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Author Topic: Migraines  (Read 2630 times)

Cathy Webb

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« on: July 29, 2014, 12:58:49 PM »

 :'( Hi I'm 50! started getting hormonal migraines about 4 years ago which at the time thought was bad until now! now I'm getting menopausal migraines nearly every day. I've been down the usual route, seen a neurologist, had a MRI head and neck scan, all normal, started HRT had a mirena coil, changed my diet, stopped drinking, and my life is just blimming miserable. i regularly see my GP ive tried all the prophylactic medication which either makes no difference or makes them worse. i keep a diary and in may I had 16, 14 in june and 16 in July which means i dont get many migraine free days. the consultant and Gp say they are menopausal related and thats why they are getting worse. I had the mirena coil fitted in Oct last year but I am one of the 75% who still ovulates and gets a light period every month, I am also having evorelle 50 patches. now do i have the mirena removed and stop the patches? is this what is making them worse? any suggestions would be MOST grateful, miserable Cathy


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Re: Migraines
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 01:28:18 PM »

I have had migraines all my life and the one thing that did stop them in their tracks was visiting a good homeopathic doctor (Jan de Vries and latterly a local one). I think Jan de Vries does telephone consultations now. Worth a try if you have gone down every other route.



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Re: Migraines
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2014, 05:30:20 PM »

I was schedule for a nerve ablation, brain surgery, for devastating migraines.  Cancelled surgery, got divorced and no more migraines.  Sad, but true.  Stress.  I now get occasional visual migraines, which are helpful by a vigorous massage of my neck muscles.  Wish I had more to offer as I know they are hell.


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Re: Migraines
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2014, 05:34:08 AM »

I had 15 migraines over a 5 week period last year. They were full disabling migraines that affected my speech, sight and caused frightening numbness. I did have a major family stress 3 mths before they started so I feel they were a mix of menopause and stress related. I resorted to wearing sunglasses indoors which helped alot alongside a migraine tablet beginning with S. I hope you get some relief soon x


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Re: Migraines
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 05:09:56 PM »

Hi Cathy, have only just read your post and I'm so very sorry to hear about your migraines. I have suffered from them since the age of eight and when I first started the menopause at the age of 52 they became more frequent. I only used to get migraines with aura but once I became menopausal I started getting different attacks which lasted three days as well as those with aura. Nightmare!  :'( I am now 64 and over the last few years my migraines have become less and less and the time between them longer and longer. I still suffer terribly with hot flushes, insomnia and all the other menopausal related symptoms but my migraines have improved greatly. I have never been on HRT as I am so, so scared of making my migraines worse so have just had to put up with everything else. I really hope that your migraines will improve with age as mine have done as I know how awful it can be.