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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Having a constant debate with myself......  (Read 4992 times)


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Having a constant debate with myself......
« on: March 13, 2015, 04:02:10 PM »

....would anyone like to join in?!
Sorry ladies, I know this is all 'same old' but I'm on the brink of taking oral hrt but I just can't be sure I'm taking the right route. I know it's all down to personal preference, medical history etc but would appreciate anything that might help, or indeed shut me up :)) !
I'm quite happy that hrt will benefit me. I'm 52 and 2 years post meno. My symptoms are reasonably mild but I'm aware that my skin  and gums are declining, as well as other personal parts of the female body, despite vitamins,and I don't think they'll cope for another how ever many years without some estrogen!!

Should I go for the ultra low dose combined tablet I've been prescribed, or should I ask the doc for the medium dose combined patch Evoral, but cut in half? I've looked up so much info on the Internet and this site and there seems to be no doubt that oral form carries more risks plus it doesn't give a constant flow of hormones so more chance of headaches. On the other hand the progesterone in the oral route is kinder (so I understand!)
Does cutting this patch in work well for anyone?
Does anyone cut the tablet and take in the morning and the evening with success?
Then there's Tibolone which seems to carry far less risks than other hrt.

As I say, I know it has to be my decision but I'm driving myself mad talking to myself about it! aaagh!

Thank you, I feel I have shared my debate!


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2015, 05:00:45 PM »

Hi Sunnydays,

I'm having a similar debate with myself, about which progesterone to try or even whether to try HRT at all!
However, unlike you, I'm in perimenopause, so this debate could run and run...

Have you considered oestrogen gel and oral progesterone, as a sit-on-the-fence option?


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 05:20:28 PM »

Aaaagh another option! Welcome to my debate :)) thanks honorsmum. I've kind of decided to exclude that option for the moment for fear of extending my debate further ! It is one I will consider if the others don't work.


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 05:39:01 PM »

Hu Sunnydays - it's a difficult one isn't it?

When I started HRT I was late peri and had had a period 5 months previously - but I read up about it as well (although there was less info around in 2007) and was adamant I wanted estradiol as the oestrogen, and I wanted to take nothing orally. I hadn't read about all the different progestogens though so my (nice part-time female gynae) GP gave me Evorel sequi. However I got migraines on this one and after that changed to Estradot patches with progesterone pessaries - Utrogestan wasn't available then - and continued for 4 years on a monthly cycle. Now I am on still on Estradot, and utrogestan.

So my advice would be to just plump for one of them - eg the Evorel - and try it for 3 months and see how you get on. There are plenty of other options available if it turns out it doesn't suit you. If it doesn't suit you, you could switch to a type with a different progestogen as suggested.

Hurdity x



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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 07:07:57 PM »

Sunnydays - As you have already got the prescription for Femoston I'd start this to see how you feel - you may be surprised. This makes sense because if you then want to go to a higher dose it's just a step up rather that going straight on to the higher dose and perhaps not getting on with it.  Unfortunately most of the combined conti patches have the synthetic progesterone so this is why Femoston is a good one to try first.
Just go for it.  If you don't feel better in 3 months then you either try something different or stop.
Keep us posted.  DG x
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 08:11:07 PM by Dancinggirl »


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2015, 07:33:33 PM »


Oral estrogen did not work for me - liver protested.  Oral progesterone produced side effects while on cut-in-half patches. Eventually went on higher dose in one patch plus Mirena - and am reasonably stable since.

Hope it helps!  :-*


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 01:42:41 PM »

Hi Sunnydays

"as well as other personal parts of the female body" glad your being so honest.

For me I went onto the low dose tablets (roughly 1mg estradiol)

In terms of repair to those personal bits, it took me 6 months+ to get back to feeling normal.

The lower the dose, the longer the recovery is my guess.

The ultra low dose may help you but again you might find yourself in 6 months time no better off.

You could also go with a local estrogen option down there (i didnt) but that would certainly bring things back to life quicker by all accounts :)

There is the 1mg option of femoston conti :)

So options are clear:

1) request local treatment to help your ultra low dose option
2) request a higher 1mg option from the list and stick with it for more than the 3 months everyone talks about (6 months+ for me)

Hope that helps.




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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2015, 06:19:46 PM »

That's very sensible peegeetip, thanks If the ultra low dose can have some benefit for me, it makes sense to use the cream for the personal bits. I have used one before with success. it's name begins with o, can't remember it.
When I had my 6 week period of fem seven patch continuous before stopping completely due to headaches, I was surprised how it addressed the problem down there extremely quickly and I'm sure that there were  hormones in my body for about 4/5 weeks after, which is quite surprising seeing as I'd only been taking it for such a short time. I could sense it was too strong for me.


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2015, 06:26:29 PM »

Sunnydays.  The local oestrogen would have been called Ovestin.  The alternative would be Vagifem which many of us find a bit less messy to use.  If you had headaches using the patches, which would have been medium dose, starting with the Ultra low dose may well be a good idea to see if you are ok on this dose first together with the local oestrogen.  Give it 2-3 months and then increase to a higher dose if you feel you need it.  Dg x


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2015, 03:55:03 PM »

Ladies, thanks for your input - I think the debate in my head is finally coming to an end!

I have still not started back on hrt but I feel that I am now fully informed to make my choice because I have been able to speak to a specialist in this area, coupled with all your ideas.

Basically, as I suspected, not having had a period for nearly 2 years and to go on to a full patch was too much for me. The tablets are not recommended due to migraines so the patches remain best for me. As the types of patches on the market are matrix type, it means that if you cut them in half , quarter or whatever you will still receive the appropriate amounts of oestrogen and progesterone, but a reduced dose. This is so important for me as it means I can start of at a very low dose.It's been recommended I start with a quarter and build up, as needed, but revert to a lower dose if headaches occur.

I still have Femseven conti in the drawer so my final decision to make is whether to stick with these (cutting into quarters) or try `Everol conti - it's just a matter of seeing which progesterone might be better suited to me.

Thank you again for all your ideas - maybe I'll get sorted!


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2015, 04:03:42 PM »

I have constant debates, sometimes I talk out loud  :o …………..

Suzi Q

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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2015, 01:51:36 PM »

Me too they used to call me Dolly Daydreams
But people dont get the stories I think about and talk to myself in my head
Geoffrey does he says I should write more I do write and have been published years ago different lifetime hehe
Im glad you too mentioned lady parts. Id no idea that postmeno with no HRT that was almost a given
Id never even heard or could have imagined in my wildest dreams that my bits could shrink and vanish?
I mean who knew whod tell you OH by the way u do know with getting older and no HRT ur bits shrink
That u look more like a prepubecent child down there than a women OR that your hairs stop growing mostly
So where once you had a Wax down there now youd give anything to have that pre shaved look
Ur hairs under ur arms dont need seeing too more than twice a month@thats only cos there a few straggly ones.
Your legs dont need shaving more than once every few months. BUT ur skin on ur body is wrinkly?
AND u dont know when that happened you turn your arm and you have wrinkles? You have skin that looks like goosebumps in some parts when did it happen? I mean one day your dancing to Beyonce put a ring on it
The next day u get out of the shower and notice lines on your arms and a few wrinles around your mouth
The skins looser on your jowls you still look ok from the front but sideways youve a droopy kneck when did it?



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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2015, 06:18:41 PM »

Suzi Q half of that sums me up to a T!
Horrible isn't it - the arms - I couldn't believe it - I'm doing exercise classes and yes they wrinkle when I turn - yuk!!! Don't notice it normally.  Yes - when did that happen? As for the jowls - I just hope other people don't notice them and I keep my hair around my face & neck to cover it all up. Sorry Sunnydays - you're probably not there yet but now in early 60's it is not funny!!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2015, 06:43:10 PM »

Everything on me is just 'sagging', jawline is horrible, double chin when I smile and my skin has gone like tissue or crepe paper - it's all wrinkly yet underneath I've still got muscle structure. Over the last couple of years it's got really worse.  I try not to look in the mirror these days - it's too depressing. DG x

Suzi Q

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Re: Having a constant debate with myself......
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2015, 09:59:02 AM »

I chopped my hair off if an of u r old enough to remember the Twiggy cut (Im just about as a jmr school kid)
I found my hair which was a BOB pulled my face down and when Id put it up or back I looked better?
So cut it dyed it Brugandy@learnt how to use wax so most days looks sim to Hairdressers apt OK not that good!
Well done u ex classes I did them too for a long time then moved and no gym near me I dont drive
Plus Id had enough! I tried Zumba didnt like it. I loved Jazzercise but not enough came so the canned it.
So I walk mind always have I know I need to do more. I stopped looking after GS at Xmas 2 full days Mon@Fri
As with Dad sick then dying I had to fly back for a month home on NYEVE plus GS got a place in D/C Mon@Fri
Im not as fit as I was.Id got back to be able to kneel and lean back joints had loosened now they r tight again
I restart looking after GS 1 day a wk in July so son can go back 3 days a wk work instead of 2dys moneys tight.
As for the jowls they are ok face on as Im thin in the face but side on  but my knecks not wrinkled just saggy?
Boobs touch my navel almost hehehe but they always did! I dont have any muscles come on Taz u know whats it called? When I developed the mus that lifts up your breasts werent there they never came Had an xray nothing
One GP suggested when I was 28 to have plastic surgery and have an uplift they were and are that BAD
I wont say what hubbies said or did but it involved leaning over the GPS desk and giving him a stern talking too
Looking back now I wish Id done it. I dont have a wrinkle or stretch mark on my boobs 36FF? My legs are OK
Few spider veigns which Im going to have zapped but no varicose AS YET! Its my hair that Pees me off
It had stopped falling out after 3 yrs of cascades it stopped mid year and my hair started to look and feel better
Since Xmas morning and learning about Dad its falling out again looks what I lkean is when I wash and comb
Much more than it should be Im not bald or anything but I have to wash condition Blow dry and style with wax
I have it cut and coloured every 5 weeks all Organic stuff I get good stuff online to use but NO GO!!!!
Its horrible to age and look at the 20/30/40 somethings and think HA u dont have a clue what awaits you!
BUT Id far rather age than the alternative. Bobbles says Im beautiful and says he loves me Im the best girl
I know its sickingly sweet. But when I say Bobbles wou]d love me with a ] bag on my head im not exagerating.
Im very lucky but we had our moments mot in pre meno or meno but we did just in to POST MENO
They were bad times for a few months on here we can open up and say how we feel and thatd great
Bobbles said to me Boxing day morning in Sydney wed borrowed a house to visit his sister spend Xmas together
All the family I dont know what Id done on Xmas day or said the day was spent at his sisters@family
Shes still 41 years on waiting with a false smile@freindship for DIVORCE Ive never been good enough for Bobbles
He sat the Boxing day in this borrowed house and said calmly I dont like you at the moment@dont know if I love you anymore. WHOOOO I sat outside the entire day woujldnt say a word phoned my pal in Brisbane
She paid for a tkt 27th I woke up packed my bags (wed driven down and with a pal too) I got a Sydney pal
To come over pick me up and I left Bobbles and son and flew back to Brisbane where my pal was waiting
Bobbles had to drive back but had to wait 2 days for the other person to bring them back.
He came home to finds a for sale sign up outside the house. I said u can ..... off Im out of here going back to UK
To say he was mortified at what hed said@done was an understatement he persuaded me to stay but we sold up
It took me over a year to forgive him and even now after almost 18yrs I cant forget he said it.
Sometimes there are things you say that can never be taken back Bobbles knew that and still does
Hes spent the last 18yrs spoiling me ringing me daily telling me he loves me even in front of people
Yet! The why did he say it still haunts me sometimes. I changed I know I did I got harder Im not soft anymore
I say  dont u dare talk down to me who the hell do u think ur talking too when he gets upity which isnt often.
We all have a story none of us is perfect we all have sorrow sadness and anger and pain but its better that than?
