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Author Topic: Emitophobia  (Read 57127 times)


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #195 on: June 03, 2017, 05:18:38 PM »


being shut in
small furries (My gran hated rats  or anything built on similar lines)

Many of our phobias go back to when we lived in Caves and needed to know what was in the back, so many people react to anything that scuttles.  Those reactions remain as the flight/fight response.  But knowing that doesn't help those with phobias which are not simply a dis-like of things.  I avoid pubs or parties where there is alcohol, I can walk past a pub these days in the day-time which is quite an advancement.  Most cave dwellers lived as close to the front as possible, in fact many human remains are found at the front ......

DaisyB - did you really mean 'spewed out'  ;D ....... I looked at the web-site for 'contacts' and sent the e-mail asking for that particular section to be removed. After all, most people are aware that chemo therapy can have dreadful side-effects, one of the main being .......  :-X

Also, when my Grandad was ill with cancer he was no longer a Grandad  :'( ...... he couldn't play with us, go for walks, care for his garden, cuddle us ..... so I think that the advert is somewhat mis-leading anyway. 
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 05:25:26 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #196 on: June 03, 2017, 05:35:03 PM »

Hasty - I know exactly what happens in real Life but that section of the advert could be removed.  How much *is* real Life?  Why is a Charity paying a lot of money for an advert. anyway?  How much revenue does it pull in?  How many people think that the money they hand over in good faith goes to the Advertising Budget?  I digress .......

At no point have I suggested that the Advert is pulled but that consideration should be given to viewers!


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #197 on: June 03, 2017, 06:48:40 PM »

some people can't cope with what actually happens in real life?  :-\

This is the sort of unhelpful comment I was referring to in my post. Anyone not affected cannot possibly 'get it'

It has little to do with what is happening but what has happened in the past to trigger the phobic reaction.   :(


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #198 on: June 03, 2017, 08:06:08 PM »

'hate' and 'phobia' are TOTALLY different  :bang: :bang: :bang:

Hasty - perhaps watch the advert to see what the Company are trying to put over to the public?  I saw it as a way of pulling in money for more Nurses  :-\.

Those suffering are already aware of the pros/cons of diagnosis and treatment.  I don't want it pushed into my face as it reminds me of my own treatment sessions  :-\. I doubt if any re-working is required, the offensive part can be 'cut' ..........


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #199 on: June 03, 2017, 08:36:51 PM »

When someone is dealing with cancer they can feel as if they have lost themselves. The advert portrays a dad reading to his daughter when, in my opinion, he was well. It reminds us, I think, that the cancer patient suffering side effects is also a person with a life outside of the treatment and this is where Macmillan nurses are so helpful. Giving time and encouragement to us while we are at our lowest.

It is a shame that vomiting may be part of it although not everyone suffers in this way. Maybe a warning just before the ad like they do for flashing images?




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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #200 on: June 03, 2017, 08:49:48 PM »

I have a long lasting, from childhood,  phobia of seeing others vomit and I'm not that keen on doing it myself.
I do understand, and in a real life, real time situation I will genuinely run away.....however, having kids I have had to hold heads and clean up mess....phobic or not.
Whether I am phobic, if someone I care about needs me I will dig deep and just get on with it. I think most of us do actually. Emergencies sometimes happen

I do understand what's being said but I seem to have the ability to put this kind of thing out of my head

Mrs Brown


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #201 on: June 04, 2017, 09:57:32 AM »

If you are not phobic then of course you won't 'get it' but you can respect and appreciate some things can be difficult for others, and try not to make light of something that has deep impact on the other person however much you feel it is an over reaction.

phobia - an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
synonyms:   abnormal fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, fear, dread, horror, terror, dislike, hatred, loathing, detestation, distaste, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion

Emetophobia is a phobia that causes overwhelming, intense anxiety pertaining to vomiting. This specific phobia can also include subcategories of what causes the anxiety, including a fear of vomiting in public, a fear of seeing vomit, a fear of watching the action of vomiting or fear of being nauseated.

I still stand by my points but, having seen the advert, I have to say after reading this section of the thread, I was surprised at how fleeting the actual scene discussed is.  From the reactions I felt sure it was going to be unpleasant and graphic.  It was barely a couple of seconds in an advert over a minute long  ::)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 11:57:17 AM by babyjane »


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #202 on: June 04, 2017, 04:57:04 PM »

Far too much for me.  I've had problems eating today [not because of the Advert.] but can't understand why.


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #203 on: June 04, 2017, 11:54:04 PM »


I haven't read this whole thread yet, but I used to have emetophobia and trust me I had it bad.  I can totally relate to days of panic.  Currently it's not an issue for me but after seeing my dad die of a heart attack nothing else is scaring me.  :-(

But if I was sick I'd still be in a pretty distressed state.  The difference though is I'm not terrified anymore.  I know now that I would be sick and it would be over in a short while, unpleasant but will pass.

It makes me sound like I was never phobic doesn't it, but I promise you I was.  Big time.  For decades my whole life revolved around it.

My way out of it was a mixture of things, but a lot of 'exposure.'  I don't mean actually being sick all the time exposure, but other stuff, like gradually doing more and more things that I was avoiding, etc.....or eating things I avoided (but carefully and gradually).....If someone else was sick I would maybe walk away slower than before, so not necessarily exposing myself to the thing I feared, but just slowing down the escape, etc.....

Avoidance makes it stronger.  Exposure weakens it, but at first it feels like things get worse....and it's about getting through that.

If I'm ill now, I still have a card with certain thoughts written on it, to remind myself of what to think at that time....because my mind will run away with itself when I'm in that state. 

I don't think any therapist that delves into the past is necessary, but a therapist who does very good Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is worth their weight in gold.

I've learned that, rather than something terrible happen in my past, my body, when it's in an illness state, tends to also be closer to a panic state.  It's that simple.  The nervous system responding to the illness is also more twitchy and makes me feel panicky.

So it's been a lot of different insights, therapy, etc, and gradually over time I conquered it.  If I was sick again I know I'd absolutely hate it, but I'd also know that I'm not dying and it will pass.

Perhaps one of the most useful things for me too was a drug that is called Buccastem (Stemetol).  My doctor trusts me enough to let me carry this around in my bag.  I rarely use it but if I were to feel sick I know that one of those drugs will either remove the nausea within about 5 mins, (it really does), or, if I'm really poorly, it will radically take the edge off the feeling and make it more manageable.

Hope some of this helps, you have my sympathy as I've been there and it's still something I grapple with.


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #204 on: June 05, 2017, 12:29:32 PM »

 :thankyou:  'grapple' is a good word.  I use an emergency drug when necessary.  I've had CBT but my problem began within moments of being born and I lived in an upheaval World with lots of shouting, rows, which caused me to withdraw.  Even now raised voices cause my gut to react and my appetite to close down.  I have been better in recent years ....... but That ADVERT  :beat:


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #205 on: June 08, 2017, 09:03:10 PM »

So far I have had 5 replies regarding my complaint - every one is passing me to 'the dept that deals with this' ....... I expect each person who opens the computer gets paid ?  :-\ ? ...... and the last 2 responses have taken the opportunity of adding what the Charity can offer.  I don't want to know that, I want a reply to my complaint  >:(

1 told me 'response within 5 working days', the next 'within 2 days', the next 'within 6 days' ......


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #206 on: June 08, 2017, 09:20:43 PM »

I have now seen the advert....apart from that little bit I thought it was quite inspiring.

Before we loose sight of what's it's about......a man trying and succeeding in being a good daddy to his little girl despite undergoing cancer treatment.

Yep, inspirational.

I know it's hard for you CLKD but try not to let it get to you by going over things.

So many are facing this awful disease and if it encourages just a few then it's worth that second of unpleasantness for me.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #207 on: June 09, 2017, 08:58:10 AM »

It is a 'blink and you could miss it' bit of an advert that is over a minute long.  Some people could have phobia of needles and there is a moment where the 'dad' is having chemo in his arm.  If they omit everything that 'some viewers may find distressing' they would not have an advert to show  ::)


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #208 on: June 09, 2017, 01:03:37 PM »

Girls - hope you dont mind me throwing my opinion in on this one  :o  I have had personal experience of cancer and death more than once. I do understand the importance of raising awareness - but I feel that nowadays boundaries are so blurred on TV. Charities are competing for our money and society has become numb all too often to graphic displays on TV.  So to put this into perspective I try to imagine what my grandmother would think (if she were still alive today) and that answers my question. Compassion fatigue is the reason we go so far now with these awareness and money raising Adverts. Where do we stop ?? I think in such cases a delicate balance is required given that this advert will personally trigger dreadful memories for millions of us. And I personally think it is ok to say that sometimes they go too far. CKLD for me this discussion is more about what is/isn't appropriate- in your case I do understand how dreadful you must feel - but what happens if you are watching TV in general? Because realistically if it were to disappear off your screen tomorrow - you can't remove it from every drama, movie, series etc. Isn't there anything you haven't tried yet?? My chiropractor told me about Havening recently for trauma and associated behaviours. I read up on it some loved it - some thought it was quackery.

Hope that doesn't offend anyone

DaisyB x


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Re: Emitophobia
« Reply #209 on: June 09, 2017, 01:23:48 PM »

 :thankyou: DaisyB, you talk a lot of sense and also have the ability to see the bigger picture.
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