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Author Topic: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues  (Read 3403 times)


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Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:09:42 AM »


Me again babbling on, I can feel weight creeping on my stomach, thighs, bum, awful, Ive gone from going on the stepper or walking three times a week to doing hardly anything and between that hrt and menupause its not helping my weight gain, Im nervous of exercise due to anxiety, I used to run a bit but palpatations stopped that, I am going to try yoga but see that as helping the anxiety more than toning up, its awful being afraid to do these things anymore, afraid of heart attack, I know some people will relate and sorry for moaning again (I live alone :) ) and also had bad night so it stays with me next day, hugs to everybody going through menupause too and also having a rough ride xx


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2014, 11:30:37 AM »

I've had palpitations too, they're frightening but not dangerous - have you had yours checked by your GP? If not, just do it to put your mind at ease.

I also have anxiety but I really feel that exercise helps. I try and get to the gym three times a week and it's one of the few places I never get anxious in!

Do you like swimming? It's less stressful on the body than running but it's really good exercise. I find it very relaxing too.

It's horrible feeling scared to do things - a few years ago I was getting agoraphobic, which really affected my independence for a while.

I'm scared of other stuff now but I try and just get on with it - last week I went on a plane for the first time in about six years. Thought I was going to pass out for a few seconds but I didn't and the worst that happened was I got bored!


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2014, 12:46:36 PM »

thanks Tabbycat, Ive stopped flying too had terrible fear and it came to a head last year when I couldn't get on the plane, you have given me hope, and I will fly again I love it too much in the sun to stop, I like swimming, going to try a short walk later x


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2014, 02:58:16 PM »

karenja I do not live alone but I know people who do and the isolation seems to make things worse for them. they get isolated and bottle things up that is why this forum is so good, there is always company here and no one judges you for what you have to say.

although I have my husband with me and he tries his best he doesn't really 'get it' sometimes.  that is when I find it so helpful to be able to offload whetever is on my mind anonymously on here knowing no one will laugh at me or tell me to pull myself together.

I walk my dog in the woods for my exercise. It doesn't feel like exercise and it has a calming effect on me to be surrounded by nature and trees and water running, and my little dog's company as he doesn't judge me at all, ever.

Hope you can fine something positive that helps you feel better about yourself. 


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2014, 03:54:26 PM »

of course it is sparkle, why am I not surprised  ;)

perhaps we could both hug a tree next time we are out on walkies  :)


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2014, 03:56:28 PM »

Feel the same Karenjs...worry that when I exercise that it will bring on a heart attack...think its because I ended up going to ER with chest muscle twitching and palpatations thinking I was having a h/a and have felt nervous about doing it again...prob its because my muscles were so tight with anxiety and tension though...all was clear at hosp .....maybe start off with light exercise...hope this helps X


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2014, 03:58:46 PM »

I know how difficult it is when you are on your own. Sometimes you just want someone to give you a hug and tell you it will be ok. It is very hard to get your mind off the subject of feeling so poorly. I can remember when I was going through the worst of it, going into my neighbour shaking like a leaf and say 'please talk to me for half an hour' and she would say 'what about' and I would say 'anything at all. just to try and kick my mindset off track'. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Things are so much worse when you are on your own. You don't have anyone to distract you and you also can't feed off someone else's confidence. I can remember at times going to my bed fully dressed because I did not think I would last the night! Times were really bad. And as for exercise - I sometimes thought I could not make it from the chair to the kitchen, my legs were that wobbly.
But I am so much better now - a combination of time doing the healing and some anti-anxiety meds. And I am sure it will be the same as for you. Just try and be confident that it will all pass.  :hug:


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Re: Putting on Weight/Scared to Excercise/Anxiety continues
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2014, 04:05:21 PM »

bramble (hug)  :foryou: