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Author Topic: Periods and Spotting  (Read 13202 times)


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2013, 01:08:07 PM »

Just wanted to say thanks to all the women on here who come on and share their experiences; it's so helpful to see that what can be scary may be just part of a process, although a frustrating one.  Looking back over my posts I realised I had a similar experience a year ago (except i started within about 9 days).  Its now 9 days and i still havnt had a period and just the annoying spotting so I guess for now I'll just wait a bit longer and see what develops... good luck to everyone. x


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2013, 01:33:18 PM »

For the couple of years or so, mine have been changing.  They are getting increasingly heavy (I have to use a super-plus tampon and a night-time towel together, and change them every 1-2 hours for 3 days each time - I actually find the whole thing disgusting now as it's such a mess - I have to use the disabled toilet at work so that the hand basin is my side of the locked door so there's no danger of anyone seeing the state I'm in - yuck).  I also have much more pain with them now than I've had since I had my daughter 21 years ago, and there's the spotting too - never quite sure what's happening from one day to the next.  I'll be more than glad when it's all over  :(


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2013, 08:50:45 PM »

Can anyone tell me what happened to their periods during peri so I can work out what is normal?
I know that changes are to be expected as most of us don't just stop (how I wish!)
I feel this is the most difficult aspect of the transition as mine are all over the place with long ones, short ones, spotting, some lasting two weeks, some lasting 5 days, some three weeks apart, some 6 weeks apart and even some spotting mid cycle.
Has anyone not on HRT a similar tale to tell and if you have finished now how on earth did this all end?

I get periods like that and spotting. I also get other symptoms like low mood.
At first I thought it was my tranquiliser withdrawal, but there is no way that it could be as I am tapering really slow and am on the last leg.
It only occured to me that it would be meno, when some women said I was the  right age. I have just turned 47 in September.
I am going to the doctors on tuesday to discuss a blood test I had last Friday. My doc said blood tests are not accurate though, dunno why they have them if that's the case.
I am hoping for bio-identical oestrogen and bio-identical progesterone.


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2013, 07:13:03 AM »

Hi Dandelion agree with you why do they do these blood tests if they are not accurate....
I have now started with palpitations or irregular heartbeat. Not nice keep thinking I am going to die...
I will go to DR but have a busy day ahead today thats if I don"t die in the meantime. It is rubbish all this. Have your periods got lighter and longer or do they start and stop. Everyone is so different. I mentioned it to a gynae consultant and she said I needed a hysteroscopy to rule out anything ....
That freaked me out. I am sure it is just peri meno have hot flashes but no hot sweats. Suppose they will join in the party soon. Oh the joys
Keep in touch x


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2013, 06:08:25 PM »

Hi Dandelion agree with you why do they do these blood tests if they are not accurate....
I have now started with palpitations or irregular heartbeat. Not nice keep thinking I am going to die...
I will go to DR but have a busy day ahead today thats if I don"t die in the meantime. It is rubbish all this. Have your periods got lighter and longer or do they start and stop. Everyone is so different. I mentioned it to a gynae consultant and she said I needed a hysteroscopy to rule out anything ....
That freaked me out. I am sure it is just peri meno have hot flashes but no hot sweats. Suppose they will join in the party soon. Oh the joys
Keep in touch x
Hi Jane

Mostly my periods are average. I get the heavy bit in the first day or so, and then it peters out. Once I got a period where I had to change my tampon, the super-plus size, every two hours. It would just leak after two hours. Yuk.
Have you seen your GP about it?
I went today, and she said my blood results said I was probably peri meno but a repeated test was recommended. My doc said that as tests are inaccurate and I was showing peri-meno symptoms, she just gave me the femoston, which I am getting from the chemist tomorrow.


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2013, 03:37:29 AM »

Blood tests are not reliable until you have missed periods for at least 12 months.  Until then, they can flucuate a lot during the day.



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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2013, 12:14:39 PM »

Blood tests are not reliable until you have missed periods for at least 12 months.  Until then, they can flucuate a lot during the day.

My doctor said the same, but after she felt my wet neck, she decided she thought I was peri.


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2013, 08:16:26 PM »

Keeping a diary is very important. That way one can monitor what is going on and one can better tell the GP and not just guess.

When having periods I get put off on my own smell. I have been assured by my family and friends that I do not smell. So why am I so sensitive to my own smell, especially when the periods are really heavy, painful and long?


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2013, 09:13:31 PM »

I can 'smell' myself when i am at my heaviest flow.
I think we can smell our own scent even if we wash daily.


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 08:31:31 PM »

I went into peri early 2010, missed one period then next after three months, then ok next month,missed another one then came on after missing two, then went on HRT patches, periods regulated and them dead on time every month on partch 7 ( estrogeon and prog) patch. They were fairly light and that was ok just go used to that and now seem to be out of sink last few months period changed to patch 2 then patch 7 one normal and other more brown/ stringy but lights few days then pinkish so now I don't know what to expect this month!


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Re: Periods and Spotting
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2013, 10:07:36 PM »

I think it's the not knowing what to expect when we are all so used to regular cycles for thirty or so years. !!!!!! When it all goes pear shaped we stress and fret and wonder what is happening. Worry and health anxiety heightens and makes it all worse. From spotting to missing, to variable flow , it's all in the melting pot ... Keep posting
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