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Author Topic: waking in sweat with anxiety  (Read 9161 times)


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waking in sweat with anxiety
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:18:54 AM »

Dear Ladies

Know that we have talked of this before but do you have ways of coping with the sweats that wake you in the morning.  Have experienced these badly recently and they can be pretty overwhelming.  Who wants to wake up like this, combusting and feeling full of fear, what a whammy, it's like a mental battle.  What are your ways of coping with this if you have found any?  This whole anxiety thing is horrible.  Was never jittery and apprehensive like this before this change.



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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 08:31:37 AM »

HI Meg, I no what your going though its horrible and really wish I had an answer for you. I get this so often last night I just couldent sleep and when I did nod off I woke up feeling like you,really wish I had the answer.


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2013, 08:23:57 PM »

Although i am on HRT i still get this now and again, in fact i had it happen only this week. I feel it is one of the worse meno symptom you can have.

I also have no answer, but i do try not to dwell on it as this makes it worse. I did however get up with this one and took my mind off it by coming onto this site and sharing my concerns.

I am not sure if writing a post about it helped, but i certainly felt better, went back to bed and slept until the alarm woke me up.xx


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2013, 08:39:28 PM »

This morning anxiety was my worst symptom, and in my case, was definitely made worse by HRT.   It is all to do with hormonal imbalance (of course) and too much cortisol being released ..small amounts of cortisol (adrenaline) are normal in every human being; it's the morning hormone, naturally released to wake you up and get you going for the day. Too much makes you feel jittery and anxious with butterflies in your stomach and overwhelming fear.  My research showed me that overproduction of it is linked to too much estrogen and I realised that my synthetic HRT was not agreeing with me. About two days after I stopped prempak c, the morning anxiety vanished. 



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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2013, 08:42:13 PM »

When I was off HRT that first one of the morning got me every time. Could never work out whether I woke because of the flush or I flushed because I was awake. Anyway felt pretty rubbish with them.


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2013, 01:03:16 AM »


Your replies are so much appreciated.  Just to know that others care enough to post with their suggestions and own experiences.  It is amazing how many women have these same experiences.  As said, if you did not know that they were a shared meno experience, you might feel as if you were losing it.  It is a mystery why some women have the misfortune to suffer more than others or so it seems.  It is also puzzling why HRT seems to help some while making other women feel worse!  If someone could come up with an answer as to how to lower the adrenaline/cortisol they might be on to a winner.  Again there seems not to be enough research going on, hope we are not a lost cause to the pharmaceutical world. This whole phenomenon is without a doubt ovary/brain related.  This morning the sweating was not quite as severe but I noticed that I was not as gassy today as I have been - just still on a rollercoaster ride after eight years. Never sure what tomorrow brings!



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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2013, 12:46:56 PM »

I used to have this every day around 4am onwards...horrid.
On HRT I rarely get them now but actually had it yesterday...what a reminder:-( left me shaky all day..
not sure if your on hrt but last year when on 1mg I got these quite often and my GP said to take that days hRt up to 5 hours early to top me up...that always worked. now on 2mg and only had 1 blip be honest, I think it may have been caused by taking hrt 4 hours late (I take it at bedtime between 10-11 usually) was 2am :o lol


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 10:48:38 AM »

I am so glad I read this thread.
Anxiety is by far the worst symptom for me :'(
I have a day off work today because I just can't cope. Things that I am normally confident about now leave me a quivering wreck. Mornings are so bad that I shake and feel as if my heart is going to jump out of my chest :( Now this morning my chest aches and feels as if the muscles are tied in a knot. I am going to have to "pull myself together" but just feel so exhausted with it all. Maybe someone has suggestions for coping when this happens at work? Even although my workmates are sympathetic I feel really guilty about not doing my fair share :'(

I am so happy that I have the MM site or I would lose it completely. Despite the fact that I feel crap at least I know I'm not on my own. :-*


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 11:03:21 AM »

Think there are lots of us ladies of a certain age who put on a brave smile and get on with it, this site is great as we dont have to bore anyone else who cant sympathise with it.  A few years ago before this hit me a great friend tried to tell me how she was suffering with sweats and night wakenings and was losing her mind and I just sort of looked at her and muttered about stress. Didnt know about HRT then or thought  it was something that I would never need - or so I thought as assumed it was for neurotic ladies with not much else to think about.

I really didnt understand at all and thought she was exaggerating. NO wonder male doctors and young females dont appreciate the situation. Try some deep breathing  as I notice I stop breathing properly when anxiety and sweat kick in - almost always due  to work stress -  and shallow breathing exacerbates things, do you take HRT? :D


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2013, 02:49:40 PM »

I don't yet take HRT but doc has just prescribed (yesterday) but I'm not sure yet about taking it. It's prempak c which he told me was the lowest dose 0.625mg.
I have read so many negative things about HRT but as its only a three month pack I think I'll start tonight. I just cannot go on like this. I feel as I'd my life is passing me by at the moment and not many things make me happy nowadays. Doc says that as I'm still having periods although only one scant one earlier this year this would be the best option for me.
I was prescribed femosten last year too as I've been like this for he last 5 years but it gave me terrible headaches so stopped taking and didn't go back to doc until now.
Work stress is also contributing and having teenagers at home makes things pretty demanding at times.
I don't want to worry OH but he has noticed my anxiety levels are very high but I just re assure him I'm ok and it will pass soon. Sad thing is I really want to feel sorry for myself but you just have to go on don't you?


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2013, 06:07:02 PM »

So sorry to hear how you are suffering. I joined the forum today because I'm struggling to deal with my anxiety and am now considering HRT, almost as a last resort. I do take ADs and Beta Blockers but I still get surges of anxiety that I try to deal with by deep breathing and distracting myself, the whole thing is exhausting though.
Like you I pretend to everyone that I'm okay when really I'm at the end of my tether.
On a more positive note a friend of mine who is passed the meno and absolutely fine (so there is hope) told me that when she was offered ADs she accepted willingly believing that everything and anything was worth a try.
Whatever you decide I really hope you feel better soon.


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Re: waking in sweat with anxiety
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2013, 06:13:59 PM »

Sorry if I've confused anyone, I was replying to Spider's post then realised it was Meg's thread. I'll try and get the hang of this forum business as soon as I can!