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Author Topic: specialist appointment today.  (Read 9285 times)


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2015, 08:47:44 PM »

Little steps.  All adjustments take time. Keep a food/mood diary ?

I'm keeping a mood/symptoms diary, on your suggestion, CLKD - really helpful for seeing patterns.  :)


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2015, 08:48:23 PM »

It should be un-necessary but at least we do have the opportunity of other ways of getting advice ………..  ;)

I can soon forget what has happened during the day even going to the loo  :o so I keep a diary too  ;)


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2015, 09:06:14 PM »

That is really interesting. I think my ovaries have definately been deteriorating. (can't think about it too much)

I am really not good with change either.  I over think as well :(  Take your time to let all this sink in, as you say, the emotional rollercoaster has an exit sign now! :)  You have some choices to make, they don't need to be immediate.

Have you got something nice at home to eat, watch, make, enjoy?



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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2015, 09:25:47 PM »

 It had never occured to me that ovaries shut down at different rates - I just assumed they worked in tandem and everything happened at the same speed. I just that explains why you may miss periods later in peri - one ovary gives up the ghost, but the other keeps going?

You're right - there is no rush. The gel is being posted to me next week (3 months worth) and I can start it as and when, as long as I follow it up with having the Mirena fitted shortly afterwards.
It might be enough for now just to know that it IS perimenopause, and nothing to be concerned about.x


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2015, 09:45:05 PM »

I still haven't switched off the 'nothing to be concerned about' but nearly ;)  It really is a weight to have carried, why do doctors underestimate that - well we have discussed that at length ;)

Yes, I see what you mean about alternating months, I hadn't quite understood that part.  This may seem like overthinking and totally NOT what was happening, but I often used to know when I ovulated, instinct and sometimes a sense in my body, nothing major.  In the past six months I have had tweaking pin**** pain that was midcycle but not the 'normal' sensation, I think this must have been an ovary making an effort - the pain isn't there now and before my missed period, I had cramping and back pain for days, I was convinced something was 'breaking' - perhaps it was.

How strange and curious the body is - now I am aware my body is changing, I am a little less 'concerned' at the random things that happen - that has to be a good thing.  Hopefully you can start to relax a bit now.

I am taking note of Dr Evans suggestion you change surgery and not see the GP again - my friend asked me why I had my second blood test with my current GP and I realised I need not have, I could start again with someone else.  I have a follow up in a week or so, I might not go.  It isn't useful if Drs stress you out.  I was brought up to trust and respect them, so I guess I hung on a bit long.

Have a good weekend x


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2015, 02:47:53 AM »

Honorsmum I can't tell ypu how much I appreciate this post. I know you're blood tests were ' normal' FSH as well but with low estrogen. SAme as me and I so desperately want a 'doctor' to validate my belief in what's happening to my body. So far no luck but a, so glad that you did!!



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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2015, 11:02:56 AM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to add that in her book Dr Miriam Stoppard notes that difficulty dealing with new situations is also a feature of the menopause. Now why doesn't that surprise me?

Take care everyone.



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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2015, 12:45:32 PM »

honorsmum - thank you for sharing your experience with Annie Evans - there have been some great reports about her. To have your concerns validated can come as such a relief so there is no wonder you are feeling emotional.  The regime she is proposing is the preferred option of many gynaes as the Mirena offers the contraceptive element alongside protecting the womb with minimal effects of progesterone. Once fitted the Mirena may give some tummy cramps initially and random bleeding or spotting for a few weeks but you should be eventually bleed free after a few months - which is one of the great things about the Mirena.
I have used Oestrogel for most of my peri and post meno and I did have a Mirena for over 4 years in my mid 50s which was fine.
When you start the Oestrogel, can I suggest you just use one pump per day for at least the first 4 weeks.  While I was peri meno I did find too much oestrogen made me slightly headachy and one pump was enough to just keep my symptoms under control.  When I started with Oestrogel they let me have a whole 6 weeks of one pump per day before starting with progesterone and I felt wonderful. I only increased the dosage when I felt the flushes etc increase as my own hormones dropped.
I can understand your anxiety over all this but remember it's not permanent - you can stop it or try other things - you now have options.  Finding the balance where you feel good is trial and error and through the peri stage your own hormones will keep fluctuating so now you can control this better with the Oestrogel.
Your family are still young and you need this control to be able to keep on top of things, so I think you have done the right thing.
Embrace and enjoy the benefits this HRT regime will hopefully bring.   Good luck   DG x
PS Good luck with transferring to new GP as well. x

vanessa spain

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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2015, 01:05:50 PM »

hi can i ask where Annie Evans has her surgery and is she a private doctor thanks xx


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2015, 03:32:03 PM »

The Lovely Lady Honoursmum

I thought about you all day yesterday and I don't even know you!

Glad things went okish for you and actually I am not surprised you feel emotional, I would have still been there crying so thank your lucky stars that you are home now!

Honoursmum - Well done you for going and getting a second opinion when all we ever need is for someone to actually listen to what we have to say.  I hope things settle down for you.  Hey as for the age - blow it away - you will always be too young to be old and too old to be young!

Enjoy your weekend - Mrs 'Hugs' here has a huge ear so will always listen x





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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2015, 03:53:53 PM »

Smashing news Honorsmum - I am so pleased to read how well your visit went.  Do keep us all updated with how things go.    :foryou:

I am particularly interested in how the Mirena suits you. I have recently switched to Qlaira and was thrilled with the results at first (massive difference in energy levels and general anxiety levels - quite shocking how much better I felt; I hadn't quite accepted how miserable I was beforehand!). However, have now hit the phase where you have more progesterone than estrogen and have noticed, 5 days in, my hair is shredding and my nails are really brittle. Will wait to see if it's temporary or not, but if it continues, I will soon be bald :-( !

My GP was keen for me to try the Mirena but I let myself be dissuaded by Mr Google (damn him!). Would be interested to hear how it goes with you (and any other ladies' experiences, especially those who've never given birth).

Big hugs to you, once again.  xxx         


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2015, 04:09:05 PM »

honorsmum - thank you for sharing your experience with Annie Evans - there have been some great reports about her. To have your concerns validated can come as such a relief so there is no wonder you are feeling emotional.  The regime she is proposing is the preferred option of many gynaes as the Mirena offers the contraceptive element alongside protecting the womb with minimal effects of progesterone. Once fitted the Mirena may give some tummy cramps initially and random bleeding or spotting for a few weeks but you should be eventually bleed free after a few months - which is one of the great things about the Mirena.
I have used Oestrogel for most of my peri and post meno and I did have a Mirena for over 4 years in my mid 50s which was fine.
When you start the Oestrogel, can I suggest you just use one pump per day for at least the first 4 weeks.  While I was peri meno I did find too much oestrogen made me slightly headachy and one pump was enough to just keep my symptoms under control.  When I started with Oestrogel they let me have a whole 6 weeks of one pump per day before starting with progesterone and I felt wonderful. I only increased the dosage when I felt the flushes etc increase as my own hormones dropped.
I can understand your anxiety over all this but remember it's not permanent - you can stop it or try other things - you now have options.  Finding the balance where you feel good is trial and error and through the peri stage your own hormones will keep fluctuating so now you can control this better with the Oestrogel.
Your family are still young and you need this control to be able to keep on top of things, so I think you have done the right thing.
Embrace and enjoy the benefits this HRT regime will hopefully bring.   Good luck   DG x
PS Good luck with transferring to new GP as well. x

Thank you, DG.
A question about the Oestrogel - I have been prescribed individual dose sachets, so would you suggest I use half per day initially, or would there be a problem with "freshness" once the sachet is opened?
Dr Evans did say I could start the oestrogel in advance of having the Mirena fitted, but didn't say how long in advance. What would be the maximum period I should consider using oestrogen alone? Can I simply start it anywhere in my cycle?


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2015, 04:10:25 PM »

hi can i ask where Annie Evans has her surgery and is she a private doctor thanks xx

As far as I understand, she sees women in Bristol and Cornwall - I saw her in Bristol. She has a website.


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2015, 04:12:24 PM »

The Lovely Lady Honoursmum

I thought about you all day yesterday and I don't even know you!

Glad things went okish for you and actually I am not surprised you feel emotional, I would have still been there crying so thank your lucky stars that you are home now!

Honoursmum - Well done you for going and getting a second opinion when all we ever need is for someone to actually listen to what we have to say.  I hope things settle down for you.  Hey as for the age - blow it away - you will always be too young to be old and too old to be young!

Enjoy your weekend - Mrs 'Hugs' here has a huge ear so will always listen x



Thank you , Hugs!
Love the bit about age - as my husband is always telling me, "you'll never be as young as you are today"!   ;D


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Re: specialist appointment today.
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2015, 04:18:47 PM »

Smashing news Honorsmum - I am so pleased to read how well your visit went.  Do keep us all updated with how things go.    :foryou:

I am particularly interested in how the Mirena suits you. I have recently switched to Qlaira and was thrilled with the results at first (massive difference in energy levels and general anxiety levels - quite shocking how much better I felt; I hadn't quite accepted how miserable I was beforehand!). However, have now hit the phase where you have more progesterone than estrogen and have noticed, 5 days in, my hair is shredding and my nails are really brittle. Will wait to see if it's temporary or not, but if it continues, I will soon be bald :-( !

My GP was keen for me to try the Mirena but I let myself be dissuaded by Mr Google (damn him!). Would be interested to hear how it goes with you (and any other ladies' experiences, especially those who've never given birth).

Big hugs to you, once again.  xxx         

Thank you, Briony.
I will admit, it is the Mirena part that is making me feel  :o
There are some horror stories on the net, and although I'm ok having smears, internals etc, somehow it seems worse. Dr Evans said that some women are sick and faint. :'(
Also, just the idea of it being in isn't particularly thrilling me. That said, I've spoken to 4 friends my sort of age, all of whom said having it fitted was fine, and 3 of them said they love it.

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