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Author Topic: Painful muscles  (Read 4762 times)


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Painful muscles
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:53:45 PM »

Hello lady's I have been going through menopause for 5 years and I'm 47 I'm suffering from lower back pain for over 2 years sometimes I can't even sit in same position for 2 minutes the pain is intense I have to keep changing positions and when I wake up I can't move of cough the pain is so bad I've been on HRT now for 1 year has made no difference any one else suffer with this ??


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 05:29:19 PM »

Sounds really uncomfortable Amandajane. Have you ever asked your GP about this and been referred for x-rays or physio. Although menopause can cause various aches and pains it's important not to blame everything on it and get each thing checked out.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2015, 06:04:30 PM »

Been GPs for last 2 years hopeless and won't give me scan


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2015, 06:19:52 PM »

What does the GP say it is? It's not right that you can't have an x-ray or other scan to see what's causing the problem. Have you been given exercises to do to strengthen the lower back? Painkillers?

Taz x


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2015, 06:28:10 PM »

Just said take pain killers n he's dosnt think it any thin serious
It's took me over a year to get referral to see menopause consultant I'm hoping she can do something


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2015, 06:31:41 PM »

Yuck. You poor thing; this brings back really, really horrible memories. I never had any hormonal issues until I had an unexpected pregnancy and then miscarriage aged 40. Six weeks later, I had terrible shooting pains in my arm/shoulder which moved into my back. Never made a connection between the two. I was very athletic and everyone assumed it was a sports injury.

After weeks on Codeine, and then Amitripyline (plus Vitamin D)  I was sent to a spinal consultant who was convinced it was a trapped nerve. (I'd started to get tingling in my fingers and numbness by this point). X-ray and MRIs revealed nothing, and thus started a two year nightmare of this consultant to that one, physio and osteo treatment, blood tests etc etc. Even a brain scan. I was petrified. I did notice I occasionally got pain in my calves and ankles but was told it was impossible for the two to be connected.

The pain got so bad that the slightest sensation was agony, so I could no longer wear normal underwear or jewellery. Even the name badge I wear at work hurt my neck - it felt like it weighed 2 stone! After two months, I started tingling/shaking more strongly. A day later my first period in months arrived. GP said there was no connection.

Months later, my back had eased, then suddenly I was walking around a shop and I had terrible pain in my ankle - so bad, I couldn't put any weight on it. It was perfect an hour earlier! To cut a long story short, ankle socks made it worse (now know this was because it was water retention touching the nearby nerves) and the pain was eventually diagnosed as neurological, cause unknown. By this point I gave up sport altogether as it was too painful. I used to be able to touch my toes, palms down. By this stage I couldn't even do it with the tips of my fingers. Was very, very scared.

Fast forward a year and the severe, intense pain had gone, but the tingling and dizziness/weird feelings remained. I then started getting sudden random fatigue, the chills and nausea. Every time I had days of this, a period would emerge soon after (no pattern to it - around one every 12 weeks). By this stage I felt almost embarrassed to tell people how awful I felt. I was sure everyone thought I was a hypochondriac. MY GP at the time certainly did!
However, a  sympathetic neurologist then sent me to an endocrinologist  who finally diagnosed that I had a hormonal imbalance. Normal FSH but incredibly low estrogen. It was such a relief, strange though it sounds.

Started sequential hrt which definitely helped, but I still felt 'weird'. Joining this site and realising others had similar stories was a great help.  With no hot flushes, dryness down below etc, I struggled to accept it was hormonal at first, until I read what others had experienced. The only problem with this  hrt was that I still got hormonal fluctuations and this caused headaches/anxiety. Sometimes I think my own system kicked in and I was having too much of a sudden increase in estrogen. Eventually I switched to Qlaira (see my other thread) and things started to look up as it was controlling my hormones in a steadier way.

To this day, I wonder if I hadnt got pregnant, whether all this would have happened. Will never know.

Anyway, in response to your questions, firstly, I assume you've had 'other possibilities' checked?

For me, what worked temporarily was: Codeine (no other pain killer touched it); hot water bottles; sleeping flat on my back with arms at my side, palms up; wearing strapless bras and comfort grip socks; avoiding necklaces and bracelets; gentle stretching when I could handle it; pillow behind lower back when driving.  Longer term, suppressing ovulation with the pill has helped (touch wood). What didnt work (for me - it may well work for others) was: ADs; high dose Vitamin D; exercise; physio; osteo; fish oils (though I still take them).

Best of luck, B x


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2015, 06:34:11 PM »

Been GPs for last 2 years hopeless and won't give me scan

Change GPs. It is so easy. I deeply regret not doing it years ago. New GP is great. Try and get one around your age who has DOCCOG qualification. I had MRIs and X rays done after six weeks, even with my former (v unsympathetic ) GP.


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2015, 06:34:49 PM »

I would think that this is probably not purely menopause related Amandajane as you have been on HRT for a year. There are many reasons for lower back pain and although your GP doesn't think it's anything serious that's no excuse for you not to have a reason for the pain and possible relief from it. Have you considered having a one-off private consultation with a physio therapist who can look at posture and discover which of your muscles have tightened up?

Taz x


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2015, 07:57:55 PM »

Could be sciatica. Have you been given any excercises to do. If not then YouTube them as they really help.
Sleeping was an awful problem for me. I was in agony.....what really helped was the simplest thing. If you sleep on your side which a lot of is do then stick a pillow between your knees. It balances your pelvis and really helps with stiffness and pain.




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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2015, 08:40:58 PM »

Change your GP or see another in the Practice?  It would be a brave GP not to send someone for an X-ray in case it's a serious condition!  It does depend on how the patient presents however, but we shouldn't have to press for a 2nd opinion.  Of course, referrals come out of Surgery budgets apparently ….

One can self refer for NHS physiotherapy apparently so that might be the way to go.  However, I would change Surgeries (locally the 2 surgeries are back to back here). 

Let us know how you get on, I would, on Monday morning, ring your Physiotherapy Dept. for advice.  I would also ring the X-ray Dept at my local Hospital to see if I need a GP letter for an X-ray!


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2015, 08:49:09 PM »

The self referral takes 12 weeks.

My hubby reckons there is a reason for that because some who present needing or wanting treatement....well if they wait 12 weeks the problem resolves.

I think it's awful to be honest as sometimes if treatement is given early then later problems are prevented.



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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2015, 08:51:01 PM »

It might be quicker down here?  the other option is to jog along to a Sports Centre and see if there is a Therapist who could give advice. 


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2015, 10:45:13 PM »

When I saw my gp, it was a six week wait before you were referred. He said that's how long a niggle should take to resolve itself.

Although my back pain was hormone related, I was thinking just now  of a close friend who was 51 and presented with similar issues to you and me. She was in agony and had a ridiculously long wait to see a specialist. Eventually they found out that the stuff between two of her disks had worn away. Her doctor could easily have blamed the meno - she was starting the menopause at that time - when in fact the pain had a very different cause. That's why it's crucial you get seen by a specialist, even if it's only to rule things out.

By the way, I am so sorry by previous post was so long and waffling. Got a bit carried away - bad memories   :-X


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2015, 10:21:30 AM »

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply
Both my mum and sister have some sort of disease of the bottom of there spine I have related this to my GP but still nothing I am going to go again this week


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Re: Painful muscles
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2015, 10:24:54 AM »

Even more reason why you need to see a specialist!

Please do consider moving practice. I thought it would be difficult and put it off for years. In fact, it was amazingly easy, and I deeply regret not doing it sooner! X
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