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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Pain around clitoris!!!  (Read 73096 times)

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2015, 05:32:32 PM »

Sorry Maryjane..I thought it was Judith that replied about the Bristol team...


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2015, 05:37:50 PM »

Hi there, I have just got home from work, I had to go to a meeting this afternoon so couldn't sit on my donut cushion and was in a right old state afterwards, it was only a twenty minute meeting. If I think back I know the pain was absolutely dreadful in April last year and  at times I wanted to get a knife and cut my clitoris out! I remember one day I was vomiting with the pain and couldn't quite believe how much pain one could take and still be alive! I went to see Dr B from the London team in the middle of May and he gave me a nerve block and prescribed amitriptyline. By the beginning of June the intense pain in my clitoris had gone and I was gradually able to wean myself off the frozen peas I was having to apply to my vulva every day. I just remember being aware that the burning was slightly less every day.

However, I am still not right and cannot sit normally anymore. Like you, I couldn't even consider getting to France, my world has shrunk somewhat and I grieve for my old life.

Hang in there, the pain will get better, you just need the area to calm down, are you applying ice?



Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2015, 05:52:53 PM »

thank you so much Judith...i don't want to be this needy!!! I am impressed that you can work...that is a future aim for get back to work...I have been off for two months. I am heartened that the intense pain has you think its the meds or the nerve block that were effective? And I haven't been using ice, but will give it a go....thank you so much, i am genuinely touched at your kindness in helping with your insights..


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2015, 06:27:46 PM »

Ok......the Bristol team are far more compassionate than the London team .....this comes from one of the top PN Physios I have seen.......however they try to hard to try and fix you when we are not necessarily fixable that's the hard facts I am afraid of this condition or any nerve condition.......Bristol have done about 20 PN Surgerys with some dire consequences one poor lady is now using crutches had to give up her teaching job......and has had no after care and the specilaist has refused to see her anymore.....the Bristol team went over to France to "learn" how to do the surgery .......the French team have done 4000 plus.....the physio I saw also had PN for two years caused by a UTI.....and she said if she ever needed surgery or a proper evaluation she would only let the French team do so.

By the way my mother also has PN.....and has had a nerve block at the NHNN with absolutely dire are near a guy called David McCoid in Bristol he had PN for 14 years and has three failed surgeries in America......he now teaches something called restorative exercise by Katy Bowen look it up.....there are some good results out there....

This time last year I was ready to jump,off a bridge.....turned up at casualty like you desperate.....but I am 90% better......I can sit for a couple of hours.....and I personally never got into the habit of using a cushion, but I work for myself and could manage my day as I wanted.....however much pain I was in I wallked walked walked and still do with good the worst thing for us is to become stagnant as this stops blood flow, and tightens the pelvic floor further.....I have also had intensive antibiotic treatment for a bladder wall infection .....which was/is also part of the jigsaw.

What you have to remeber is EVERY investigation you have done lays down scar tissue and aggravates an already aggrivated nerve......I had an MRI a neurography very expensive which rules out rather than rules in....there are NO definate tests that can say it's PN there are two other nerves that could be the culprit also but nerve pain is nerve pain and it's the pits.

In the early days I iced the area slept with a tin of frozen baked beans wrapped in a towel between my legs, learnt to turn over in my sleep without waking ........havnt needed the beans this year at all.......however I still most nights lie on a mini hear pad on high on my lower back/butt area to relax the area and this works very well.......sometimes sleep with it my pelvic floor can ache alot when it's period time. Learn to breathe properly....sounds mad but helps a lot , breath as if your breathing out of you vagina so your stomach rises and not your chest that way the pelvic floor will drop and flop as you/we have PFD pelvic floor dysfunction an over tightened pelvic floor like cramp in your calf muscle tighteneing around that pesky nerve.

Give up food that makes you bloat.....use a squatty potty for the loo.....hold one nostril and breath through the other that way it can only relax the pelvic I said earlier my mother and I both have PN  she jumped in and took whatever was thrown at her and is in a right state, I went the very conservative route and so far at the moment it seems to be paying off.......the Noratriptaline can take up to three months to work.....I did four months of ami but I am now on if possible sleep , exercise, rest, pace, eat well .......I also take vitamin D3, probiotic, slow release iron B12 and 6 and zinc these are all nerve skin pills.....I have more energy than I hacve had for years since taking these.

I also went to a talk in London the other week on PN/vulvodynia and I was very impressed with the physio there her name was Lucia Berry I may go and see her to see if I can help along the last bit, she also does pelvic floor scans which I had done recently really worth having done as it showed exactly where the muscle was tight and represented where my pain was/is......also showed my prolpase is minimal this was done lying down and more importantly standing.

9 out of 10 sufferers of chronic pelvic pain do get better ( not as was before) but a better quality of life however it takes in it can be one of the very top nerve Gynaes told me we are in a time of fix me now.....however nerve pain is the last frontier of medical science and they just don't no enough yet.



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2015, 06:46:05 PM »

I took two weeks off work at the time but it was during our year-end and I am an accountant so it caused me a huge amount of stress. It was also very difficult explaining what was wrong so I said I had really bad cystitis. I don't think the nerve blocks did much good to be honest but I was so desperate I would have tried anything, I think it was the amitriptyline and time that helped in the end.

Is someone covering your job for you? What have you told them is wrong with you?

« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 08:22:45 PM by Judith57 »

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2015, 09:15:57 PM »

Maryjane and Judith...thank you so much...there is so much good advice in here....I need to re-read it and digest the advice. My instinct is for a conservative approach too..I am no fan of surgery....Maryjane, you should write a book!!

I am heartened that both of you are to some extent better...although of course not 100 per cent...

Re my work, there's no way I could get to work at the moment...I am a lecturer at University. I have sick notes saying pelvic a way I want this issue to be more visible, we are bloody unlucky but shouldn't be ashamed...My work have been AMAZINGLY supportive, I have to say...

Again, I can't thank you enough...its good to have something proactive to so...


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2015, 06:14:33 AM »

I have been asked by a top consultant on this to be a point of reference for sufferers.

Anxiety and stress are your worst enemy now with this......where you might of had a butterfly feeling in your stomach will now be a painful " fanny" also you can buy mini ice pads to put in your pants that a lot of ladies use.....and if you have to sit get a doughnut and put ice in it to keep the nerve calm, but don't freeze your bits.

As you may be aware, I don't keep it hidden what I have , as ladies really don't realsie just how common this is and the saying " there but for the grace of a God go I" soon shuts them I have PGAD with mine persistant genital arousal disorder, now that is a converstion stopper ....but oh so common with this condition.......good luck.....and if you need to just chat you no where we both are......Judith 57 and I are going to meet in the summer it's been a long hard road some days.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2015, 06:58:29 AM »

So, to recap then....
the meds are worth a try.
try cold and heat
breathing and relaxing are important (I am already doing some meditations thatvhelp me get back tonsleep once woken in the night.)..
Eat, sleep, time are important healers.
Dont have anything invasive done.

Did you both have physio therapy?
Thanks...I am desperate to do the right thing and not make things worse....



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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2015, 07:39:31 AM »

Hi and heat are your best friends......heat on lower back on vulva area....but don't freeze it just a nice cooling can get 5% Lidnocaine numbing oitment from the chemist/doctor works for some not others.

Pills defo worth ago.....but remeber that just because you can't feel it if the pills work.....doesn't mean the nerve has healed it's just masking it so still look after the area........I wear long skirts and no pants ever other than my period and that helps also.

I had sports physio and women's health physio and accupuncter......sports physio defo helped the external muscles, accupucture helped relax, full body massage helps relax, women's health a bad physio is worse than no physio as its internal work......some it helps some it doesn't......for it to work you need to do it once a week really and pelvic pain physios charge on average a £120.00 an hour ( disgusting ) however the NHS ones are pointless really pointless.......never ever ever do pelvic floor exercises you need to do the reverse and NHS physios are still being taught the old way.

I had about 12 sessions of physio at £120.00 an hour 😳😳😳 I would definately go to Lucia Berry London to get an assessment they generally no more than the gynaes.......physios don't like the term PN they prefer PFD pelvic floor dysfunction.....also this problem did not happen over night it will have been what you have done day in day out year in year out that has caused this......unless a sudden accident or surgery/childbirth.

There is a very good book by Amy Stein called if I remeber pelvic pain explains everything and its where a lot of the physios train with her........I advice you to see Dr Anna Pallercarous who is a private sexual health consultant she is amazing......lots of ladies have seen her on my advice and love her......she will give your vagina the mot of its life as there  is a small chance there is a hidden infection that just does not get picked up on NHS testing.......I am going back in September for my early MOT......she is just so kind and extremely gentle.......really worth going.....she is also London so you could see her and physio at the same time......the physio could access you and then recommend someone in your area if london a to hard.......but seriously look into David Mcoid also in Bristol.

I personally would not have nerve blocks......they suggest them because they don't no what else to's ok to have a just Lidnocaine or other numbing nerve block to give an idea where the pain is coming from, but not the steroid.......however it doesn't can ge the course of action I am's the pills , physio, mind body, de stressing etc......also if you are over 40 which I assume you are local oestrgen is defo worth ago could take months I have been on it seven months now and it's helping as well.

Also your local GUM clinic if you feel like you have an infection or something is the place to go, 100xs better than the GP, which is what Dr Anna is but she has the time if you have the money to do a thorough job.....but local GUM clinic still excellent and you don't need an appointment.

As you can see I am very passionate about this, as I have three daughters and a grand daughter and what with my mother and me having PN and my eldest (28) is showing signs of vulva pain with her periods I am determined to get as much knowledge out there as the GUM clinic and all the top specilaists I have seen said this is really quite "common" but brushed under the carpet and given different names depending on who you see, so if it all goes under one umbrella it's not rare.

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2015, 02:31:54 PM » bad today that my Dr prescribed morphine....I have never known pain like this. I can't stand, sit or lie without the excrutiating pain....At my wits end .i really am...with two lovely kiddies to be a mum to....this is the hardest thing ever....My GP is trying so hard but with so few tools at his disposal...the thought of taking morphine terrifies me, but .i am taking it nonetheles....

ancient runner

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2015, 03:27:18 PM »

Oh, bathmum, so sorry you are going through this. How old are your children? If you can tell them you're in pain and you're going to be doing things the easy way for a week or two you'd probably be surprised how helpful they'll be. Hugs.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2015, 03:56:56 PM »

Just a word of warning opiates can make nerve pain worse.......look up this video on you tube its long 90 minutes .......ignore the title it doesn't give it justice........Chronic pain it all in their head? Daniel J .Clauw M.D.

Also morphine is a big constipater and it's the last thing you want with PN issues.

The drugs used for this are amitriptyline/Noratriptaline/gabapentin/pregagablin/ some use slow release tramadol again a bit ??? baclofen is a muscle relaxant , in the states they use Valium and baclofen vaginal suppositories.

You are having what is called a flare.....have you been sitting for long or had a long car's quiet often what we did a few days ago that can catch up with us.....I would try and get into physio asap.....and ice the area to calm the nerve down.....genital pain really is the worse....I disslocated my shoulder recently and I would rather eat have that day in day out any time.

Also if you lie on your back with your legs up against the wall/door this should help release the pressure of the nerve and for many sitting on the loo stops the pain......I am sorry you are going through this and with children.....this is easier said than done but try not to panic and breath like I said to you......there is no quick your bladder ok?


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2015, 04:05:55 PM »

You are better off trying 5% Lidnocaine oitment on your clitorise following the path of the PN than the morphine in my opinion and vert vast research.......what does of Noratriptyline are you on ? With Amitrptyline you can go up to 75mg for pain relief after that it an antidepressant......noratrityline has fewer side effects......i10mg is a very low dose.


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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2015, 05:29:50 PM »

Hi Bath Mum, sorry you are in a state today. I think Mary Jane has said it all really. I had about fifteen different people looking at my fanny last year and none of them mended me. I saw the same physio as MJ and sometimes I used to feel worse after seeing her but to be honest nobody could really help. Dr Anna Pallecarios was lovely and she tested me for every infection known to mankind and gave me a clean bill of health. This whole nonsense has really taken a toll on my self-esteem and I am only a shadow of the person I was before.

Did you definitely have thrush or did you self-diagnose? I am asking because I thought I had thrush at first and so did my GP but the burning just got worse and worse until I was in the same state as you. Dr B sent me to a shrink for CBT and I had to fill in a form asking if I was thinking about taking my own life, was I ashamed etc. and I just kept ticking the yes boxes  :'(

I am now much more cynical about the whole medical profession, at the beginning I was taking myself off to the best that Harley Street had to offer, but you soon realise you are just paying all that money for the plush surroundings but you are just so desperate for an end to the pain that you will try anything.

I honestly think the amitriptyline did help me, I am on a very low dose, I started off at 10mg and now I am on 20mg.

I looked back over my old posts last night, crikey they do make grisly reading and when there are big gaps it was just because MJ and I were private messaging all the time!

Hang in there, it will get better xxx
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 05:55:00 PM by Judith57 »

Bath mum

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Re: Pain around clitoris!!!
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2015, 06:58:51 PM »

I have some relief tonight...its probably the morphine...or could be the nortpiptolyne kicking in a bit...I am on 20mg as of yesterday....or bit of both....I will try the leg raises etc....Thank you ladies.....
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