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Author Topic: Good Morning and Hello!  (Read 3608 times)


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Good Morning and Hello!
« on: June 11, 2013, 06:17:27 AM »

Morning ladies,

Have been lurking for a while now but have decided to take the plunge!

I was given the details of this website by my Dr, who said I'd find more useful information here than she could give me as I'd be talking to people who were feeling the same as me  :)

Reading some of your posts has made me realise that I'm not the only one and many of you are having far more problems than I am but it's lovely to be able to read all your advice and suggestions.

My only concern is with my periods - they don't stop!!  Everything went to pot on 1st January and it's been downhill since then.  Have to say my Dr has been brilliant, she's done all the tests, blood, smear, swabs, scans and I've even had a womb biopsy as they were concerned about my womb thickness but thankfully that's okay. 

I've been given transamic acid to help with the periods and although they seem to stop the bleeding for around 12 hours, I'm back to heavy periods in no time.  They last on average 6 weeks, with a 2 week gap in between so I'm absolutely worn out.  I have a B12 deficiency too so no sure if that's making things worse or it's just how my body is dealing with the changes.

Any advice would be gratefully received!

Jackie xx


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 06:58:20 AM »

Hi Jacks - just wanted to welcome you to the forum.

One of the side effects of B12 deficiency is heavy periods so this may well be making your problem worse. You don't say how old you are?

You will find lots of help and support on here.

Taz x  :welcomemm:

Billie Blaster

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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 08:08:36 AM »

Hi Jackie,

Welcome aboard.  B12 deficiency will def. make you feel knackered. Can attest to that from years ago.

Billie Blaster


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2013, 10:40:19 AM »

Hello and welcome to the forum :)


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 02:59:18 PM »

just wanted to say hello  :)

I have no advice being new to all this myself and being really crap at going to the GP ...I much prefer to bury my head in the sand and panic

Well done for going tho and getting it sorted!  and good luck! hopefully someone here will have good sage advice for you.

D x


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 03:47:14 PM »

Welcome and I can truly sympathise with this and I really feel for you. I had exactly the same in 2007 but my periods didn't even stop for 2 weeks it was constant - in fact it went on for months at a time, in fact i wondered if i had any blood left! I didn't leave the house as the blood would just drip down my legs. At night I slept with a bath towel round me, in the end after having lost a load of weight and unable to concentrate on just about anything my husband had had enough and booked me into the Docs and after some tests - I was then told its part and parcel of the menopause and some women really suffer in that way and others don't. She told me that because I was bleeding so heavily that the likelihood of me suffering a lot of the usual meno symptoms might just well pass me by and she was right and that if I kept on having periods no matter how light and infrequent then that too would help in the symptom dept and again she was right,  I very, very rarely have had a hot flush or some of the other nastier side effects, all I seem to have is  some joint aches, mega, mega  anxiety and at the moment I keep feeling like I am going to come on, which is ruddy annoying BUT the bleeding does pass and I'm really proud of you for being brave enough to see the Doc  - we moved since I saw the really helpful one and have never seen this new one - but think I'm probably going to have to!
So your not alone and if you read the forum you'll see a lot of us have experienced the same.......


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2013, 05:24:23 PM »

Thanks to you all for making me feel welcome.

I completely forgot to mention my age, I'm 48 but feel 90 at times just lately.

GrumpyandIknowit, thanks so much for your comments.  I think sometimes we just need to know we're not on our own and there are ladies going through exactly what we are - that's why my GP suggested this site, she said you could all put my mind at rest much more than she could as you were going through the same thing as me.

She did say it was normal and there was not much she could do and I completely understand the staying in the house and sleeping with a towel wrapped around you, something I've been doing for the last week or so.  Thankfully, I'm blessed with lovely work friends who are concerned about me and ignore my tears and tantrums.  They are very understanding if I have to leave work as I'm losing so much.  Have to say that like you, I too have aching joints, particularly my shins, which is very weird!

Thanks for making me feel welcome and normal - if there is such a thing.
 ;D ;D


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2013, 05:26:39 PM »

Forgot to add that I do have a wonderful hubby too, who's having an awful lot to put up with at the moment.

My memory is worse that useless at present but have put that down to needing my B12 jab in a week or so!

Jacks xx


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2013, 04:08:05 PM »

Hi Jacks, I was exactly where you are five years ago, except I was a bit older at 52. And like Grumpy, I got to the stage of being wary of going out....the blood loss was so heavy it often bypassed all pads and ran down my leg and onetime, seeing me standing in a small puddle of blood, my husband was so concerned he wanted to take me straight to A&E. I persuaded him to take me home instead to change my trousers, as I had to get back to work! My GP referred me to a gynaecologist who said the Mirena coil should do the trick and "see me through menopause" as he put it, as they last 5 years. (I did not need it for contraception as hubby had the snip ages ago). Thought it was worth a try and hey! It definitely did the business! No more flooding, very light periods (some people get none at all, but perhaps that was too much to hope for!!). Only thing is my periods became erratic, and a bit difficult to predict, with a fair bit of spotting, but I suppose they may have gone like that anyway - a small price to pay. You can get this coil fitted by your GP or Family Planning Clinic. My coil is due to be removed soon. If anyone else has used the Mirena I would be interested to know how they got on after it was removed.  ;)


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 06:33:56 AM »


Thanks for the advice Edith.  My GP has suggested it so may go along that road.  Part of me thinks I should to it naturally and the other half of me thinks if there's help out there, I should take it.  Just worried if it would all start again once the coil had been taken out.

GrumpyandIknow it - Thank you, it won't let me reply at the moment but I will when I can.  :thankyou:

Jackie xx


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Re: Good Morning and Hello!
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2013, 06:46:10 AM »

Hi Edith - I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. Why not introduce yourself under new members.

Is there any reason why you can't have a new coil inserted?

Taz x