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Author Topic: Endoscopy  (Read 29133 times)


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2015, 08:25:10 AM »

I have never had this done so can't really comment but I just wanted to say that people only ever post negative experiences online.  You never think to post of the good ones, so for every bad experience you read there are lots more good that you don't read about. :)


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2015, 09:04:15 AM »

I am very aware that the internet can spread fear when it comes to these kinds of things - we often have ladies post on MM about all the horror stories they hear about HRT. This is why I posted this question on MM as I knew I'd get a more balanced view from all you lovely ladies and it's really helped me to go into this with a positive attitude. I'll give feed back when I've had it done - not got my appointment yet.
Thanks again everyone.  DG x


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2015, 02:52:39 PM »

I had endoscopy and colonoscopy in 2012 and was terrified - but really and truly it was fine - I had sedation and remember very little about it. The throat spray was a bit yukky and if I had to do it again I'd go without that, but otherwise honestly it's fine.  I was diagnosed with divereticular disease which was cause of my pain, similar to yours.

Good luck x


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2015, 08:59:08 AM »

I've had three colonoscopies, and although these obviously go in another orifice, you can feel them scrabbling around in your tummy. I was refused sedation for the first two because my heart rate was so low but had gas and air and to be honest it wasn't actually that bad. I was fascinated by what I could see on screen and the worst part was being "inflated" for the camera. (It was quite amusing on the ward afterward when we were all told to trump as much as we could!). 

I'm a real wimp (and went through the full list of pain relief options when giving birth) so if I can do it, pretty much anyone can. It really wouldn't worry me going back at all.

Try not to worry or get stressed, I hope it goes ok for you.

GG xx

ancient runner

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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2015, 09:10:25 AM »

I had an endoscopy a few weeks ago intending to ask for sedation but the staff were all very brisk and not offering it as an option.It was not much fun (but not awful) but if I had it done again I'd push to be a bit more out of it. Hope it all goes well. They'll be able to tell you instantly if it's a hiatus hernia. Staff told me I had one and were a bit put out when I said I knew, had been on omeprazole for probably 8 years with it now! Takes ages though if you're waiting for coeliac results. Good luck.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2015, 11:17:51 AM »

Just back from having the endoscopy. It was at the James Paget Hospital and I have to say they were marvellous - really warm, friendly and reassuring. I had the throat spray and sedation and don't remember any of it - I did say I was quite frightened so I think they gave me a bit more sedative.  They found nothing abnormal, I'm just producing too much acid so may need to keep taking the PPIs.  Relieved it is all over. Thanks for all the support everyone.  DG xxxxxx


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2015, 11:42:56 AM »

That was quick Dancinggirl! Pleased to hear all is well - you have the same problem as my sis. She takes PPIs. You can relax now. :)


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2015, 04:08:47 PM »

So glad it's over and that they found nothing abnormal. I'm glad you made it clear that you were worried about the procedure - I've never seen the point of being brave, why be awake and aware when you can be oblivious?! Do you ever use liquid heartburn medicines such as Gaviscon or the own brand copies from supermarkets for instant relief from the burning feeling? I find it v good. Hopefully you'll sleep well tonight (bet you didn't get much sleep last night...) 


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2015, 04:18:48 PM »

glad it's over for you and you had good news. Hope you can now relax!


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2015, 05:49:41 PM »

Thank you all for the good wishes etc. - I agree it's worth making it clear you are anxious in this type of situation. When I worked as a dental nurse, it was the men trying to be brave that were the difficult patients - women often came in saying how scared they were and once the dentist explained things they calmed down and coped really well.
I stopped taking the Lansoprazole a week ago as you are meant to stop taking any PPIs for at least a week before the Endoscopy. I had noticed that my bowel movements improved on the Lansoprazole - I only went once a day instead of 2-3 times - so maybe it does suit me and calms things down generally.  I will be asking my GPs advice about what I should do in the longer term. I like the idea of perhaps using the 15mg dose and seeing if this keeps the acid under control. I do use anti acids like Gaviscon but because they contain so much bicarb they do tend to make my stools looser and encourage my bowels to open too much.  I have found as I get older my digestive transit seems to have speeded up and I do wonder if I'm absorbing nutrients well. I know we are supposed to eat lots of fruit, veg, pulses etc but this really aggravates things for me - I need eggs, cheese and chocolate to help bind me up!!!! Sorry if that is TMI :-X
Anyway - I am feeling very relieved it's all over. I had a nasty virus over the weekend and felt dreadful - once I'd had a little rest when I got home today I was out in the garden getting so much done - it was great.
Thanks again for all your support.  DG xxx


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2015, 06:35:51 PM »

 :medal:  ……. no way Josex ……  :-X I would have to be out completely even to consider the procedure.

Is chocolate a binder?  ;) at least it's good for us ……….

I think discussion regarding what to take long-term is useful, why not Milk of Magnesia? either tablets or liquid?  also not eating within the hour before bed, nor taking medication - that's what I find triggers my heartburn is taking medication then laying down to sleep  ::) and boy does it burn  :( so that I then have to take 'rennies' and sit up for hours.


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2015, 06:57:28 PM »

My heartburn and the pain across my diaphragm isn't when I go to bed, it tends to wake me at about 4am or between meals, so I think my discomfort is more to do with an empty stomach. I actually find milk or yogurt calms things and I often have a banana between meals - bananas are recommended on the NHS website.
I was told today that some people simply produce too much acid and apparently 9 out of 10 of the patients they see with this type of problem remain permanently on Lansoprazole to prevent ulcers and damage to the oesophagus.
I'm going to wait a week without the Lansoprazole to see how things are and then discuss my options with the GP or my brother-in-law who is a consultant gastroenterologist. DG xxxx


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2015, 07:09:00 PM »

This is going to be TMI for a lot of people  ::)

Look at the colour of your stools. If they are dark brown then digestive transit is fine,....if they are yellow then things are moving through too fast. The colour is more important than the consistency.

In some parts of Europe the toilets are designed to encourage people to inspect what they pass. It does not drop into the water the way it does here. I have relatives in Germany one of who has had bowel cancer and they discussed it with us a few years ago.

I think I have said before....too little acid is as bad as too much. Long term use of PPIs is a bad idea as your stomach forgets how to work properly on its own.
I'm having to use PPIs at the moment but as soon as I start to feel better I will be looking at my herbal remedies again and getting off meds.
I spent so long on PPIs. I would be fine for a while then they would stop working and a stronger one would be prescribed....and on it went. I think they were the base cause of my IBS although GPs would disagree.
I try to manage by diet and herbal supplements.

Google long term use of PPIs, they will explain it much better than I can.



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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2015, 09:49:04 PM »

I think it's very good we share this info and experience - even if it is a bit TMI!!!
Very interesting honeybun! My stools are quite pale generally!??
I have to say I am concerned about using PPIs long term but the doctor or nurse (wasn't sure which) who did my discharge basically implied it was the lesser of the evils.  Maybe it's like HRT and most drugs, there were risks and benefits. 
I am certainly going to see if I can control things by eating small amounts often and avoiding foods that aggravate and see how I get on without PPIs.  If I get the burning and stabbing pains again that keep me awake in the small hours, then I will resort to PPIs again.
I don't like bothering my brother-in-law as he is a very busy man and is often away at conferences etc. but if the opportunity arises I will ask his opinion.  DG x 


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Re: Endoscopy
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2015, 10:02:16 PM »

Eating every 3 hours then?
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