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Author Topic: sertraline  (Read 10667 times)


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« on: April 23, 2014, 09:35:18 PM »

 >:(Hi I am on 10mg of citalopram at the moment, but have a lot of pressure feelings in my ears lately, I am also going through the menopause,  I have decided to try sertraline50mg in three days time, has anyone tried these before :-\


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2014, 10:07:19 AM »

Several ladies here use it with good results   -    do a search? button top left of screen …...
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 03:29:40 PM by CLKD »


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 11:43:09 AM »

Hi Sue I have been taking it for 7 mths. It has helped such a lot & is good for hormonal issues too. I did get side effects but was determined to see it through & they are minimal now. Don't google it. I take 100mg daily every morning. Bev x


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 03:29:56 PM »

I didn't suggest a google  ::)


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 04:27:26 PM »

I know you didn't CLKD you suggested looking on MM & there are some good threads . I was just suggesting on another note that Sue stays off google as I didn't it & saw negative stuff. The positive stuff doesn't get written about much as people are too busy enjoying themselves once it starts working. B x


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2014, 07:17:35 PM »


Lucky Stone

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Re: sertraline
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2014, 07:08:41 PM »

It's been simply ages since I posted and that's in part due to Sertraline. I've been taking 50mg daily since May last year and find them very good. They do take a while to properly kick in, and you can feel a bit worse to start with, but I am now a different person (according to OH). The doc also sent me for CBT which I had from about Sept to January and that was good as well. So, how am I different? Well, I can stand in shops now and chat instead of feeling that awful 'got to move, got to get on' anxiety. I've only had two or three seriously stressed moments in about a year. I am eating more (some of my anxiety is food related). It's not a miracle cure - I still hate eating out and get stressed about it and there are days when I don't feel so good but the good days far outnumber the bad now. I stopped the HRT in October as well and haven't missed it - I do take Starflower for hot flushes but I don't always remember to take one and I haven't really noticed much flushing recently. Other things that have worked for me include mindfulness (Ruby Wax's book is an excellent read) and taking the time out to have a short period of quiet time every day when I sit and meditate (now I shall be honest and say I sometimes fall asleep which you are not supposed to) but having that time has become important to me and it's sacrosanct now. I also recently read a book by a journalist called David Adam who has OCD. Ruby talks about obsessive thoughts in her book, which I also have. The psychologist I saw didn't think I had OCD but having read David's book, his story is a lot like mine. And OH agrees. So I have taken the step to 'come out', so to speak, and talk to folk about my obsessive thoughts, why I find doing certain things hard etc. It's not easy but it does eliminate the need to think of excuses for stuff, you can just say 'no' and be honest about it. That in itself has lowered my stress and anxiety levels no end.

I have to say that I have no plans to come off the Sertraline as it's helped me and I shall resist any attempts by the doc's to take me off (not that anyone has suggested it). I am convinced that my OCD obsessions (which I think could come under the term 'pure O') are just something that I was born with and there is no cure, you just have to manage them. Perhaps the meno has made them worse? Who knows? Hope that helps.  :)


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2014, 09:02:22 PM »

Hi all

While I know nothing of sertraline, I def agree with the comments bev made to stay off google as people only post negative things.

Eg When I needed BSO I read an article saying that it aged this women 10yr overnight, her hair and teeth fell out, I seriously considering refusing the surgery in case that happened, - silly I know but my fear wasn't the surgery but the menopause - Needless to say none of this happened (not yet anyway) although I have sympathy for those that aren't so lucky.

next thing I googled / scoured the net for absolute hours for was livial when my gynae consultant said he was putting me on it - again nothing but negative views so I am of the view that I will stick to more factual sources in future. seriously I must have too much time on my hands or at least that's what the husband says.

So far its been 9 days on livial and 4 wks post op and happy to report nothing has fallen out / fallen off I am having a good recovery and the livial seems to be steady enough in my system at the moment.  Fingers crossed its not beginners luck as its the first hrt I have had.

Sorry for going off the original topic but my point is we each have to wait and see what happens to us on a personal level and take each day as it comes.

Lucky hope you continue to make progress at a pace you are happy with. X


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2014, 10:20:43 PM »

Great to hear you are doing so well on the sertraline Lucky Stone. Glad you are being honest too about difficult things such a relief for you. I found the sertraline gave me some strange OCD moments completely odd things nothing like my norm or maybe it was just hormones.

Hope you keep intact Linsey :) xx


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2014, 03:39:37 PM »

Thanks for your update Lucky Stone. 

Did you do a search for the medication?

Mad dog!

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Re: sertraline
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2014, 09:10:43 AM »

Hi Sue23 I am on day 9 of taking Sertraline...they seem to be suiting me better than Fluoxetine that I had for 3 weeks. I still have 'waves' of low mood and am overwhelmingly teary at times....this seems to be lessening now though...but like many other posts I have read on this site...they take time to get into the system properly, and the positives are good if 2we2 can be patient and go with those waves, so-to-speak.
I have recently been speaking to ladies of a similar age...sharing their feelings re meno - foggy brain, megga forgetful, doing 'odd' things for no apparent reason, flushes, wet bed in the morning etc... Hormones eh!! it's so reassuring to read that many other ladies have this too and are willing to share and advise others.


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2014, 10:28:38 AM »

Luckystone- I too have OCD with intrusive thoughts and like you said there is no cure you learn to manage it through medication and CBT.
I have recently just finished some CBT as I had a relapse in January.
I know I will always have OCD and I have learnt from my therapist to spot the early signs of a relapse and knock it on the head before it escalates.
It is so good to hear of someone else who suffers from OCD as it is not normally talked about much.
I would be interested in the book by David Adam.
Did you buy it online?
I have also taken up yoga and had a few lessons in meditation which are both very helpful to me.
You are doing well Luckystone  :)

Dyan X


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Re: sertraline
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2014, 10:37:55 AM »

Hi Sue,
I have been taking 20mg of citalopram for 9 months already, originally started on it for high anxiety. In April i went to see a different doctor and he prescibed sertlaline instead as being more suitable for my case. I've tried it for 6 full days and almost cried to the Dr.  to change me back to citalopram, which I continue now. I could' t deal with the change in meds, I don't know why. I am happy on citalopram, it has been working for me. Because my anxiety was probably closely related to peri, now that I am on HRt as well i hope will help me decrease the dose in the future. Will have to discuss it with the doc.

Mrs January

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Re: sertraline
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2014, 11:35:26 AM »


I take Citralopam too ...started on 20 then 30mgs and have stayed at that for over a year. I did try Fluroxotine but is caused me to try to end things so not good.

I am happy on my AD's they keep me whole and happier

Good luck ladies

Mrs January

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Re: sertraline
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2014, 04:33:01 PM »

Hi Mrs January...
I had the same effect with fluoxetine (very scarey), that is why I was changed to sertraline. I had been on anti D's for many years and had started to decrease last year to every 3rd day (with dr advice) as feeling so well. I feel like you, in that I will be happy once these take full effect, & in my mind certain people's chemical imbalance is just too much to cope with alone. :)
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