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Author Topic: Visual disturbance for an hour last night  (Read 16239 times)


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2014, 06:58:48 AM »

I am also prone to optical migraine.  My trigger is caffeine but there are many others.  You said you had a 'very light lunch' so low blood sugar could have been a factor.


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2014, 07:30:00 AM »

The novocaine smell was near the lifts and in some general areas. I didn't notice it in the Matisse rooms but I can't rule it out. Weird.

My eyes were better in the eye test than they usually are. I could read the bottom line with only one mistake. But still feel a bit like I've looked into bright light.
Just hope a fuss doesn't start about my being on HRT. Last time I had one was years ago when I'd been on Premique for 9 months. Meno clinic put me on patches.
I've had my prescription renewed by the GP last week during which he took bp. Didn't tell me what it was, but didn't say high. I might try to bring forward my meno clinic routine appointment as it's in January.

How long do you think I should avoid all wine for? We are going to friends this weekend and I want no health dramas.... Thanks everyone x


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2014, 07:33:38 AM »

I am also prone to optical migraine.  My trigger is caffeine but there are many others.  You said you had a 'very light lunch' so low blood sugar could have been a factor.

Had a little piece of gluten free choc cake and a bag of haribos yesterday! Monday had a tiny trout salad for lunch albeit with a lemonade. I usually eat little and often, but not on Monday.
I think I need carbs when I'm flagging though. I hope you're right as it's easier to control. Thanks


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2014, 09:54:54 AM »

Interesting reading about the novacaine smell, it could well been solvent cleaner. I know I have to avoid nail booths in shopping malls, where they apply false nails, just the smell of it makes me start to have a headache. How they work with it I do not know, it must be worse in the enclosed nail salons.

It could well have been a silent migraine caused by the "smell" oldsheep.

Did you have a photo of the back of your eyes too, this can rule out such conditions as cataracts forming etc. I always have this at my two yearly eye check ups, it costs about £10s extra.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 09:57:30 AM by silverlady »


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2014, 12:22:55 PM »

Hi oldsheep,

I used to have migraines with visual disturbances when I was younger. My triggers were fresh orange juice, chocolate, the smell of oil based products like petrol, gloss paints, solvents like turps, and even oil-based paints in the art room at school. I would get the visuals first, followed by an almighty headache with vomitting. Then afterwards I would feel limp, spaced out and washed out for about 48 hours, during which I needed to eat carbs. Oddly enough, I would be really hungry just before the aura started and would yawn uncontrollably (not ideal in the school classroom).

Your visual disturbance sounds very similar to mine but without the crashing headache.

Galadriel x


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2014, 02:28:00 PM »

I can certainly remember the yawning sessions, I still get them and that I know am due for dull headache, years ago it was a sick migraine that lasted there days and left me exhausted.

Thank goodness I don't get those type now though I am still sensitive to my trigger smells.


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2014, 12:04:09 PM »

craving for carbs yes, and yawning session, yes, neurologist told me it's lack of oxygen to the brain (?). The museum hasn't emailed me back about the smell. Must think I'm a nutter.
Just spent a fantastic weekend in Oslo with friends (brief swim in the fjord too  ;D) in lovely sunshine.
My friend there gets bad migraines with visual disturbance. He said he's been told to lie on the ground against a wall and put his feet up against the wall. Not too easy in a public place! He has a very tightly wound neck too. I'm sure there's a link there.


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2014, 12:42:07 PM »

That was my next suggestion, a trapped nerve at the back of the neck.  If I move my head suddenly I go 'oh' as it makes me woozy, I am aware of a sensation about half way down the back of my neck and if I bend the chin to the chest, the sensation is replicated.

Wear and tear  ::)

Were you skinny dipping in the fjord?  OH!

I HATE being anywhere enclosed where people wear purfume or aftershave  >:(.  Starts my stomach 'off' and I have to leave.  Bu...r when I've paid for tickets  :(.

I would keep on at the Museum too, answers are important if smells become triggers! 


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2014, 03:29:03 PM »

I've had three visuals in past two weeks. Usually get two or three a year and my neck is killing me.  It creaks and is sore and has many serious issues.  Neck has been much better until increased stress.

As to smell CLKD is right as my guess is it could be xylene, which, for me, can be lethal.  Sends heart rate up and irregular and eventually headache with increased ringing in ears.  It is used as a cleaner and has quick dry properties.  It can be very dangerous and our rules here are very specific on ventilation.  Just a thought. 


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2014, 01:31:25 PM »

I had another headache last friday but mostly severe pain in the neck (literally!), no visual aura other than my right eye was a bit blurry and I didn't want to watch TV. It's been stiff and sore ever since.
Gentle swimming and a trip to the physio help a bit and OH is longsuffering enough to put on some french muscle relaxant cream too. Aspirin time otherwise.

It's very annoying. I took it easy on friday, just a trip to the shops, as felt exhausted before it struck.
Even ran into someone I know locally who said I looked knackered and that was before the headache started.
I can only think to get as much physio done as affordable to loosen it up?


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2014, 02:38:57 PM »

 :'(The last visual aura I had was six weeks ago, and then I had a nasty one on Sunday and another one headache just the wavy flashing lights and sight affected......
Last week I had an epidural for my cronic back pain, and now I am wondering if that has started them off again.........just sitting here today and hoping I don't have another one.....they really wipe me out...... :-\


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2014, 02:44:01 PM »

I go with two visual migraines in a year and then three in a month. Had two this past week.  I always get a weird feeling before they hit and sore and tired after. Hate them.  My neck is somehow involved and fluctuating hormones as well.


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2014, 09:54:16 PM »

How does an epidural help chronic back pain? apart from taking the pain away for a while?  :-\ …….. there will be a local anaesthetic with that so that may well have started the visual aura!


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2014, 08:15:20 AM »

I was offered a cortisone injection for my back  this is one of the standard procedure for long term back pain, not heard of epidurals though surely these would be short acting.

I did cancel the injection though because it was procedure under a local with a Xray guided needle (so as not to hit any nerves), sorry to say I was a coward, it freaked me out :o

Maybe the tension of having the injection and holding a certain position irritated muscles and nerves caused the visual aura oldsheep.


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Re: Visual disturbance for an hour last night
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2014, 08:32:01 AM »

Depo Medrone injections were 'common' in my day  ::) epidurals only used for delivering babies ...........
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