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Author Topic: Alternate Day Fasting  (Read 81210 times)


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #195 on: March 25, 2013, 07:45:09 PM »

Hi Winterose

Thanks for the tip on the alcohol.  Actually, I do not drink much.  As it happens I was at a party on Friday night and had some G&Ts but prior to that I cannot remember when I had a drink.  Perhaps 2 weeks ago?

I get your point about the 1500 cals.  In fact, due to my basal metabolic rate I need 1830 cals.  So let's assume I drop it by 500 a day, that should effectively remove 1lb a week.   However, I believe if I drop it just a bit then my system slows down, so I have to drop it a further 500 cals for it to work (professor and doctor talked about it at a seminar last week).   So, taking that as true for now, 2 days at 500 plus 5 days at 1200 = 7000 a week.   Not sure that is enough.   But I can try it can't I?     Although the 5:2 said that we should eat normally on the other days.

I was thinking along the lines of your thoughts Winterose so could stick to 1200-1500 for the majority of days.   

Too much thinking methinks lol lol.  Hopefully brain power uses calories hehe



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #196 on: March 25, 2013, 08:18:43 PM »

Hi Ladies,

Stepping up on the prunes and still not quite resolved, must be age related!  Anyway, although I haven't fasted today, I have had:-

Porridge/linseed for breakfast with skimmed milk and 1 tsp honey 3 prunes - breakfast

Tuna fish salad with no carbs and a banana - lunch

Macaroni cheese - small portion, with peas and broccoli, yoghurt and frozen raspberries. 3 prunes!! for dinner.

I won't eat now from 7pm until 7am (that is my attempts at fasting)!!  ;) x

The other thing is make sure you weigh yourself, when you have done a number 2, as they can weigh a few pounds!!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 08:23:11 PM by pixie »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #197 on: March 25, 2013, 08:26:26 PM »

I hope your system settles.

I fast every day based on when I last eat at night to when I next eat the next day.  Minimum of 12 hours most days.

It is strange that you get constipation with one day's fasting.  What a shame.  Is your diet much different on that day compared to other days?




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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #198 on: March 25, 2013, 08:31:30 PM »

Hi firewalker

Just to say really it is not about total calories - obviously these do matter but it's more about what you eat and what contains those calories and when you eat them. My opinion is I think it would not be good to cut your calories on the other 5 days - I am sure this would slow your metabolism and defeat the object of the 5:2 so you would be more likely to put the weight back on. On the other days eat a really good low fat healthy diet with some whole grain carbs and no processed foods and eat whatvere you need to satisfy you - that's what I would do. You want to boost your metabolism so that you get used to eating a normal diet for your height/weight/age and not put weight on

With respect and I know everyone likes to do what suits them, but I think one can get too hung up on calorie counting and I don't think it's that important provided one understands and follow the basic principles of weight loss. fair enough to count them on the 2 days but not on the others.

So I would make sure I had at least 1800 cals on the other days - but better still don't count them!

Just to say again this time last year I followed the principles of the Slimming World diet and lost 12 punds in 3 months and never counted a single calorie and never went hungry. And I wasn't much overweight to start with ie only the amount I lost. Was 8st 11 by the time I finished.

This is meant to be helpful not critical  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #199 on: March 25, 2013, 08:49:38 PM »

Thanks Hurdity.  I took it as helpful.

I lost 2 stones on two occasions with sW so I understand completely where you are coming from.  The last time however, I put on 5lbs over a month.   

I try to follow the 5% rule.  5g per 100g for fat and for sugar.   I lost 1.5 stones in 6 weeks doing that.
Again, tried it more recently and no difference.

(Both of the above without counting calories)

I have tried low GI; 
low carb too.
Also NLP hypnosis slimming programme for 6 weeks.
And had 2 x 1>1 sessions for hypnosis.

Desperation kicks in.

I have been told I have all the signs of metabolic syndrome X and that is causing the problem.

that's why I though the 5:2 might help.

I do appreciate your suggestions and I had thought the same which is why I calculated my basal metabolic rate to know how much I need for age, height, sex and lifestyle. 

So far, on the five days I have not been counting.  Maybe I need to count for a while to be aware what I am eating to ensure I am eating enough?

Oh who knows.....  A bacon slicer and liposuction might just work  ;D ;D

Best not to talk about it methinks.  Perhaps I am telling my brain the story i don't want to live  ::)



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #200 on: March 25, 2013, 08:59:40 PM »

Hi Firewalker, I don't thing the fasting itself is to blame, but just changes in eating habits and possibly very little exercise.  Maybe 4 pints of beer would sort out, like the other night ;D ;Dx


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #201 on: March 29, 2013, 02:18:16 PM »

A male friend of mine has been on the Dr Mosely diet since February 19th and has lost 11lbs. He says that for two days of the week he has to have only 500 calories but  must have protein on those days and the other days he eats normally. Is that the same as what you are all doing? Mind you he has given up the alcohol - no wine or beer - which he had every day so it could just be that!

Taz x


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #202 on: March 29, 2013, 05:56:35 PM »

Yes. That's the one Taz.  I liked the Horizon programme and decided to try it along with my friend. Now there are three of us plus the friends on here.  I weighed in this morning and hadremained the same as last friday, so the weight. Up during the week was back down. Slbs in 5 weeks.  So long as it keeps going down I will be happy :-).

I do like the routine. It suits me actually and I generally eat protein (usually fish) and veg and miso soup. I do vary it though. On those days I just calorie count and eat what I fancy - carbs in the form of veg.



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #203 on: March 29, 2013, 07:47:15 PM »

I have been doing low carb for the last three weeks, and although the scales don't really register it...I have lost SO much fat from my middle, bum and thighs it is quite  :o

I take it I am burning fat instead of muscle, which would account for the fact my weight has not really changed, but my body has?  Even the woman on the checkout at Asda noticed my diminishing figure.

Typical day
Baby bel and two slices of ham for breakfast
Poached egg and turkey rashers for lunch
Stir fry beef,  pork or chicken with pak choi, mushrooms, spring onions, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and cauliflower 'rice'

Not hungry and feeling great :)     


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #204 on: March 29, 2013, 08:22:05 PM »

"I take it I am burning fat instead of muscle, which would account for the fact my weight has not really changed, but my body has?  Even the woman on the checkout at Asda noticed my diminishing figure."

Sweet pea
Whatever it is, it's working.
Well done  :)


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #205 on: March 29, 2013, 08:47:43 PM »

Hi there
Great it is working for you all but sweet pea you do lose muscle as well as fat when you go on diets unless you up the exercise you take to strengthen and build your muscle. This is v important! Also increased muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat so doubly good in the long run.
Hurdity x


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #206 on: March 29, 2013, 09:11:33 PM »

Hi Hurdity! 

Have to disagree.  I don't think you lose muscle on low carb.  Perhaps on low cal diets.

My understanding - on a very simple and basic level ( not even mentioning all the bodyweight/glycogen stuff, which is far too techy for me) ... is this.

If you are on a low calorie diet,  your body first burn the carbs you ARE still eating for fuel, followed by muscle tissue, and only after that, it burns fat. 

However, if you starve yourself, (ie no recently eaten carb stores) you lose muscle, water, then fat.

On low carb diets, there are no carbs in your body to burn but plenty of fat stores, as your body
automatically burns fat for fuel.  And it burns it quickly. Only once the fat stores are depleted do you lose muscle tissue.  You eat fat, to lose fat.

Anyone interested should read Gary Taubes'  Why we get Fat, and Good Calories, Bad Calories. 

All I know is I am eating lots, (apart from bread, potatoes, rice, sugar, cakes, sweets etc..and hey, where is the loss)  I never go hungry, eat veg, no fasts.... and my waist is down by three inches!

Edit: My spelling!! aaargh
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:15:00 PM by sweet pea »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #207 on: March 29, 2013, 09:34:54 PM »

You are talking about ketosis sweet pea

"Ketosis is a state the body may find itself in either as a result of raised blood glucose levels or as a part of low carb dieting.

Low levels of ketosis is perfectly normal.

However, high levels of ketosis in the short term can be serious and the long term effects of regular moderate ketosis are only partially known at the moment.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a state the body goes into if it needs to break down body fat for energy. The state is marked by raised levels of ketones in the blood which can be used by the body as fuel.
Ketones which are not used for fuel are excreted out of the body via the kidneys and the urine."

Taz x


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #208 on: March 29, 2013, 09:51:22 PM » my ketosis sticks, been sticking them in my wee on a regular basis!

I am not doing no carb...just low carb, which burns fat.  I am not cutting out a whole food groups.  I'm eating carbs in the form of veg, nuts, oatbran etc....just not more than 50g per day.  All I am cutting out is sweets, sugar, starch...all the bad stuff.

I have to say, I am not hungry and the fat is melting like the wicked witch of the west!


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #209 on: March 31, 2013, 11:46:25 AM »

A very interesting programme on radio 4 about fasting,also saying that when the nerves cells are 'hungry' they become more active hence the protective element for the brain. Going to try again tomorrow.
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