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Author Topic: The marena coil, peri menopausal, have Endo & M.E  (Read 2613 times)


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The marena coil, peri menopausal, have Endo & M.E
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:46:58 AM »

I don't seem to be getting any help or advice from my GP!!...a familiar problem I think.  I'm usually pretty good at taking care of and managing my problems but I don't seem to be getting any answers on if there is anything I can take that will help with my symptoms.  I have had Endometriosis since puberty, which was helped by the contraceptive pill in my younger days, now I have a marena coil which is helping the Endo, I've suffered with ME for 21 years although not diagnosed until 6 years ago....I am a very active person by nature and my own worse enemy as far as the ME is concerned as I always push myself too far then wipe myself out for days (well, life is for living).  I'm now peri menopausal and wondered is there anything natural which will have an effect of my menopausal symptoms but wont counteract the relief I get from the Coil? I've never smoked, not had caffeine for 7 years and drink occassionally, nothing I do diet wise seems to, any suggestions :-D xx, I'm 49 years old


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Re: The marena coil, peri menopausal, have Endo & M.E
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 10:24:24 AM »

Hello and Welcomejacs50
If you have the Mirena and it's suiting you that is really great.  If you are getting the usual meno symptoms like flushes and night sweats then may only need a pump of Oestrogel HRT to balance your hormones. Oestrogel is the same oestrogen we make in our body so is bio-identical. I'm afraid most women find that HRT is the only way to alleviate symptoms.
Oestrogel is great because as you go through peri meno into post meno you can adjust the amount you use.  I found I used one pump per day applied to my inner thighs during my peri menopause stage and then upped it to nearly 2 pumps per day in post meno. Some women need to use more.  You may find the oestrogen will help with the ME as well!
If you GP is not helpful ask to be referred to a meno clinic or gynae.  DG x