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Author Topic: Vagifem  (Read 20300 times)


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« on: September 24, 2014, 01:02:43 PM »

Have used Gynest for three months and was advised to see if VA returned before further prescription .? Off course symptoms back as expected.I found Gynest messy but very effective for my VA.Back to practice and asked for Vagifem,have used it for two days so far.I am surprised that pessary so small and have not noticed any evidence that it has dissolved as I expected some sort of discharge which would reach labia etc to alleviate soreness/dryness.
Advice please ladies....thanks


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 01:23:23 PM »

Are you saying the Gynest cream didn't work and that's why you have changed to Vagifem? Or was it simply too 'messy'? I started Vagifem 8 days ago following an unsuccessful trial of Gynest cream and also wondered how it works to relieve dryness etc. being as it's such a tiny pessary. Maybe the localised absorption of Oestradiol (which is stronger than the Oestriol contained in Gynest) promotes self lubrication throughout the vaginal tissue? My main issues are burning and frequency/urgency - I'm not holding my breath but it does appear to be settling a bit just in the last couple of days. Like you I haven't seen any evidence of the Vagifem once it's inserted.  Also extra lubrication has been needed during 'relations' - unlike when on Gynest. I asked my GP whether I could continue applying the Gynest cream to help sooth the soreness/burning on the external part of my urethra but he advised 'no', as on top of the oral HRT I'm already taking, this would be too much oestrogen? I imagine two days is not really enough time to assess Vagifem's effectiveness, but I'm sure someone more 'in the know' than I am will be along soon to answer our questions.


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2014, 01:39:41 PM »

Thanks Morweena.I found Gynest far to messy and asked to try vagifem instead.My symptoms are the same as yours but I'm not taking hrt so will just wait to see if Vagifem works for me.


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2014, 02:07:49 PM »

I think the vagifem needs a few days use for the tissues to become moist enough to absorb it IYSWIM.

I have found lumps of sticky stuff (non absorbed tablet) on the applicator of the next tablet when re-charging.  Usually it just vanishes, and I feel more normal.


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 02:15:55 PM »

Vagifem is a small white tablet that sticks to the vaginal wall and dissolves. You need to do a 2 week once a night loading before going down to 2x a week.
After a while you may notice some white discharge coming out which is the fillers and after a while with use you may notice a more gloppy vaginal discharge such as you might of had in the past - at least that was my experience mainly when using 25mcg vagifem.
You may also notice that the whole vaginal area plumps up after a while.
These effects may be lesser on 10mcg vagifem that is now available. I used Ovestin cream 1% Estriol on the outer areas with the 10mcg vagifem.


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2014, 07:00:55 PM »

It just shows what different opinions there are on this, I have just come been told to use vagifem and gynest cream. My physio I have for pelvic pain uses both, and at one time also took HRT she said when she goes to conferences on all this, the lecturers say the vagifem is only working up high, and does nothing for the lower areas and you need both, when I used it last the vagifem I had no discharge, but I was told until the pain has gone I won't as the pelvic floor is ouch img all the time.

I have been recommended by my dermo to use PJUR when she examined me it was so nice , you can get it for sensitive skin, I don't know about sex as that will more than likely never happen again for me with all my problems, 34 years of marriage very sad. :'(


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2014, 07:17:57 PM »

Absolutely - re differing opinions!

Morwenna - you can't possibly be getting too much oestrogen by using an estriol cream on the external areas - it's a different type of oestrogen than in Vagifem which is estradiol. Sadly your GP is not well-informed.

I use Vagifem (or Gynest pessaries), and Gynest cream and I am on medium dose systemic HRT. All with the blessing of my female GP  who deals with all the gynae issues. I use the Gynest for the outer areas - this is a weaker preparation than Ovestin so you could use more cream for your money (if you get me) and not be absorbing as much estriol anyway. I would insist on being prescribed Gynest cream as well if you need it. I don't yet use Vagifem all the time - just when I'm using vaginal progesterone, as I'm still using up my supplies of Gynest pessaries - which really were the biz! Outrageous that this very useful product was discontinued.

Yes Jennie - many women find estriol to be extremely effective for VA but I would agree I would not want to fiddle around with cream and an applicator, so when my Gynest pessaries run out I will be using Vagifem, but will rub cream on the outer areas the same evening that I insert the Vagifem - to keep these areas moist and plumped as well!

Hurdity x


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 07:56:22 PM »

Hurdity I was surprised when my GP advised against using Gynest cream alongside Vagifem as he has happily gone along with everything I've asked for so far! I agree that Ortho-Gynest pessaries were the 'biz' ;D, unfortunately mine ran out at the start of this year and I have found Gynest cream to be a poor substitute. However I have two full tubes left so am definitely going to start using it to supplement the 10mcg Vagifem.

Maryjane although the instructions in the Vagifem leaflet say to insert as far as possible, I read somewhere (on this forum I think) that the positioning of the pessary in the vagina can make a difference to symptoms so for the past three nights have been experimenting with placing it on the anterior wall behind the urethra. I'm still on the two week reload so it's very much a case of suck it and see right now although last night I didn't need to get up for a wee so I'm crossing my fingers for an improvement.

I'm sorry there seems to be no end in sight for your problems  :hug:


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2014, 08:59:03 PM » much gynest cream do you use, a small fingers nail worth? and do you spread it on the vulva area uro/gynae said it will sort of go further than you put it so don't worry to much it will find its own way. But he said it in a far more educated way, but I can't remember  :)

Many thanks MJ x


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 03:32:48 PM »

Hi maryjane - I just squeeze some out and smear it on - I don't think about how much there is! Ovestin is more concentrated but Gynest is very weak so you really can't OD on it... Probably about the same as a toothpaste squirt maybe? It doesn't need to be precise....

Hurdity x


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 04:39:13 PM »

Hi Hurdity.......thanks for that forgot to ask also sorry......are you the lady that also uses multigyn , as I slop that on also as and when as it is the only thing that really helps with the burning, I use it in the am and afternoon if needed, but usually just am.

It says you can only use it for thirty days do you follow that rule? As it is better for my mind/body /soul to use it anifaditem at the moment......only other option is an epidural directed to my vagina which I don't think is doable.

My PH is spot on, but it does something to soothe.xx


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 04:49:18 PM »

Hi ladies, I also have vagifem and gynest cream. For me they are a winning combination, one in and one out  :)


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2014, 07:44:44 PM »

This year I have had ongoing problems with urgency, frequency and burning urethra. The start of it coincided with a new regime of tetracycline antiobiotics prescribed for my rosacea. Despite stopping taking them the symptoms continued. (It took me a long time to realise that the flare up would also have been around the time my Ortho-Gynest pessaries ran out and were replaced with Gynest cream). In the meantime I had been unsuccessfully treating with Canesten cream too as I wondered if the symptoms were Thrush related.

Just recently, deciding it perhaps wasn't strong enough, I stopped using Gynest cream and asked my GP for Vagifem. After 8 days of the initial two week loading, things were definitely feeling more comfortable but I experienced difficulties with dryness during 'relations' which never happened with Gynest. As per my previous post on this thread I decided last night to add in Gynest cream as an additional measure. During the night my urethra started to burn. By morning the discomfort of a full bladder sent me rushing to the toilet and it has been like that all today. (I definitely meet the criteria for Interstitial Cystitis). Am now wondering if it's Gynest cream that triggers it all off?  :o

Oh and the Vagifem pessary dropped out this morning, (undissolved  ???) into the toilet. Of course this may have been because I didn't insert it high enough, guess I need to stop experimenting with the position of it until it's had a chance to work...

I never had any previous problems with burning when on the Ortho-Gynest pessaries and didn't realise up until now that Gynest cream isn't exactly the same stuff - in fact on reading the ingredients, now wonder whether the peanut oil that's used as a carrier, is irritating things down below?

I experienced a lot of bladder trouble when I was younger - infections and irritability, but over recent years managed to find a regime that settled it down (which I pontificated about on the 'My Bladder' thread - Karma???!!) I'm getting really fed up now as nothing I do seems to help and I feel it's taking over my life (also I still have a spotty face but that's another issue!) :(

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Are there really only three hormone preparations available for local use? Is Ovestin cream any different? I'm going to revert to the Vagifem only for now and just use my trusty old coconut oil for dryness when required. Watch this space....

ancient runner

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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2014, 10:28:42 AM »

Morwenna, I too had lots of bladder issues when younger --cleared up mostly when I started having children. I now think lots of it was hormone-related.
I also find that some of the hormone creams do sting and irritate. Am using the estring but wondering if it is now powerful enough for the problem.


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Re: Vagifem
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2014, 11:29:12 AM »

Ancient runner I'm sure hormones play a part. I suffered almost constant UTI's when taking the contraceptive pill in my late teens. But this latest manifestation of discomfort is not an infection and seems to fit in more with the symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis. I also have IBS and have read that the two often go hand in hand. Vagifem hasn't helped sadly :(

If the Estring isn't helping, it makes you wonder where else is there to go?

If only I could pinpoint the cause - it's the stabbing in the dark that's so frustrating isn't it?

I suspect bladder trauma caused by past infections has left it susceptible to inflammation and now the menopause is contributing to the problem. I'm already on a medium dose HRT and don't want to try a higher dose really. Apart from the IBS all my other symptoms are under control.

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