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Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 4146 times)


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« on: January 27, 2014, 05:02:36 PM »

Hello all, new here and glad to find you!  8)

I guess I'll just tell you what's going on with me......and hope someone can offer some words of wisdom, or even just a shoulder to blub on!

I'm nearly 55 (in 2 weeks!) and had a premature menopause at age 27, since when I've been on HRT, initially Prempak, but for the last approx. 15 years Climesse (combined, continuous).  About 10 years ago I started getting spotting and occasional bleeding, eventually went to the doctors and was sent for a transvaginal scan.  Diagnosed with fibroids, but as they weren't troubling me too much, it was decided to leave them alone.

Ever since then I've had occasional spells of bleeding lasting from a few days to a few weeks which eventually stop again.  However, I've now been bleeding for nearly 3 months so I went to the docs last week.  She, being a junior doc, discussed it with a senior doctor at the practice and the feeling is that it is probably the HRT + fibroids causing the bleeding and suggested stopping the HRT as a first course of action to see if that stops it.  I reluctantly agreed (this was on the phone), but I did wonder after the call whether it was wise to just stop suddenly, and having done some googling I did find some info suggesting it wasn't a good idea.

However, having decided to take the HRT every other day to make the withdrawal more gradual, I'm now thinking I'll just stop as I think I may be confusing my body and I'm probably just prolonging the agony!

Oh, and the main reason I wanted to post..............the bleeding!  It's even worse!  >:(  Sorry it's such a long post - upshot is, has anyone else experienced heavy bleeding whilst coming off HRT?


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 05:31:20 PM »

Hello and welcome Dizz
Your post was great - we need a comprehensive story to allow us to get the whole picture and hopefully give some support.
I personally think you are wise to reduce slowly as it can be dreadful to plunge your body into full meno so suddenly. You will have some oestrogen stored in your body and you may find a gradual reduction over a few weeks or even months may allow your body to adjust better.  I'm 57 & I've recently come off HRT for the second time.  I tried coming off back when I was 49 but the meno symptoms were bad, however, this time it's going quite well!!!!!
The bleeding; I really feel you need to get this checked out - for peace of mind if nothing else.
The doctors can't just assume it's your fibroids. If it's worse with less HRT that doesn't make sense to me. When did you start reducing?  DG x


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 05:50:56 PM »

Hello DG, and thanks for the reply and welcome.

I've only been reducing for a week, so not even sure I'd be getting any effects from it yet.  I have read that you can get withdrawal bleeding when coming off HRT - even the doc mentioned it, but as I say, probably a bit too soon. 

I'm afraid I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to 'investigations', so I guess I went for the easier option(?!).  I'm seeing the doc next Tuesday, so I'll probably see what happens then.


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2014, 09:32:30 PM »

Hi Dizz.

I would think this is to do with your fibroids. Some docs wont prescribe HRT if you have fibroids as the oestrogen feeds them and they continue to grow whereas, once in meno, they tend to shrink. I would think that another scan is needed just to check the thickness of your womb lining and hopefully the doc will refer you for this.

I would think that the bleeding is heavier because you are not getting as much progesterone and therefore the womb lining is being shed?  :-\

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 10:13:52 PM »

Hello Taz, thanks for your reply.

I hope that is the case, but I'll see how it goes and what the doc says next week.  My poor body is going through it a bit at the moment what with one thing and another - I'm also on antibiotics and steroids for a chest infection, I don't suppose this is helping with how I'm feeling.  Oh, and my blood pressure meds have also been increased at the same time!  :o


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 10:18:47 PM »

I'm 53 and have only been on HRT for a couple of years.  I started on Femoston 1/10 for 6 months, increased to 2/10 for 18 months, then decided to reduce back down to 1/10.  I was OK for about 3 months but then symptoms came back and after 5 months decided to increase back to 2/10.  Been back on this for about a month and feel so much better.

I haven't any experience of early menopause and I know you said you have been taking HRT for a number of years but I would say to reduce really gradually (if at all).

I would get them to check you out physically first ie scan, hysteoscopy, biopsy etc before stopping HRT.   Or maybe change the type of HRT you are on - that may settle the bleeding.

Maybe if you could get an appointment with a menopause specialist this would help. as I do feel GP's and especially junior GP's really don't know and just churn out what they have read somewhere!


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Re: Hello!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 10:29:58 PM »

Hello KatieL, thanks for your reply, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Yes, I did feel she didn't really know much about it.  To be fair, we did spend quite a bit of time on other matters so time was a bit short in the end.  As I say, I'll see how I go.  I do appreciate hearing others experiences, it does make you feel not so alone!