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Author Topic: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!  (Read 15079 times)


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Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:07:18 PM »

I have had a small spot/lump on the fleshy part of my pubic bone for about a year. At first it looked like a blocked hair follicle as there was a hair in the centre of it but it was small and paniless. Slowly slowly it has got bigger and bigger and now is painful to touch/press.

I have put off going to Gp as my normal GP is a young man who himself asks his female patients to go to the lady Dr with anything of the female kind as he says no woman wants him having to have a rummage ;D

I have got appt with lady GP for this thursday but am so embarrased about having to show her as I am very overweight and its not a good look flashing that part of your anatomy!

I am assuming its a blocked hair follicle and its now getting inflamed and yukky. I have had an absess in my vagina in the past and that was traumatic to say the least at I had it three times before I managed to get it cleared up!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 07:08:40 PM by countrybumpkin »


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Re: Spot/lump in my pubic area!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 07:14:09 AM »

Dr will have seen it all before. Heck I had to have internal exam yesterday, including back passage. Not pleasant for sure, but necessary.


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Re: Spot/lump in my pubic area!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 07:55:20 AM »

Sounds like somthing I have had in the past, and it was a sebaceous cyst....
    Don't worry about showing your bits, it's all part of a doctors job.....all shapes all sizes they have seen it all before  :)


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Re: Spot/lump in my pubic area!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 03:46:36 PM »

 ;D ;D I know a retired GP and he had me in stitches when I asked him what he really thought about the sights he sees.  He said that mens bums made him cringe in horror and when nubile young ladies stipped off their bras he always had a split second thought of "mmmm nice" before becoming a Dr again.  As you say they ahve seen it all but they are human as well or at lest most of them are ::)

I am bathing it with hot water and tea tree oil in the hope I can get it to a head that will burst before Drs appt.  My husband says to stick a sterile needle in it and squeeze :o :o but think I will leave that until I have seen the Dr!


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2013, 07:12:53 PM »

Blooming heck its agony :o  Full blown abcess developed. Went to Dr this morning and she confimed its was abcess and had given me very strong antibiotics for 7 days and said keep on with the hot salt water compresses and see if it will burst as well.  It did leak some yesterday so my husband pressed lightly, I screamed and attached myself to ceiling. Some really horrible stuff came out and it was a bit less painful after but no way could I press on it as I nearly passed out with pain.
Today its back to its agonising best again. I know that the antibiotics can make it more painful for first 24 hrs.
Dr said it was infected hair follicle. 
I am super busy at moment, going away for three days next week and house is about to go up for sale as well ::)  This is all I need!


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2013, 07:27:31 PM »

Have you any tea tree oil. Go and sit in as warm a bath as you can stand and see if it will burst.

It sounds really sore but the ABs will get rid of the infection.
Our bodies just seem to conspire against us.

Hope you feel better soon.



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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 07:51:04 PM »

Hi there, just thought i would add my bit! if the antibiotics dont work please go back to your GP as it may have gone too far and you need an operation to clear it out, this can cause blood poisoning if left. sorry bout that but same thing happened to me!! Hope its ok.x


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2013, 08:25:53 PM »

Don't worry I would be back at my GP pronto if no improvement in a few days!  I know all about cellulitis and blood poisoning as my son got it frm a foot abcess and he nearly lost his foot.
My husband has had a look! and said its getting a big head on it which will be why its so painful.  I am using salt and tea tree oil in hot water, this combination worked a treat last time for getting it to form a head and burst.


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2013, 08:54:04 PM »

Have you tried it in the bath. I had a huge one on my bum and it was the only way I could get it to burst. The relief was wonderful although it did fill up again twice. I eventually got some old fashioned TCP cream which stinks but it really did the job.



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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2013, 10:04:05 PM »

Never thought of tcp cream but have to admit I would have to not leave the house because that smell is all pervasive ;D


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2013, 10:17:22 PM »

My hubby is diabetic and any cuts or spots especially on his legs and feet can be dangerous and are very hard to heal because of poor circulation. I always put TCP cream on any cuts and they never go nasty and he heals well. Sometimes the old stuff works really well.......but yes he stinks.  ;D

It's worth a go. Nothing can survive that smell.



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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2013, 10:45:33 PM »

How is it all going CB? I had a boil on the inside of my leg near the vagina which was hell. Had to have it drained in hospital so when it came back a year later, I decided that I'd deal with it myself! Used hot water and salt and with a Q tip, kept making it come to a head. Then I braved it by lancing it with a sterile needle! The stuff that comes out is horrible but I couldn't face the hospital again. It never came back. Hope you have some relief soon.


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2013, 09:11:29 AM »

I'm not  a happy bunny :P  Its incredibly painful.  I am doing the salt water/tea tree oil treatment and so far have got it to burst twice  and got lots of gross stuff out but its still got plenty to go. I am just praying that the combination of my getting it to burst and the strong antib's will get rid of it but like you I have past experience of them in this area and my last one took 3 episodes to finally clear it.  I was a week away from having it operated on last time :o

I was supposed to be away seeing friends next week but have just cancelled as moving at all is agony plus if it does not improve early next week Dr said I had to go back.

Next time I get the little hard lump that doesn't hurt I am not going to ignore it cos I know what will happen if I do.

Thanks for asking about me, only a fellow sufferer knows the agony :o


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2013, 11:54:27 PM »

I know this is gross but you have to keep squeezing until the hard lump comes out (you prob know this) or it won't go away. When they operated on mine, they had to get it open and drain it every day (nurse came) so it does take some time. Hope you'll get to the bottom of it, as it were and feel better soon. Talk about the menopause being a taboo subject  :o imagine having to explain your condition to folk who inquire why you can't walk properly  ::) Sorry had to see the funny side but I do know your pain. Loads of hugs, Rose  :hug:


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Re: Spot/lump is now full blown abcess!
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2013, 11:08:37 AM »

Hi Countrybumpkin
Sorry to hear about your abscess, they are so painful! Hope things are improving. Just wanted to mention that your G.P should check you out for diabetes- sometimes skin infections are the first sign of this and anyone with a boil should be checked out.
best wishes,
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