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Author Topic: a bit like a fever  (Read 4379 times)


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a bit like a fever
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:05:04 PM »

I am having a bad time please advise.

I am a 52 year old lady,periods ceased about 2 years ago,have suffered with water infections for a couple of years on and off,doc has put me on low dose antibiotics nitrofurantin 50mg for 6 months and has now changed it to cefalexin 250 mg to be taken at night,only took this twice dont think it suits me ,i have also noticed quite a bit of discharge ,doc took a swab and treated me for thrush,results came back negative,sometimes my vagina feels very hot on the outside and my bottom becomes sore. 

I am suffering with a hot fever like flush (no sweating) that has been on and off for over a year but just lately seems to be getting worse.
can only describe it like a fever which comes on around my waist ,body face and it feels like i am burning up,and then it goes. :(


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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 03:18:56 PM »

Hi Littlelady - welcome to the forum where you will find lots of friendship and understanding.

What you describe as like a fever sounds like a hot flush to me. Some women never progress to hot sweats (lucky them!) and sometimes you will have hot flushes for quite a long time before they develop into hot sweats.

As for your continuous antibiotics. My doc also prescribed me a low dose antibiotic to counteract the cystitis like symptoms I was suffering. I too didn't actually suffer from dryness but I was very sore and especially the perineum (between vagina and bottom). I finally read up on vaginal dryness/vaginal atrophy and realised that my doc had missed this. I went back to her and explained and she gave me a prescription for Vagifem which is a small dose of oestrogen in a pessary and this worked fantastically. I discontinued the antibiotic and have had no problems since and that was over six years ago.  It could be that you would also benefit from something like Vagifem - especially as your periods stopped a couple of years ago and you will now be going further into meno and your oestrogen levels will have dropped further.  There is info here about vaginal atrophy

Have a good browse around the site - there is lots of info in our posts and in the menu on the left of the screen.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2013, 03:38:53 PM »

Thanks Taz,having a blood test tomorrow .
the soreness around my bottom is very uncomfortable,i sit down at a machine all day at work so i really need to sort this out.

i asked my doc for a blood test because the fever symptoms are really a concern to me and i want to be sure there is no other infection .

and it is only lately that intercourse has become painful and with the soreness and discharge which is white and does not smell .


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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2013, 04:38:58 PM »

I am sure that your symptoms are hot flushes. Do you also get a feeling of unease maybe or a faster heart rate just before one hits? Sometimes there is a slight breathless feeling or one of nausea. The fact that they are getting worse is also normal. The further into meno you go the lower your oestrogen level becomes and so the flushes become more intense. They are a pain and can get very uncomfortable. There are lots of posts re hot flushes and hot sweats on here so you  may like to do a search using the "search" button in the blue bar top left of the screen.

I am sure that something like vagifem or ovestin cream will help with the soreness. Be prepared to insist!!

Taz x


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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2013, 06:47:57 PM »

It sounds like vaginal atrophy and hot flushes to me. Vagifem can sort out the soreness and stop you feeling as if you have bladder problems. My mum who is nearly 91 uses Vagifem as it really helps with her recurrent cystitis symptoms. She does not know what she is using just that it helps  ::)

Your fever symptoms sound like hot flushes. Mine used to make me feel quite unwell. Some flushes come and go quickly and others sort of hang around and can make you feel dreadful.
If you can cope with the flushes then perhaps you can manage without HRT but it really is the only thing that will get rid of them. No need to put up with the soreness though.
Ask your GP and hopefully you will get the help you need.
As Taz says you may have to stamp your feet and insist.

Keep posting.....lots of help here.



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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2013, 07:41:01 PM »

got it !

went doctors today and asked for vagifem.
got home and inserted one straight away.
was given a two week course and told i can have a repeat .

lets see if there is a improvement? :)


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Re: a bit like a fever
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2013, 07:43:35 PM »

That's good news. Yes you use one a night for fourteen nights and then one twice a week as a maintenance dose.

Hope it works quickly.

Taz x