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Author Topic: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?  (Read 15170 times)


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2014, 08:42:38 PM »

A problem shared etc. and BT used to tell us 'it's good to talk'  ::) ........ at least here we can share and ask and take on board what might work for us.  Also nothing is for ever so if you don't find a med which works you can discuss other options with the GP/Practice Nurse.  Trouble is, once I wanted help I wanted it yesterday .........


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2014, 07:29:02 PM »

Hi Suey43

What hrt are you on? I too suffer from anxiety, and am on everol sequi patches now, im on the third week of the second month on them, previous to that I was on elleste duet which I couldn't get on with, well not the green tablets which included progesterone anyway, I also tried citalopram but only managed too take four as I felt v low, it may not have been them not sure if four would have any effect, but I had to come off them and felt better when I did, with me the anxiety makes me nervous of being on hrt and taking anything alongside it, I would agree you should give the hrt a chance, Im going to try it for at least three months, I have good and bad days, its helped flushes and night sweats, but I still get bad anxiety on times, good luck x


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2014, 06:55:51 AM »

Hi Suey43
I've used citalopram for about 9yrs now (30mg daily), when meno kicked in for me I was in full breakdown mode again and I was using citalopram at the time and thought it had stopped working.
After two years of trying different HRT's I've finally started to settle. I use Citalopram 30mg, Evorel 50 patch and Utrogestan 200 for 12 days. I must say the majority of the time I feel great. I still have a few ups and downs as we all do, hormone related or not.
I will say though it will take a few weeks for the citalopram to do its thing but it's great for anxiety, I upped my does gradually untill I found the correct dose for me, that's the good thing about it, you can play with it untill you get it right.
With the right combination of HRT and AD's you will definately get your life back.
We are all different, some of us sail through meno without noticing it and some of us need a little help along the way.
As long as you feel well it doesn't matter.
Good luck


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2014, 07:24:06 AM »

I'm on Evorel 100 patches and was on Elleste solo for 4 weeks before that. GP thinks that HRT alone isn't enough to help. Have to say I think I feel worse rather than better at the mo.

Am trying to stop other drugs she gave me - beta blockers, sleeping tabs and diazepam as have been taking them for a few weeks, but now can't sleep at all. Have had about an hour's sleep last night and feel pretty desperate TBH.

Just don't know what to do. Still haven't taken the ADs. Cannot believe how bad I feel after never having any anxiety or depression or insomnia in my whole life before. Does feel like I'm going crazy and can't cope with it :(


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel? and Evorel Patches
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2014, 07:52:41 AM »

Citalopram has really helped me, I increased to 20mg from 10 and my anxiety has really gone down.
I need help re my flushes.
I have been taking Evorel patches for a long time, they worked well.
I stopped for a matter of less than 2 weeks !! and now they are waking me overnight. Why ?
Someone said use half patch, but this is not advisable. I am using full patch changing twice a week.
Can anyone help re this ?
Haze :(


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »

That is quite a cocktail of drugs you are trying to come off all at once - no wonder you can't sleep. Have you been advised about how to withdraw these drugs? Maybe your GP wants you to start the Citalopram to counter balance the withdrawal effects?  I don't know anything about ADs so I think you need to go back to your GP to ask for advice and support about what to expect when coming off all these drugs.

Hi Hazel and welcome to MM
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. Have you stopped using the Evorel patches for just 2 weeks and then started again?  If so why?
Is it the flushes that are waking you?
My thoughts are, if you stopped the patches for 2 weeks you will have unbalanced your hormones and this could give you disturbed sleep. If you are now back using the patches it could take a bit of time for your body to get back the hormone balance and stop the flushes. Many of us find (me included) that without HRT sleeping does become a problem.
Good luck both.  DG x


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2014, 09:34:08 AM »

I agree that's a huge amount of withdrawal to cope with.  Valium and BBs are after all, prescribed in order to ease anxiety surges.  Did your GP suggest that you stop all at once?  I take Cipralex, BBs regularly and if necessary and emergency Valium-type drug. 


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2014, 11:16:09 AM »

Thanks again for your replies Hazel, DG and CLKG - really appreciate it.

To be fair to my GP she didn't tell me to stop taking them (well not until I start with the ADs anyway), but I was worried that they were the things making me feel so 'weird'.

Had weaned myself off sleeping pills (zopiclone) and was taking Nytol instead, thinking they were less harmful. The night before last just took beta blocker but slept very badly. Last night took nothing for the first time in ages. Although I coped with the anxiety i just couldn't sleep. I guess I was feeling dependent on them and wanted to see if I could manage without all these drugs.

Sometimes they do help with one thing but side-effects can be difficult to cope with. I felt really funny in the head during the day most days (like I'd never felt before). Difficult as not sleeping also makes you feel pretty funny in the head too!! Was only taking diazepam occasionally (as I was told when they were prescribed) although had to take one today as had to go out and couldn't manage without something to calm me down.

One of the reasons I'm putting off taking the ADs is that I haven't had proper CBT yet and that seems to be highly rated for anxiety. Also going to a menopause clinic soon and was hoping they'd have some advice too. All in all I'm an indecisive wreck aren't i?!!

Think never having had issues like this I'm really blind-sided by it all TBH - just don't feel like me at all and guess I feel like in some way I'm failing (although rationally I know I can't help it).

Sorry for awfully long ramble….



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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2014, 01:16:45 PM »

You ramble, that's what we are here for.  Getting it down onto paper can clear the head!

CBT can help some people.  How long do you  have to wait for an appt.?

Blind-sided - that's a really good expression - I think many here can relate to those words!

You are unlikely to be dependant physically but emotionally one thinks 'I wonder if I will sleep without ..... ' which then triggers the brain to stay awake; to see if we do/not ........ maybe 2-night, take a book to bed, read until you feel dozey.  Or do crosswords.  Whatever, soft music helped me.


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2014, 01:54:57 PM »

Hello again,

Had first couple of CBT sessions but didn't feel like they were going anywhere and feel v disappointed. Kept a sleep diary for 2 weeks and therapist just asked if I could see any patterns and when I said no she said "oh well there's nothing more we can do then as this is only offered for 2 weeks". She didn't seem to know what to say to me and kept asking me what I wanted. I'm so confused that I just don't know what I need or want and was hoping she would!

Sorry for moan. Am thinking of finding someone else now (these sessions were only 25 mins via the phone so probably not enough). Anyone found CBT helps?

Feeling much better today after sleeping last night (took a beta blocker and a Nytol and slept really well) - phew!



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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2014, 03:00:48 PM »

Hi suey43 - If you are sleeping with just a beta blocker and a Nytol then maybe using this combo every other night for a few days will get you back on track. I'm afraid 2 weeks of CBT over the phone is probably not going to reap benefits - sounds bonkers to me. I think many people expect any type of therapist to tell them what you should do and that is not their job - they are meant to help you make your own decisions!  I had a whole year of therapy - one hour per week - and I still used some of the techniques I learned.   
I think trying to be objective about what is your best route is very challenging. You have been given such an array of different things to try and you are now trying to ween yourself off some of the nastier ones - which is tough.
My GP did suggest I read the book Mindfulness by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. I do practise this 'Mindful Meditation' and I think it does help to keep calmer and more in control - maybe worth and try?  Certainly a cheaper option. Finding a good therapist to help is time consuming and expensive.
If I remember right, you are on HRT? I would continue with this as in time it may help more that anything else. If you can slowly reduce your use of all the other drugs then do so.  If in a 3-4 weeks you are still struggling then perhaps then start the Citalopram and give it at least a month to see if that helps alongside the HRT. 
Does that sound like a plan?
DG xxxx


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2014, 03:23:02 PM »

Hello there Dancinggirl,

Thanks again for your advice - it sounds very sensible and is very much appreciated - THANK  YOU!!

Yes, agree that BBs and a Nytol aren't too bad if you really can't sleep (2 days without sleep and I felt unbelievably awful and feel SO much better today after a good sleep). TBH think sleep is my main problem - if I could work out how to get to sleep like I was a few weeks ago then I could cope.

I do have that Mindfulness book and am just over half way through. Agree that it sounds like a useful strategy (have tried it one night and it did help me a lot). Also think that maybe I'm just too busy a lot of the time and don't have enough time to relax and recalibrate. May go down to working a 4 day week for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.

Yes, I'm on HRT and will certainly continue. My GP has been brilliant and has referred me to a menopause clinic in 2 week's time too in case they have any bright ideas. This is my 4th week on Everol patches (strongest 100mg dose) so maybe things will improve over the next few weeks. Really hope so. Have had a couple of stretches of a few days when I did feel better but have to say I think I felt worse when I went onto the strong does patches (was on Elleste 2mg tablets for 4 weeks before that). Maybe the strong HRT dose is a lot for your body to cope with so exacerbates symptoms at first?

Just been out and bought some B6 and magnesium as had read that this helped some people - am trying anything!!

Thanks again. xxx



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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2014, 03:34:44 PM »

4 day week sounds a good idea. I think we all need to pace ourselves during this challenging time.   DG x

Mrs January

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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2014, 04:30:19 PM »


I have taken Citralopam since a crisis last year, been on it about 15 months, started on 10, 20, 30 and now doing fine. I take Oestrogen 2mgs too and am a generally ok person again. Just has the death of my son aged 23 and still relatively functioning ...hugs Mrs January xx


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Re: Citalopram - how does it make you feel?
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2014, 04:41:27 PM »

Oh my goodness Mrs January I am SO incredibly sorry to hear about your son. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Sounds like you're coping which is incredible.

Pleased to hear C has helped you. Must say if it helps in such circumstances then it must be good stuff - just sorry about the reasons why you need it.

You sound incredibly strong. Hope things get better. Big hugs to you xxxxxx
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