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Author Topic: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL  (Read 9790 times)


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Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« on: November 03, 2015, 03:04:19 PM »

Well it opened my eyes  :o - last night's programme: showing the actual amount/s of parsnips, carrots etc. that NEVER leave the farms in the UK  :'( seeing it in piles made me realise how much hold the Supermarkets now have.  Raised in a farming area where markets were held several times a week and always on a Sat., food production rarely crossed my mind; it was there.  Meat, Game, Poultry; fruits, veg. and always seasonal.  Most Dads I know grew veg. to supplement the pantry and mine went shooting for pigeons, duck, pheasants …….. chicken on a Sunday was a luxury!  Wet fish man arrived on a Friday or we bought from the market.

Then the supermarkets, other than the International Stores, arrived.  Offering 'contracts' to farmers which seemed a good idea at the time, however  >:(.  Three years ago friends who farm pumpkins for a certain UK chain were offered an amount to set and grow …… the Supermarket Rep arrived in the Sept to offer less than the agreed rate stating that he could go elsewhere.  Well friends knew that they were the only growers for 40 miles so told him to stick his offer where the sun doesn't shine.  Two days later same Rep came back …….. to be told that the pumpkins had been sold elsewhere.  At the farm gate actually although that didn't get rid of them all.

Left overs, as discussed here before, were inventive if nothing else.  It does seem that the man in the street no longer knows how to make something out of nowt - and don't get me started on sell/use by dates  :bang: :bang: :bang:

40 tonnes of parsnips wasted on 1 farm alone …….. a WEEK!  Have any of you been asked whether you are worried about the shape of your spuds/carrots/parsnips/cabbages?  Interesting comment during the programme that when there was a spud shortage in the UK, 2009 and 2012, odd shapes were allowed onto the shelves and there were NO complaints from the customer.  The UK didn't need to import spuds, the supermarkets simply accepted what was on offer from the farms.

We try to buy from farms, particularly sacks of potatoes for less than a kilo will cost in the store ……… we grow as many carrots and parsnips as possible but this year germination was poor  :-\.  DH is harvesting celeriac so the garden smells lovely  ;).  We make our own compost which goes back onto the garden now and in the Spring - since we moved here in the 1980s, the garden is 5" higher than the patio!

It was interesting to see how much clothing was illegally put into the council land fill bins  :o at a time when there are charity shops on every corner and when migrants might well require good clothing.  Interesting too to see 'round' a recycling plant …… to the end result, including clothing from plastic bags and a cycle from reclaimed steel.  It can be done!

I will be joining in Hugh's campaign as much as possible …… we talked after and agreed that we rarely throw food into the bin as we home compost, only cook what we require each evening and use 'left overs' wisely.  Even bones  ;D.  Any milk that is 'over' goes to any cat which calls by ……. cheese with mould (our guiltiest along with not eating up pate) is frozen for the wild birds in very cold weather. 

Anyone else joining in? [end of rant  :-X ]



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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 03:39:10 PM »

I totally agree with your rant CLKD.

We are raising a generation of children who think vegetables are supposed to be supermarket shaped rather than the weird and wonderful shapes they actually are.....
And the waste is criminal. All supermarkets should be made to donate fruit and veg that is past it's use by to soup kitchens or something similar. We go late to the supermarket in the summer and buy up the raspberries and strawberries that are reduced to make jam.
In fact sometimes it's the only way to get ripe fruit.

Another thing that really annoys me is the rules surrounding fishermen and discards. That just should not be allowed either. They should be able to land and sell what they catch.



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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 03:49:59 PM »


Hugh did that as a programme a few years ago.  Not much changed  :-\

It was noted that KFC was giving frozen chickens to a local homeless charity - and hope to roll out the idea across at least 400 outlets by 2016.  The women didn't seem phased by Hugh's queries ………. she seemed quite certain that eventually KFC would be wasting much less over all.  Me, I've never stepped inside a KFC and only use Macdonalds for a comfort break.  My sister used to have parties for her children in the latter.



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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 04:13:47 PM »

Didn't see prog but agree. Couldn't care less about shapes of my veg etc so long as it's edible. I've used tatties past their use by date. So long as they haven't gone rubbery they're fine by me.

My mum used to buy jam strawberries for puds instead of table ones. Said most were forced & tasteless.


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 04:37:44 PM »

Strawberries were grown for market, if the bloke looked at the trays before taking them away from the fields, he would say if they were going for market or into the jam trade.  If it were the latter we got paid less  :-\

Lorries used to drive past smelling of jam  ;D - with raspberry jam, the pips would be added after  ::)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 06:57:01 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 04:46:28 PM »

CLKD - I'm with you all the way! It's one of my pet bugbears (where did that word come from?) - food and other waste!

I only saw the last 15 mins of the programme but none of it surprises me! I mean what happens to all the pumpkins after Hallowe'en? I've learnt now to buy a couple before 31st Oct so I have enough to make soup out of later (we grow squashes to mix with them too). Do they all get dumped?

Old milk? Our cat turned her nose up at the latest cupful that was left in the kitchen and even outside nothing is eating it  - well it was like curds and whey - not sour, just separated!

We rarely waste food - definitely do the making soup from left-overs - in fact some of my soup I can't remember the origin - it goes on for several days depending on what I add to it  ;D, make compost, recycle all we can - haven't found what to do with plastic film wrapping which they don't take at our local re-cycling centre, nor padded envelopes, polystyrene and some other random bits of packaging... Also we try not to waste electricity, water etc We could do a lot more but it would probably be a full time job if we did!

Hurdity x


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 05:52:44 PM »

It's clothes next week. 😳


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 07:03:56 PM »

That will be interesting.  I have lots of un-worn clothes on a 'just in case' basis in the cupboards  ::) but not many shoes - never could be bothered shoe shopping.

If milk has separated give it a good shake.  One of the cats from next door is now used to thickened milk which I suppose would be yoghurt if left for another day ? 

Only a 1st World Country would grow pumpkins for cutting into and not eating  >:( and I've seen acres in the fields rotting in the sodden ground as well as left after 31st October.  They get ploughed back in but don't know how much 'goodness' is in carrots/swedes/pumpkins …….. if 1 considers the amount of time to develop food varieties; grow them; make the seed packets; put the seed into those packets; buying the machinery to sow those seeds; caring for them, picking them, packaging them for sale ……… farming can be a very lonely job too  :'(

The farm who was having parsnips rejected by Morrisons has now gone out of business.  They had to buy specific machinery in order to sort, wash, pack etc. - bet the Supermarkets did give grants for that then?  One thing that Huge omitted to tell the viewer.  One thing I would be interested in.  A piece of machinery on a recent farming programme cost £800,000 - it picked the lettuce, cut off the outer leaves, washed it, wrapped it in cling film and was working for 24 hours a day  :o


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2015, 08:58:43 AM »

I heard a discussion about this on the radio yesterday and a spokesman from Morrisons was saying that they have tried selling bags of misshapen veggies and they never sold.  Well I can honestly say I have never seen such bags on offer and several people rang in to say the same.


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2015, 02:18:28 PM »

Morrisons seem to be back pedalling - they will back peddle even more if people stop buying the fruits and veg.  ;)

yesterday I threw - a small portion of milk in the cat's bowl
a small pork bone and some thick fat from the joint (for the COuncil food bin)

tops of 4 tomatoes went into the compost because I don't like tomato skins (we had toms on toast for lunch)
skins of shallots
tea bags into the compost
coffee grinds into the compost



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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2015, 05:33:52 PM »

 :o  cat's had too much milk apparently ……..  :-X
She isn't worried about it, but her owners are less than pleased with the state of the litter tray ………  :-\
So looks like any left-over sour milk will go down the drain  :-\
No waste other than into the compost 2-day so far.


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2015, 05:58:23 PM »

Just to respond to Hurdity about not knowing what to do with padded bags, packing material etc, I work in a charity shop and we are always grateful for such things to wrap breakable items in when we sell them.
Agree with all the other comments about waste, if I have any left over mashed potato I add some grated cheeses and make potato cakes for lunch the next day, been doing it for years having learnt from my grandma. The other day I saw  'a recipe' for doing the same in a magazine as if it was a new, amazing  idea!! Same with using left over pastry to make a little currant cake- lovely when buttered.
Our local Waitrose gives away used coffee grounds from their cafe to any one who wants them for composting so they are trying their best.



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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2015, 06:02:00 PM »

 :thankyou: thorntrees! I will start saving them! At least that will give them at least one more use before they will eventually get thrown away. Do you think all charity shops like them?

Hurdity x


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2015, 06:18:18 PM »

I reuse padded bags to send things but once they've gone past that (I had one envelope that had been round the family about 5 times and we were probably paying extra postage for all the labels that were stuck on top of each other!) I use them as frost protection for outdoor pot plants that I overwinter in the greenhouse - split the bag down one side and along the bottom so it is in one big piece and tie it round the pot with some string.  For big pots (or small bags) you can tape or staple a few together to make a bigger sheet.  If the greenhouse doesn't leak they can be reused for a year or two before becoming too grotty.

I rarely get rid of clothes until they are unfit to be worn by anyone else, but the resultant rags go in bags to charity shops - they get paid by weight for rags, so still worth donating.

If your charity shop has enough, there are a lot of places collecting for refugees now.  I am helping at a local sorting centre and they are always looking out for more stuff.

Sour milk is great for making scones  :) 


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Re: Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall - war on waste (rant alert) LOL
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2015, 08:09:26 PM »

Will send you some Dorothy  ;)

We have a rag bag to go to Charity next week.  "bits" that can no longer be used.  I will have a washing airer too, which is beginning to break up ……

Our Waitrose gave away coffee grinds.  I notice though that they no longer do the green button scheme because they are selling plastic bags  :-\
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