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Author Topic: very anxious newbie !  (Read 6787 times)


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very anxious newbie !
« on: August 22, 2013, 08:22:02 PM »

Hi ladies,
I have been reading the posts on the forum and everyone seems so kind and supportive so I'm hoping for some advice…..mine is a bit of a long story so apologies in advance.
I am 50 and had the mirena coil fitted in 2007 ( for contraceptive purposes) .It suited me very well, no bleeding throughout and no side effects. In 2011 I had it removed  and I had a couple of periods immediately after TBH I can't remember exactly when periods stopped …I remember a few light periods but they tailed off  well over a year ago. Then came the hot flushes etc. but they stopped a few months back and I was thinking I was over it all until a few weekends back I noticed extremely sore breasts. I couldn't work out why until 3 days later I had very very light pink tinge upon wiping, followed by a bright red lightish show of blood the next day. (The day before the show I was extremely anxious as my daughter was taking her driving test -and overjoyed when she passed, I am also dealing with a redundancy situation at work so was feeling very stressed.- not sure if this had anything to do with it)
Anyway it all went away within a few hours but totally freaked, out I called my GP and got an appointment the next day. He took my full history, no cancer in the family, smears up to date and clear( although I did have a couple of inconclusive results a couple of years ago and had to go every 6 months until they were clear). My GP did a pelvic examination and referred me for blood tests and vaginal swabs which have all come back clear and I have a trans -abdominal ultrasound next week on 27th.

In the meantime I have been trawling the internet and have scared myself half to death. I am extremely anxious and worried that this may be something serious. I am getting twinges in my lower abdomen and my stomach keeps lurching – not sure if this is anxiety or a sign of something more serious.

Of course I am hoping that the ultrasound is clear although I have a history of ovarian cysts – I had a laparoscopy  in 1998 as I had 2 previous miscarriages .This was followed by the removal of an ovarian cyst under GA. No reoccurrence of anything since.
My question is can I expect to have a biopsy following the ultrasound or will this depend on what is found? – or should I insist on one? I am so unbelievably scared and worried and trying to hold it together for the sake of my husband who im sure thinks im over-reacting and my kids who are unaware of the situation. I've told no one else as don't wish to worry my sisters or best friend, so it's a huge relief just to unload on this forum.
Hoping for some answers



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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 08:25:24 PM »

 :welcomemm:  we get to this age and worry  ::)  ...... things we took in our stride become huge ......... I think it will depend on what the scan shows.  Your Consultant should be well versed in this procedure and subsequent follow up.  Taking a list along with you to ask before the scan can be useful.

Keep away from the internet  ;)  ::) (we have a thread about that here somewhere too  :D )


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 09:48:34 PM »

I also got into a state about sudden boob swelling, unexplained bleeding or spotting and a scan. I try to stay away from the Internet health sites as they just fuel my anxiety. It's always a fight between the rational brain and the hyper anxious brain. Hope your scan goes well. They will only treat what they find on the scan. If it's normal, then it's hormones playing up  :(
Hope you get sorted and it's nothing to worry about. I recommend gummy bear rescue remedy sweets btw, I ate a record no of them before my scan  ;D


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 09:57:24 PM »

Hi debil

 :welcomemm: from me too

It is always worrrying to get some bleeding at the "wrong" time and of course it is right for the doctors to investigate this. In most cases as you will read on here everything is fine but it is best to be cautious to pick up those few women who do have something more serious.

In terms of the ultrasound - on the NHS you will not normally have a biopsy done at the same time (well not round here anyway). The scan is done by a sonographer and they will measure the thickness of the lining, and look for anything abnormal.  Depending on what they see they may recommend a transvaginal scan ( actually sometimes these are done at the same time as the abdominal U/S as in my case.)

You will only get a biopsy if the U/S scan shows a greatly thickened lining and/or maybe an irregularity on the surface of the womb - as in my case. It is possible that in some hospitals you could just go from one dept to another on the same day if necessary - but I am sure that varies in different regions.

Do try not to worry unduly though! There are all sorts of reasons for bleeding and anxiety will certianly make you feel worse!

Good luck with your scan next week and let us know how you get on.

Hurdity x



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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 10:40:39 PM »

Thanks all very much for your replies. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens on Tuesday but good to have an idea of what to expect. Will let you know how it goes


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 07:09:46 AM »

Hi Debil - welcome to the forum.

I can understand your worry but one thing which stood out for me from your post was the lack of hot flushes recently. Lots of us on here have found that our flushes stop when a period is brewing. We too have thought "That's the meno over with then" only to find that a period arrives and then the flushes begin again. It does sound like a hormonal blip especially with the sore boobs etc. just like before a normal period.

Good luck for Tuesday - let us know how you get on.

Taz x


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2013, 08:10:11 AM »

Thank you Taz
I hadn't made the connection with the hot flushes ....was thinking that I felt a bit pre menstrual again this morning and then realised almost 28 days since all this first started........something funny going on but not too long to wait now !


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2013, 08:48:43 AM »

debil you may be interested in this link on phantom periods during peri-menopause , menopause and even post menopause ( I had them)


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2013, 09:28:39 AM »

Hi debil,
I was in your situation this time last year.
I'd had the mirena for 3 years with no bleed then started to get bleeding,pmt symptoms,anxiety and generally feeling unwell.
I went to my GP who said that it sounded like the mirena was depleting so she booked me in to have a new one.
It felt like something was going on down below.
When I had my new mirena fitted  my GP said I had a polyp which she removed before putting in the new mirena. She sent this away to be tested and refered me for a scan which would take 2-4 wks.
I felt really unwell for a while after I'd had the mirena in.
Convinced I'd got something.
Looked on Internet just like you did and scared myself silly.
I got so bad that in the end my husband got me in with a private consultant and I had an internal scan within 2 days.
I tell you it was such a relief when I was told that all was normal and nothing to worry about.
I cried when I got home because I was convinced I was going to die but realise now that it was all anxiety.
The polyp test came back ok too.

Hope this helps in some way debil.

 :bighug: Dyan X


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2013, 11:30:14 PM »

Hi silverlady,thanks for the link this is very interesting.....
Dylan, thank you for sharing your experience,I feel much better after hearing your story. I realise that this is a bit of a stupid question but I'm going to ask anyway........I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago which came back ok but when I rang for the results I forgot to ask what they tested for.... has anyone else had the tests? I realise that I should have asked the gp when he organised them...he said they were "routine ."


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2013, 11:31:56 PM »

Hi there

Happened to me as well. Came off the pill, told I was post on bloods and went on HRT for flushes. Then 18 months later same thing, feeling really well (because of increased hormones!) then my boobs were sore and started with period like cramps. Then it started. Got on the web (stupid!) and freaked out, saw Doc who didn't exactly put my mind at rest either! Had ultrasound, hysterscopy and biopsy and all clear so gynae reckoned it was my last fling. However, I would say after that one it did feel like I was going to get them occasionally but nothings happened since.

I guess it just takes a while to go through it all sometimes. I've been feeling fine and on an even keel for a while and then last week started getting hot again at night and feeling weird, had the horrible heart fluttery thing but I think some of it was down to being anxious about something that is coming up.

Do be careful as there is a link between low oestrogen and adrenaline, I've found that if I'm worried or getting stressed about something I do start to feel worse again.



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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2013, 06:13:58 AM »

After a sleepless night , scan  day is finally here.......very nervous and hoping they are able to tell me something positive there and then....
Thank you all for your posts, they helped to calm me down whilst waiting.
Appointment not until 5pm so have the day to get through first but will let you know how it goes
Debs x


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2013, 07:53:19 AM »

Hope you get on ok with your scan today Debil.
Will be thinking if you.
Dyan X


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2013, 08:07:30 AM »

Good luck Debs  :foryou:


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Re: very anxious newbie !
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2013, 08:17:16 AM »

Hope it goes well today Debs

re the tests - you can ask them to give you a run down of all the results. It will usually be the standard hormone tests - FSH and estradiol amongst other things. It's good to have a record even if you can't tell a lot from one test. There is some information on this site about measuring hormone levels:

Hurdity x
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