a girl want?!

Forced to take meds in the end and it's thankfully reduced to about a 6 so taking it easy. Fingers crossed for tomorrow being a mig free day!!

Oohh, love fireworks: will you get to see them or will you just have to put up with the noise? x


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #160 on: August 19, 2016, 08:14:42 AM »

Elainediva how many days did your spotting last for? Yesterday I had a lot of mucus and one tiny pink spot - not sure what will happen next as I had this a few weeks ago- feel very full of oestrogen though. I think if this continues I may have to go to get my womb lining checked just to be sure it is ok. Ladies how many times have you had these isolated pink spots which never developed into proper periods? I have had this a few times over the last year and each time it has either continued into a week long light period, but in some cases it has simply stopped along with the mucus.Each time though I have had hormonal surges at the same time so it isn't unexpected if you see what I mean.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #161 on: August 19, 2016, 09:12:10 AM »

Yes Sparkle it is a really big help! I am so grateful. I am still having these fertile looking mucus episodes. Have these stopped now for you? I think this random light spotting is associated more with it- was that your experience. How are you doing today?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 09:44:49 AM by Machair »


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #162 on: August 19, 2016, 10:02:54 AM »

Hi Ladies

Machair your last spotting was 13 days ago and you said then that you'd felt that you'd had a few days of cerv muc 2 weeks previous to that. Could the last one therefore have been what would have been a period but your endometrium hadn't built up. If so this could be mid cycle ovulation spotting which you've had before, we all have. Maybe you're still ovulating but the oestrogen isn't high enough for the endometrium to be thickened. Or at least ovulating this few times. Remember your Granny!


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #163 on: August 19, 2016, 10:11:42 AM »

I've just looked back through my notes. In April and May, every time the oestrogen soared, the flushes stopped immediately and then when it plunged the flushes started immediately. Each time I had the faintest, slightest pinky show, not enough to stain a liner.


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Re: Mucus and Staining /Spotting
« Reply #164 on: August 19, 2016, 10:38:26 AM »

Thank you so much Elizabethrose this is exactly what I think is happening, and your experience mirrors mine - it certainly seems to be hormonal.I think as the oestrogen plunges after soaring the result is the pinky show you mention as it always seems to follow the same pattern! Will we make 60 like this? Thank you so much for your help and Sparkle too- if you were here I would bake you both a cake!
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