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Author Topic: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know  (Read 5354 times)


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Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:29:42 AM »

Bit of a GP phobic - but bit the bullet and made an appointment at the Drs, one was'nt available that day so went onto have a "phone" consult with Nurse Practitioner who told me that I needed a blood test. I can honestly say that the last time I had a blood test was when I was pregnant 34 years ago!  Anyway, went Wednesday morning and had a blood test which seemed to take ages, couldn't find a vein so she took it from my hand and at the end of it the nurse said the Dr would phone me if there was anything wrong and stared straight at me, so all I have done since then is think that I will be getting a phone call and have worked myself up to a real lather.................the point is I know its irrational but it really ain't helping.
Anyway, managed to get a cancelled appt the same day as the blood test with a male Dr who wasn't that overly interested and gave me 10mg Citalopram. I've taken them now for 3 days and feel totally out of it in fact they make me feel worse.  I was given them years back when I had panic and anxiety problems and I'm sure I had 20mg then.
Can anyone help? Am I being stupid because I dont go to the Dr's ? Should I just wait it out, should I try and see the Dr the same day my blood tests come back if I can or am I being completely stupid?
I just dont want the Dr to phone me it brings back memories of when my brother and Mum where in hospital years ago.....just awful.... I know I'm being silly


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2013, 07:48:44 AM »

Thank you X


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2013, 07:51:58 AM »

I reckon you did very well going for blood test. My veins seem to vanish whenever a needle approaches. Have had them done in back of hand before now and boy do they hurt!  My surgery phone if anything out of the ordinary and tell me whether I should see GP or just have phone consultation, other than that I am supposed to phone. Have to say I do occasionally forget.  :-\

I also can't help with the citalopram, but there are ladies on here who can.


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2013, 07:57:13 AM »

I think you did great. I always get worked up waiting in the surgery and then can't remember half of what I wanted to ask.
What was your blood tests for?

As for the Citalopram I only managed one and it made me feel so ill. If you can put up with the side effects I was told you will start to feel better in a few weeks.

Was it ADs you wanted or HRT.....Sorry I can't remember.



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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 08:16:28 AM »

OMG we are going through the same thing! ;)
With all my aches n pains eventually bit the bullet and went to see GP who told me she'd never heard of aching joints with menopause???? so had to have blood test, like you I hate seeing doctors, have a real phobia and especially waiting for results cos I always fear the worst :'( my blood test was on 14th june and results a week later 21st....... so now were on the 28th and I still haven't phoned, what a wuss Iam :-X


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2013, 09:15:52 AM »

No, you're not being silly, and you're not alone.
I am a medical 'phobic', I hate going to the doctor!
I get white coat syndrome everytime my blood pressure is taken, it reads as MEGA high when I actually have low-normal blood pressure - always have done, even while pregnant.
Once I had a full blown panic attack waiting to see a new doctor  ;D ;D
I know it's irrational but I can't help it!  ;D
Mine stems from one time I fainted and I had to have a whole barrage of serious tests - carotid artery scan, echocardiogram, CT scan etc etc - only for my own GP to tell me months later they were not needed at all, it was just a simple faint as I do have low blood pressure!
I know the docs at the hospital were covering all bases but it put the fear of god into me.  :o
Ever since I dread going to doctors, and like you, fear the worst every time.
Like you, I know its irrational but I can't rationalise it in my silly head!  :) 


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 09:56:27 AM »

Thanks Ladies XXXX
This Menno is a real bloody pain innit? To be honest I never asked when the results came back I was just a bit spooked by the "staring nurse " "the Dr will phone if she isnt happy with the results" Probably thought she'd got a right one here - and remarked on how little they knew about me. I personally think thats a result.
Anyway, I'll phone later on and see what they say. Pretty sure it was for hormone levels and something else she mumbled  and to see if I was anaemic? Gawd knows why, as I'm pretty sure I'm not
I too have WCS - (Clovie) - so I'm pretty sure thats why the Nurse shot me a bit of a pitying glance as to her its a job, to me its sheer terror.
katsclaws:- SNAP - 8 years for me as well
cubagirl:- Sounds as though you've had a few....BRAVE
honeybun:- Think its for hormone levels etc - the nurse I spoke to on the phone couldn't understand why "bloods" hadnt been taken before!
Lizeeeh:- No you're not a wuss but you're obviously okay as otherwise they would have phoned! Sounds as though your Dr needs to read this forum, pains and joint aches are pretty much part and parcel with the meno!
Clovie:- As you can see I too have WCS - one time it was taken the Dr couldnt believe I was still functioning! Hopefully at some point we an sail through this, problem is i might have disappeared into the ether by then as anxiety with me equates to toilet visits....frequently
Anyway, thank you so much for your replies...I am so grateful XXX


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 07:54:01 PM »

OK, I know something that will put your mind at rest.  The phlebotomist told me and my daughter this when she was having a blood test.  Daughter has OCD and mega anxieties and the nurse taking the blood said that if there IS a major problem, i.e. something serious, you will get a phone call that day or the following day at the  lastest.


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2013, 09:07:11 PM »

Hugs. Try not to worry. At least you didn't faint when they took blood like I usually do ::)
  Millie moo is right. You will usually hear back very quickly if there is something wrong xxxxxx


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2013, 10:33:29 AM »

Thanks Milliemoo and Evenstar have sent you a PM X


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2013, 11:39:59 AM »

Even when my cholesterol was a bit high they phoned me day after.  Milliemoo is right they will phone if anything out of the ordinary.


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2013, 11:53:42 AM »

Had the test Wednesday morning so I suppose they would have phoned by now then?
Bloody menopause has a lot to answer for............


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Re: Dreadful Fear - Silly I know
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2013, 12:29:14 PM »

Blood tests can take 24 hours to 10 days to 'come back' - dependant on how busy the Dept is and what the tests are for  ;)

Enjoy uyour weekend!