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Author Topic: Why is it ?  (Read 2885 times)


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Why is it ?
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:53:28 PM »

That some women manage meno better than others.

I met an old neighbour yesterday. She is a couple of years younger than me, so perhaps about 53.

She was wearing a First Responders uniform. She does this on a voluntary basis a couple of nights a week. She also has started a new full time job as a school janitor.
I know she has had health issues. Obesity being one....she went abroad for a stomach banding op, and then after she had kept her weight down for a few years she had a tummy tuck and then a breast reduction. Last year she had a non malignant growth on her thyroid and after her op was without her voice for months.

But.....she is vibrant and thriving and although I did not ask, obviously not suffering from meno problems..


I don't wish them on her .....but why.

Do any of us have an answer to this.



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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 08:56:01 PM »

HORMONES and genetics.  Fortunately I haven't suffered as such - I've had various sorts of menopause symptoms which have either gone away or my GP has dealt with them.  My Mum can't remember hers apparently and my sister tells me that 'I'm through all that'.  No help there then  ::)

However, when depressed I could be 'up' in company, it was easier - so maybe your neighbour may be 'up' when out and about because she gets an adrenaline boost.


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2015, 09:45:50 PM »

Think some are better at putting on a brave face than others as they don't wish to appear moany. I always say I'm fine, except to close friends, even if I'm feeling like s%&t.


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 10:01:57 PM »

I don't know

All I do know is I've never suffered pmt
But I'm suffering nenopause

Like you I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it'd be nice if we were all average then perhaps we could all talk about it in person


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2015, 04:52:03 AM »

I went to see Dr Annie Evans on friday and we had a long chat about it, because I asked her the same question. The good doctor has treated thousands of women for menopause and she said that many had had mood swings at time of the month from young, others had suffered from Post natal depression but had thrived during pregnancy (Prof Studd - researcher on menopause - also goes on about this) and then some were fine but then were completely railroaded at menopause. The link is hormones I guess.
They are powerful things and govern our brains, moods, emotions. We are all different in our body chemistry.
She told me that she had had meltdowns at work and was sent to Occ health. The same happened to me so good to know I'm not the only one.!!
Sally x


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2015, 12:36:15 PM »

Yes why is it? I too got through my entire existence & childbearing years relatively calmly but meno has practically knocked me off my feet. I find myself looking at women my age and older now and wondering how the hell they seem so serene/together, I feel like each day is just "managing" now...
Sorry, I don't seem to be actually helping, just empathising  :-\

Love Spadger x


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2015, 01:23:38 PM »

Hello honeybun.

I will never understand how an entire endocrine system can fail without the individual even noticing and yet we all know of someone who claims to have  "sailed through" their menopause. There must be more to their story than meets the eye.

All I know is if I had the answer I'd bottle it and make a fortune! 

Wishing everyone a good day.



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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2015, 01:32:13 PM »

SallyG - I always suffered with PMS from being about 14. Every month I would feel quite hopeless and tearful, but it was a very long time before I connected it with my cycle.

I then went on to breeze through my first pregnancy but had severe PND afterwards. Before we'd even left the hospital with our new baby I knew something was very wrong. I didn't want to bring her home with us  :( Within 3 weeks I had sunk into the deepest pit of despair. It was the very worst period of my life. But I eventually fully recovered and was absolutely fine for the next 8 years, until I went peri menopausal.

Listening to the women in my family it would appear that both my grandmother and my cousin also suffered terribly with PMS and PND.

So I guess I was always going to suffer again with hormonal depression/anxiety as I went into my 40s. It's so unfair.


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2015, 02:10:37 PM »

Depression runs in our family on both sides.  As does agoraphobia on my Mother's side  :'(
I had bad period pains almost from the 1st year …….. relieved only when taking The Pill.  I had uncontrollable weepyness the night before a bleed began, even if a period wasn't due.  After being sterilised I had bad PMT and NAPS were really helpful, in fact their advice saved my Life.

Add to that being anorexic-type from age 5 and having my first panic attack aged 3  :-\ ……….

Menopause crept up a bit.  I was dealing with 4 very ill pets so that took over, emotionally I was a wreck anyway  :'(.  So am very relieved that menopause symptoms have been dealt with as they arise. 

I think it also helps to have a very helpful GP in the early stages of this journey because trying to find out info and battling for suitable treatment is often a step to far.


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2015, 02:17:05 PM »

I also believe that older women simply forget whether they suffered or not. It's nearly 30 years since my Mum went througha surgical menoapuse, she can remember very litte. It has all faded with time. But I can remember her crying for no reason and taking to her bed for a few days, every now and again.

I've just enjoyed 2 weeks of 'normality' and when I feel good all these awful peri symptoms just feel like they were just a bad dream. I can easily see how in 20 years time I will completely forget/downplay how hideous I felt in the midst of it all.


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Re: Why is it ?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2015, 02:17:49 PM »

I have never forgotten how ill I felt when menstruating  :'( ……. or how ill with depression ………