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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743373 times)

Johanna 4185

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1890 on: September 14, 2019, 08:21:14 PM »

Hi am I safe going on this hrt, I have androgenic alopecia and have an appointment at menopause clinic soon and they prescribe utrogestan / estrogel, i kept my hair stable for sometime using minoxodil,use to take angeliq but came of it 4years ago, but now I'm having terrible  symptoms getting worse, anxiety  bad but dont want my hair to get bad again.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1891 on: September 14, 2019, 10:01:26 PM »

Hi Westie, the surges can be due to lack of oestrogen.  I need 4 pumps of gel and 12 days of utro to stop my anxiety and panic attacks and control my other symptoms and I have a womb and ovaries.  2 pumps is the base dose, I think your levels are not high enough. I suggest that you up the pumps and see what happens.  When I get to day 7/8 I start to feel bad on utro...a bit low and tired but I know it will stop soon.

Thanks ladybt28 I think you are right as the two pumps have definitely helped some things- flushes, night sweats etc but not the more troublesome symptoms of anxiety etc. I will try upping the dose and see how I go.

W xx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1892 on: September 15, 2019, 05:29:27 PM »

Johanna 4185

I've been on estrogel and I have to say did cause me thinning scalp hair but everyone is different but it helped everything else I've just swapped to a patch to try and combat hairloss but I've been shedding more on the estradot patch I've had uterus and ovaries removed so don't have progesterone but everyone thinks u have easier ride when u just take estrogen but believe me u don't cause u have no balance I'm seriously wanting to add progesterone to balance things


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1893 on: September 15, 2019, 07:46:38 PM »

Hiya. Just to say thanks to those who replied for putting my mind at rest about taking enough progesterone. I had a scan last week so I am being monitored.

I havent tried provera. I believe it might not be any better in terms of migraine though.

I'm plowing on with 100. Night 5 and counting !!

I had a migraine so havent been on til now but just seen  I had replies so thank you. Xx

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1894 on: September 16, 2019, 10:00:52 AM »

I've been googling around trying to determine if my switch to putting Estrogel on my inner thighs instead of inner forearms is a factor in my fat growth in my thighs. Found this, written by a naturopath, in an article about cellulite:

Premenopausal women with too much estrogen tend to have the pear-shape body type with more weight at the hips. The reason for this comes down to fat, both the type and the amount. Consider that women have almost nine times the amount of alpha receptors for every one beta receptor in their hip and thigh region. When stimulated, alpha receptors cause fat cells to produce fat, while beta receptors breakdown fat. This is also the area with the most estrogen receptors.

I'm going to revert to application on forearms after a two-week break from Estrogel. Will continue Utrogestan three times a week (I had recently reduced it to two times but think that wasn't enough opposition to oestrogen). Will post again if there's any noticeable difference. You never know, someone else might be accumulating more fat on hips and thighs too by applying the gel to inner thighs.

I had been applying estrogel to my thighs and have developed little fat pockets on the inside. I've never had any cellulite there before and I'm not overweight either. Hope this helps. :)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1895 on: September 16, 2019, 01:26:45 PM »

Quick question: Does anyone get on well with the conti regime of 25 days of 100mg, then 3 days off?

I had a small amount of bleeding yesterday (day 14.  utrogestan days 1 - 10) was hoping that would help but I have woken up again with horrific morning dread.  I've been reading back through this thread (love this thread!) and I didn't get any of the negative effects people talk about when taking utrogestan.

I guess I just have to wait and see how I settle down on this regime.  I'll start a diary and see how this works for three months (which is when next apptmnt is). The regime has been good for me so far.  I guess nothing's perfect, it's just trying to work out what  the compromises I'll have to make are.

Glad to hear the regime is working for you so far. It's a good sign that you did not experience the negative side effects while taking it that others do. Do update us with your diary experiences and hope all continues to go well :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1896 on: September 16, 2019, 02:31:06 PM »

Hi all

I also developed fat deposits on thighs from estrogel and since swapping to patch 4 days ago the fat deposits haven't gone yet but will they does anyone know ?

Also I wasn't obsorbing the gel very well on my thighs would I do better applying to my arms should I end up going back on the gel as not doing great on patch and have to up to 75 to get rid of flushes and VA is worse hair loss worse. Will I get fat deposits on my arms too ?

How long does it take to see benefit or not in hairloss when swapping estrogen.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1897 on: September 16, 2019, 02:36:02 PM »

Hi, just to say thanks, seemed to work well for my holiday.....I'm carrying on taking the utrogestan vaginally I think, seems less hassle!
Still not sure if they're helping tbh, but I'm persevering.... actually my hot sweats and flushes have lessened, but nothing else yet!
Thanks 🙂
Hi Winnie1967
I use my pumps of oestrogel in the morning and take my utrogestan vaginally at night.  I didn't pay any attention to the patient leaflet!  ;)  I read about all the ladies experiences on this forum and worked out that lots did it differently - some split doses of oestrogel, some do them all at once, some wait for it to dry others rub it in hard.  Doesn't matter just do what works for you.

Yep you are right vaginal utrogestan bypasses the stomach so no need to worry whether its empty or not!  Go and enjoy your holiday - use your pumps earlier in the day and the utro vaginally at drink be merry...have a lovely time!
It will all be perfectly fine! x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1898 on: September 16, 2019, 04:13:51 PM »

Ohh sammie..really.? Fat deposits on thighs too? Is this common? I was wondering the other day why my inner thighs seemed to have such......and im slim and fit....didbt notice until the other side seems.worse than other. Woulsbt mind if felt amazing but felt nothing but crap since started espec nore so on this gel alone. This weekend has been awful feel like got a virus and ive had a left eyw side nigraine that hasnt gone at all...ive had it weeks. Feel sick today with it. Think im.stopping the gel pronto tomorrow.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1899 on: September 16, 2019, 04:26:43 PM »

It's interesting everyone else seems to get these symptoms from eastrogen. I only seem to get them from progesterone  flu like symptoms, migraine. The shakiness is weird too. Its realy bothering me.
At the weekend my dad noticed and now he thinks I've either got essential tremor which he has, or low blood sugar. My last sugar test was o.k but for some reason the progesterone makes me have these low sugar symptoms.  It makes me wonder if the migraine is a direct result of the high progesterone dose as I've been thinking or maybe it's actually low blood sugar triggering the migraine.



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1900 on: September 16, 2019, 05:37:02 PM »

Hi jMargaret

I didn't notice straight away but thought I had lots of little lumps then realised it was fat deposits on my legs and the other thing I noticed was the veins in my legs really popped out I felt ok on the 2 pumps but every now and again got heartburn and bad fatigue couldn't get out of bed and 6 months into taking it I got nausea to and scalp hair had thinned dramatically but not sure if this is estrogel because I've swapped to a patch estradot 75 only been on 4 dayS and hair shedding more but my estrogen levels suggest that I am not obsorbing the gel x but it worked well for VA
I'm not sure if u would get the fat deposits on arms if you were to apply it there ? Have you had any other side effects and what dose do you take and how long have you been on it ?
Do you take progesterone and how is your hair



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1901 on: September 16, 2019, 08:07:58 PM »

Hi been on hrt 4 months nearly 5. Stsrted ob alterbate eve 100mg utro and 2 pumps gel (was wrong regime as im peri!!)  Felt ok to stsrt but not great then saw no changes and bled most of the time ! Extreme fatigue and toredness and flatness no motivation too. No better at all.  Decided to up gel to 3 pumps so did this and in meantime also stopped the utro so that I could try a sequi. Was on gel alone for 3 weeks and felt no better really flat and pms symptoms and  most days this dull left eye headache. Decided and on the advise and help of the  fabulpus women on here to get a sequo started (and  ot wait for my period which i was) so i added 200mg utro vaginally then the bext day came on my period !!! So i stopped the utro and now on gel alone again until 25th when im planning to re add the utrogestan for my 1st sequi experiment ! In meantime been flat...still got this headadhe which at the weekend has made me feel ill! (Unless a virus and because i had period also felt low etc) i have NO clue whats what.x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1902 on: September 17, 2019, 11:13:58 AM »

Hi jMargaret

How has your hair been on the gel ?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1903 on: September 17, 2019, 11:19:50 AM »

Hi sammie...truth be told ive veen too scared to really look and evaluate. Pre hrt it was shedding but bloods 3 months apart showed low zinc both times. We did, or so i believe get levels to okay and no more supplments needed. Shwdding seemed to improve. Since being on the hrt, gel, shedding again 😓


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1904 on: September 17, 2019, 12:15:44 PM »

I've been googling around trying to determine if my switch to putting Estrogel on my inner thighs instead of inner forearms is a factor in my fat growth in my thighs. Found this, written by a naturopath, in an article about cellulite:

Premenopausal women with too much estrogen tend to have the pear-shape body type with more weight at the hips. The reason for this comes down to fat, both the type and the amount. Consider that women have almost nine times the amount of alpha receptors for every one beta receptor in their hip and thigh region. When stimulated, alpha receptors cause fat cells to produce fat, while beta receptors breakdown fat. This is also the area with the most estrogen receptors.

I'm going to revert to application on forearms after a two-week break from Estrogel. Will continue Utrogestan three times a week (I had recently reduced it to two times but think that wasn't enough opposition to oestrogen). Will post again if there's any noticeable difference. You never know, someone else might be accumulating more fat on hips and thighs too by applying the gel to inner thighs.

I had been applying estrogel to my thighs and have developed little fat pockets on the inside. I've never had any cellulite there before and I'm not overweight either. Hope this helps. :)

Hi Tracey, I have noticed I have cellulite too on my inner thighs since using estrogel but I also think I never really looked at my inner thighs before the way I do when rubbing the gel in. I've read that as estrogen and progesterone levels drop, so too does muscle tone so perhaps this is what's going on simultaneously. I too never had cellulite before. Hope that helps.
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