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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Feeling physically sick with back pain  (Read 19795 times)


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Feeling physically sick with back pain
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:19:40 PM »

As many of you know I have lumps in my back which are likely to be neuro fibromas.  However, I have been in so much pain of late in my spine from shoulder blade level up through my neck.  I went for a massage the other day, but she reckons the pain is not muscular.  I was crying with the pain last night and today.  I eventually used a hot water bottle on the area which has helped.  The pain is so severe at times I actually feel like I'm going to throw up.

Anyway, this pain gets worse & worse, despite pain relief, then it's almost as if something has burst and the relief is immediate.  Then it builds up again over a few days.  It feels like it's swollen but I can't see anything. 

Anyone got any ideas?  So fed up with this and I have little faith in GP.  When this pain first happened about 18 months ago, he just said I'd popped a rib and that was that, no x-ray, nothing.  I've been trying to cope with this, but last night and earlier today was the worst ever.  Hubby went and got me some co-codamol to take, but am trying not to use them until bedtime.

Sorry for the moan.  Maybe should have a few stiff drinks.  ;)


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 10:20:54 PM »

3 co-Codamol and I'm sick  :-X so does nothing for long-term pain.

You may have a popped rib but that doesn't mean the pain shouldn't be treated.  Do you need a different pillow or new mattress?  Have a word with a pharamacist to see what the safer level of pain relief actually is.  I found when I had toothache that I had to take 'extra' than recommended and it did bother me, but it was that or bang my head on a brick wall  :-\  ..........


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 02:07:29 PM »

Sorry to hear your in pain similiar myself been to GP for the last 6 years thought it was IBS gave me all the rubbish under the sun didn't work after seeing new Consultant biggest laugh of all now saying its coming from my back (nerve endings) where I smashed my pelvis in RTA, could you have a problem with your back?. How can mine affect my lower abdomen/pelvis I limp on 1 leg foot goes dead and knee aches go figure, if anyone can enlighten me i would be grateful as you all have more knowledge than me?. Have to laugh or I will scream. 1 good thing that came out of it they awarded me my ESA back but hate having to take it feel like I am begging broke down and cried as in so much pain sitting through the flaming interview.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2012, 02:23:05 PM »

Oh CG have a  :hug:

You are going to have to go and get this sorted. Is there a walk in clinic that you can go to today or even A&E. You simply should not be in such pain for so long. If you go to A&E for an X ray then you will be able to get straight into the system.
Pain killers are all very well but you need to find out what the route cause is.

Hope it is a little easier today.



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2012, 03:25:59 PM »

I would go to A and E as honeybun says no X Rays nothing thats disgusting it only takes a few minutes and they may be able to give you something stronger as she says you shouldn't have to live like that and you may find out more and get a proper refferal.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2012, 06:43:35 PM »

Last night was really bad again, but much better after I got up.  Pain not gone completely, just a general ache.  It's so much worse if I end up lying on my back during the night.  I was up at 3 this morning propping myself up on the sofa with my V pillow.  This is what happens, it gets really bad then the pain dulls to a bearable ache then builds up again.  If I have another bad night, I will phone GP first thing. 
Apparently I can take co-codamol, with ibuprofen in between times.  I've got myself a heat pack which I can heat in the microwave. 
Leony I have had lower back pain since car crash in Florida in the mid 90's.  But this pain is much higher up. 
I'm now wondering if it's adhesions or similar.  The pain is around an area where a previous neuro fibroma was removed 10 years ago.  This area has a lot of deep scar tissue or so I'm told by girl who does my massages. 
It never used to be this bad.  Odd spells of pain and then nothing for ages, but now it's much more frequent.   :( :( :(


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2012, 07:26:24 PM »

Dont put things your GP in the morning or go to A&E.

You really cant go on with things the way they are. You have family coming and your little grand daughter will want you up and going.

Why is it we are so good in telling others to seek help and so bad at doing it ourselves  ;)



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2012, 08:05:19 PM »

I've promised hubby if it's bad again tonight I'll see GP tomorrow.  Problem is it's usually ok during the day when I'm up and about.  Not sure it would warrant a visit to A&E, unless I was in severe pain at that time. 

You're right though we're good at looking after others but not ourselves. 


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2012, 09:27:58 PM »

Are there any other GPs in the practice you could see?A fresh pair of eyes and all that.
Whatever happens you need to get help with the pain as soon as you can, life is too short.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2012, 07:37:35 AM »

Car accidents have a lot to answer for Cubagirl no one told me it would come back years later to haunt me, told me at the time i had a curved spine to late to do anything about it i didnt know until then i was 39 at the time it now seems my hips out out of alignment as well oh well the joys of getting old. Seem to think this is what is causing bowel problems sometimes think doctors just tell you anything to fobb you off.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2012, 02:18:17 PM »

Been thinking about you CG

How is it today?



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2012, 03:06:38 PM »

Wasn't so bad last night thanks.  I'd set my alarm so that I'd be up in plenty time to phone surgery, but decided not to as it wouldn't be classed as an emergency.  I'll cope.  Will get hubby to rub in some tiger balm tonight. 

Heat pack was a total waste of money!  Hardly any heat from it, so went back to my old faithful hot water bottle. 

Why is it these things happen at this time of year?  I've kept myself busy today, cooking, cleaning, baking and not a single twinge.  Mind you it never does hurt much during the day.  Have tried different pillows, different bed.  Hey ho. 

Merry Christmas to you all and hope we are all bug, pain, cold & flu free!  :)


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2012, 03:25:31 PM »

Glad to hear its not too bad today. If only you could sleep comfortably it would make such a difference.

The surgeries are only closed for two days so not long to wait if you need an appointment.



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2012, 03:37:05 PM »

Glad to read that you feel a bit better today.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2012, 03:49:24 PM »

So pleased to hear you feel a bit better.  Pain is always worse at night :(
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