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Author Topic: First week on elleste duet 1mg  (Read 9317 times)


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First week on elleste duet 1mg
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:29:28 PM »

Hi, I'm Mandy, I'm 49 and I take HRT (feel like I'm joining AA rather than MM  ;))
I thought I'd post my experience on here so I can maybe help someone just starting out on HRT, and so one day I can look back and remember my journey - hopefully when I feel so good, i've forgotten how rotten it all was  :)

My periods started getting irregular about four and a half years ago, I've been through brain fog, lack of concentration, irritability, loss of libido and resorting to lubricant to make any sex life possible.  The most sad thing was my total loss of enthusiasm for life, I didn't look forward to anything and felt like I was just existing.

No HRT for me was my battle cry!  I tried every supplement going, gave them all 3-4 months to work, but nothing did.  I dread to think how much I've spent over the years  ::).  What finally drove me to the doctors was sheer exhaustion.  I'd got into a routine of going to bed early because I couldn't keep my eyes open,  waking up 3 times on average with a sweat, then being wide awake and reading for an hour.  When I had to get up for work I felt like death.  My job was suffering, my life was a struggle and I couldn't take it anymore.

My doctor was lovely, she was happy to take my blood pressure readings as I have chronic white coat syndrome and it always goes through the roof at the surgery.  She didn't ask me any family history, and as I was a desperate woman I didn't divulge that my Mum had had breast cancer, and both my parents had suffered heart disease and strokes (they were both heavy smokers and I'm not) she weighed me, gave me a printout to read and a prescription for elleste duet 1mg.

As I've not had a period for 4 months I started taking it immediately at bedtime.

Day 1 & 2 - A bit queasy first thing, slightly headachey and very sore and hard boobs - ouch!
Day 3 - Sore boobs, a bad reaction to my Friday night wine  :o I hope that doesn't continue!
Day 4 & 5 - Sore boobs
Day 6 & 7 - Everything is fine apart from slight tummy ache as though I might be about to start a period

No change at all in my hot flushes or night sweats grrrr....

If anyone else is on these tablets and has any experiences to share it would be greatly appreciated.
Mandy x


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 04:43:51 PM »

Hi Mandy-Joe


Some women notice the beneficial effects of HRT within days, but with others it can be a couple of weeks or so before a reduction in symptoms is noticed. It tends (from what I've read on here) to take a bit longer with tablet HRT but do persevere and you should feel the effects soon. You have obviously been suffering from severe symptoms but the first thing I noticed (with a different HRT) was a gradual reduction in the frequency of hot flushes and sweats - almost imperceptible initially - until they disappeared  completely.

Tale heart and keep on with the tabelts and hopefully you will soon be reaping the benefits. :)

I'm sure others who are taking Elleste will be along soon!

Hurdity x


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 09:09:34 PM »

I'm 44 and when first found out I was peri age41 I tried elleste duet. Was ok for first 3 months then it didn't agree, the prog part so I left it for few months and then tried Femoston and it has worked well. Been nearly 9 months but I don't always have bleed


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2015, 12:59:14 PM »

Thanks for your kind replies x

Day 8...
Another lousy night.  I do think I might be missing one or two flushes through the day, and the ones I do have might be slightly less vicious.  I still have slight stomach cramps, but nothing else.

I've been doing the 5:2 diet for the past few months and am very close to goal, last week I lost a pound so HRT doesn't seem to be causing a problem with that.

I'm dreading taking the green tablets after all I've read  :(


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2015, 01:06:58 PM »

Hi Mandy-Joe

Don't worry about the tablets - you may well be fine on them!

However I'm not sure about doing the diet while taking them - only that you may well feel more light-headed than usual when on the green tablets or just after stopping them - due to changes in blood sugar metabolism that seems to occur with progestogens. I've tried looking this up but can't really find anything much about it.

During the second half of the menstrual cycle and around period time it is especially importnat to keep blood sugar levels stable and I doubt this is possible on your very low calorie days.

Just thought I'd mention it in case you feel especially strange when on the green tabs and on your diet day....

Well done for losing the weight!

Hurdity x


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 08:26:10 AM »

Thanks for that Hurdity, I think you may well be right.  To be honest I've come to the conclusion that fast days really don't help meno symptoms, but I have managed to stick with it.  After trying every diet there is, and pretty much doing one or another since my teens, I'm now 4 pounds from goal and loathed to give it up  :-\
I will certainly watch out for feeling worse on the green tablets and maybe make some tweaks if I have to.  Thanks for your support, it means a lot x

Days 9 - 11 - No change  :( the only good thing I can report is Friday wine didn't upset me this week.

On a happier note, the weather has picked up and the snow has gone so I can get out and get a bit of exercise which might help.


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Re: First week on elleste duet 1mg
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 09:05:52 AM »

Keep going Mandyjoe! I'm sure you will start to notice the effects soon. Too much wine can make flushes worse but a little of what you fancy though....!  :)

Hurdity x