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Author Topic: Gallstones and hrt  (Read 12332 times)


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Re: Gallstones and hrt
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2013, 09:30:49 PM »

At the moment I use tormentil but that is being taken off the market. I have used the bowel essence and its very good.

I have been to see Jan de Vries quite a few times over the years. There is a helpline number which is staffed by very nice knowledgeable people.

He has shops in my part of the world and just about everyone I know has visited him. He does free consultations with no obligation to buy.

With his help I got my IBS under control.

With regard to your gallbladder. My sis had hers removed nearly two years ago and says if she knew then what she knows now she would have hung onto it as long as she could.
The bile runs straight into the stomach and can cause severe diahorea(sp).
My hubby who had sludge in his gallbladder asked his consultant about that and was told it happened to most people. My sister's consultant never told her that fact. She has more problems now than before.


English Rose

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Re: Gallstones and hrt
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2013, 11:31:03 PM »

Thanks for the info Echinacea - in that case that is not the same symptoms that I have (must be IBS!)  Sorry to hear that you reacted badly to HRT; worth trying a different type/brand maybe?

Honeybun I was interested to read about Jan de Vries' bowel essence, never heard of that before - might give it a try as I'm on an IBS flare-up at the moment....dragging me down.

Best wishes, ER x
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