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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 878728 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #975 on: October 25, 2017, 08:10:55 PM »

I found the HRT patches Estradot improved the vaginal dryness within 1 week for me. However, I had to find the balance of dosage, as 50mcg was too low and the 75 just right.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #976 on: December 22, 2017, 11:47:43 AM »

What an amazing forum!!

I had an extremely early menopause at the age of 22.  I was on HRT for many years but came off it 3 years ago at age 42.  But was put back on it 1 week ago on my GP's advice.

I hadn't been sexually active for 10 years, fast forward to this year when I met my now current and adorable partner and am now active in that department, well trying to be! This however is where the problems start. Intercourse is extremely painful and I tear. It then hurts for a few days til I heal.  Added to that I am having recurring bouts of cystitis. Infact I feel as though it's always there low grade in the background. I'm also getting the itching just by the vaginal opening, well the inner lips there....

Anyway, I tried Vagifem but this wasn't enough. I'm now on Estriol cream every other night and have started using Sylk each day.  I've tried YesYesYes lubes which are ok but I literally have to use copious amounts.

I'm at the point of exhaustion in my efforts to try to have a normal sex life again and really don't know what more to do.  I've been to see a gynaecologist but she was pretty useless and just said my opening was sufficient enough and that I just needed to relax more!

I'm now waiting to see the Urologist too as the last bout a few weeks ago I was actually seeing blood and was in tears.

Any advice gratefully received, I feel like I'm sub standard as a woman. My partner is amazing and is helping with this but I feel robbed almost of what I should have experienced had I not of gone into such early menopause 🙁


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #977 on: December 22, 2017, 02:42:23 PM »

Hi there KnittyKnotty,

I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time. It's awful and unfortunately only all too common.

Here is what I have gleaned from lots of reading on this subject, and I'm sure others will be along with sensible advice. This forum is a life-saver.

Basically as you probably know what is happening is because the tissues are starved of estrogen; this will take a while to redress. It is good that you have gone back on HRT. The VA - these days often called "Genito Urinary Syndrome of Menopause" because it affects both systems - can take a good while to get better, even after you start with systemic HRT. Also, you may need to play around with different HRTs a bit, til you find which one works best for you, but you probably know that already, as you went into menopause so early. The systemic HRT will help the VA, but it could take a while.

In addition to the systemic HRT it is usually essential to do something local, which you are doing. Vagifem will only help the tissues inside the vagina, and often is not enough for the outside bits and for the urethra, so you get cystitis or feel like you have cystitis and because these outside bits and the urethra aren't getting enough estrogen you can also get slight bleeding and miscrocopic blood in the urine. Once the walls of the urethra start getting enough estrogen, cystitis will be a thing of the past.

When you switched from Vagifem to Estriol, did you use Estriol every night at first and then reduce it gradually? Are you using it both on outside as well as on the inside ?

I was told by my specialist to try Vagifem inside, as often as 5 nights or even 7 nights a week, combined with Estriol for the outer bits, starting with 14 days continuously and then tapering down the cream to every other night or twice a week while continuing with the Vagifem indefinitely.

You might also want to consider one of the laser procedures that treat VA by stimulating your own tissues to increase collagen production where it is needed. The Mona Lisa procedure is the most commonly done but the Intimilase or Renovalase lasers are pain-free and I believe available in the UK and very widely available in Italy, France and Spain. I thought they sounded crazy when I first heard of them but I have seen so many reports by women saying these are life-changing procedures that I think it is very worth looking into. Its 3 sesssions 6 weeks apart followed by a touch up once a year after that. Its not cheap, but then, this is misery.

The urologist will probably want to do a cystoscopy, they usually do, and thats not unreasonable when a patient presents with blood in the urine. I would suggest however that you give the HRT and the local estrogens a chance to work first and if you get better and the blood in the urine disappears, then you wont need to. Don't expect the urologist to know anything about estrogen and the urethra or the bladder, you would think they should, but they almost never do. Ditto most gynecologists.

Good luck



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #978 on: December 22, 2017, 03:22:14 PM »

KK - thank you so much for such a lovely post!

I've never heard of the laser treatments so will definitely look into them!

k x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #979 on: December 22, 2017, 03:43:23 PM »

As per KKAY .....I have had Mona Lisa Treatment I needed 3 internally and 5 externally treatment wise , and it has worked really well.

I use systemic HRT and the estring which stays in 24/7 for 3 months at a time, I use YES oil based twice aday massaged in.

It's a hideous tedious condition , that doesn't get better and can only be managed .....NEVER stop treatment as it will come back with a vengeance.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #980 on: February 01, 2018, 12:04:10 PM »

I just don't bother having sex, 1- it hurts, 2 cant be arsed coz no sex drive. And a house full of teenagers , never get time on our own , but mainly I just can't b arsed to do it


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #981 on: February 03, 2018, 09:42:29 AM »

Forgot what's it's called but used 2 rounds (9
months apart) of the HRT was amazing! Not needed it again!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #982 on: February 03, 2018, 10:39:05 AM »

Jachug - if you used Vagifem - which I suspect you did - it's best to keep using it on a regular basis to help maintain healthy ‘lady bits' and prevent urogenital atrophy progressing.

Zodiac - pop to the GP and ask for some Vagifem oestrogen pessaries and also some vaginal moisturiser to use in between Vagifem doses e.g. SYLK or the YES products.  Whether you have sex or not, these things help to reduce urogenital atrophy and make everything more healthy and comfortable.  I find Durex Perfect Glide really good when having sex but Durex are now doing a water based ‘all natural' lubricant as well - not tried this yet.

There is no need to suffer in silence - the treatment is out there and should really be offered to every women when meno starts to help prevent future problems.  THE Vagifem is ultra low dose so no risks involved - THERE IS SO MUCH TO GAIN.
DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #983 on: February 12, 2018, 12:49:51 PM »

What an amazing forum!!

I had an extremely early menopause at the age of 22.  I was on HRT for many years but came off it 3 years ago at age 42.  But was put back on it 1 week ago on my GP's advice.

I hadn't been sexually active for 10 years, fast forward to this year when I met my now current and adorable partner and am now active in that department, well trying to be! This however is where the problems start. Intercourse is extremely painful and I tear. It then hurts for a few days til I heal.  Added to that I am having recurring bouts of cystitis. Infact I feel as though it's always there low grade in the background. I'm also getting the itching just by the vaginal opening, well the inner lips there....

Anyway, I tried Vagifem but this wasn't enough. I'm now on Estriol cream every other night and have started using Sylk each day.  I've tried YesYesYes lubes which are ok but I literally have to use copious amounts.

I'm at the point of exhaustion in my efforts to try to have a normal sex life again and really don't know what more to do.  I've been to see a gynaecologist but she was pretty useless and just said my opening was sufficient enough and that I just needed to relax more!

I'm now waiting to see the Urologist too as the last bout a few weeks ago I was actually seeing blood and was in tears.

Any advice gratefully received, I feel like I'm sub standard as a woman. My partner is amazing and is helping with this but I feel robbed almost of what I should have experienced had I not of gone into such early menopause 🙁

I have suffered with Cystitis since I was 14.... now approaching 57. I found out about a product Waterfall d-mannose and it has been a life saver.   It is expensive but as we all now when that constant need a wee kicks and stops us doing things its not so expensive.
I always buy it from Sweet Cures website as tried other cheaper products that didnt work as well.

I started HRT about 5 years ago but never had that wow "I feel wonderful" and about 3 yeas ago gave up and came off it.
Was so tired, low mood and the Vaginal soreness and hot flushes are awful. Hubby said to me on holiday, you deserve a medal you have tried everything, homeopathy, supplements and even the magnet in my pants!!  Think you need proper help so I have paid to see private HRT Menopause Consultant.
She took one look at me and put me on Evoril patches and Progynova. Had internal and said I had to use Vagifem 2 pessaries a night for a month as very bad way!!!  Just had a phone follow up after 2 1/2 weeks only very slightly better mood. going to change the patches for tablet.
Fingers crossed.
So interesting to read everyone's input and grateful to all who have shared their info.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #984 on: April 27, 2018, 05:45:00 PM »

Hi all,
Wanted a little advice on vaginal HRT creams please if i may? I think my HRT regime is mostly working well(Utrogestan?Estradiol) apart from the odd strangely timed 'period'. I'm happy with that but struggling with dryness and itching down below. I want to ask my GP about a cream and had a few questions which may have been answered previously but cant find them.
Is it okay to take a HRT vaginal cream when I'm already on the above?
Is it safe to have sex while the cream is in? ie no effects for hubby?
Are there any creams preferable to others?
I would prefer a cream to tablets or a ring.
Would be very grateful of any help please  :)
jg xx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #985 on: April 27, 2018, 06:35:02 PM »

Hi Jedigirl

Why do you want a cream instead of the Vagifem pessary - the Vagifem is less hassle and less messy and takes the oestrogen to where it is needed. The creams gave me a burning sensation but many women like them - Ovestin is probably the least messy as it is more concentrated. You only use the local oestrogen every day for the first 2 weeks and then after that you use it 2-3 times a week. Most women should use local oestrogen for the rest of their lives.   

Many women need both systemic and local oestrogen so it's fine to use both - see NICE guideline below...

Do not have sex too soon after using the oestrogen treatment - probably best to leave roughly 4-6 hours after using any local oestrogen treatment.

It's also a good idea to use vaginal moisturisers as well but not at the same time as local oestrogen treatment or this may effect absorption. Perhaps use local oestrogen at night and moisturiser in the morning. SYLK or the YES products are best and if you feel itchy and sore, or think BV or thrush has taken hold, then having some Multi Gyn ACtigel to use for a couple of days will do the trick. 
Do use plenty of lubricant for sex as well - Durex 'Perfect Glide' is fab.

Here is the section from the NICE guidelines on urogenital treatment:
Urogenital atrophy
Offer vaginal oestrogen to women with urogenital atrophy (including those on systemic HRT) and continue treatment for as long as needed to relieve symptoms.
Consider vaginal oestrogen for women with urogenital atrophy in whom systemic HRT is contraindicated, after seeking advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause.
If vaginal oestrogen does not relieve symptoms of urogenital atrophy, consider increasing the dose after seeking advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in menopause.
Explain to women with urogenital atrophy that:
symptoms often come back when treatment is stopped
adverse effects from vaginal oestrogen are very rare
they should report unscheduled vaginal bleeding to their GP.
Advise women with vaginal dryness that moisturisers and lubricants can be used alone or in addition to vaginal oestrogen.
Do not offer routine monitoring of endometrial thickness during treatment for urogenital atrophy.

DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #986 on: May 02, 2018, 07:51:56 AM »


I am new to this forum and would really appreciate some help.

I'm 47 and a few weeks ago whilst on holiday I started with severe vaginal itching. I did not even consider menopause so treated it as thrush. This did not clear and when I returned from holiday I visited the nurse practitioner who is supposed to be a menopause expert within the practice.
She prescribed Replens and said I had quite bad vaginal atrophy. This was 2 weeks ago. Since then I have had a couple of good days, several days where it has been manageable and several days of total discomfort where it seems to control me.

I am not sleeping as it is waking me at night, I can not concentrate to work and I am very irritable and snappy.

I have tried baking soda baths which work until I get out of the bath! I have tried cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes. I have a very good diet but am wondering if there is any food that I should avoid. I have introduced more foods that are supposed to help boost estrogen levels but nothing seems to be working.

I have an under active thyroid which I am on medication for and there is a history of osteoporosis in my family(my mum).
I do not have any other typical symptoms but for a few years have had itchy skin (I have had blood tests whihc have all come back normal), the areas that are the worst are ears, scalp, neck, chest and wrists. This is not all the time, maybe twice a week. Is this a symptom?

I am currently taking the Cerelle contraceptive pill and have done for many years. Over the last 12 months my periods have been very irratic. At the moment I seem to bleed for a couple of days a month.

Other than that I'm fit, well and very active and really do not want this to change my way of life or mental health and am looking for solutions with long term benefits so I can live my life normally.

I hope you can help.

Kind regards



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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #987 on: May 02, 2018, 08:28:12 AM »

Local Oestrogen ( Vagifem) and vaginal moisturisers eg SYLK or the YES products will sort things. Pop to the GP for a prescription of Vagifem - most of us will stay on this for the rest of our lives. Look at the ‘Burning Club' in personal lives  thread for more info. DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #988 on: May 03, 2018, 11:45:54 AM »

I'm going through my first bout of this (I'm 59), with soreness & aches outside and in.  Sitting on hard surfaces isn't very comfortable - and I have to sit on a polished wooden bench to play the organ -ouch!  I've got a GP appointment in a few days' time.   :-\


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #989 on: May 05, 2018, 07:07:23 PM »

Soldiered on for years and years with it.... burning,  itching splitting skin etc couldn't take it anymore so went to see a menopause GP. Got diagnosed with LS and prescribed dermovate and vaginal estriol which I've had an amazing response to within a matter of weeks! Why have I left it so long?? I'm 64 and my vagina has been given a new lease of life! There was no way I could even consider a relationship with the state I was in the estriol has been life changing for me! I also have HSDD and been prescribed Tostran which I'm going to use as well see if that makes a difference to my life as well!  ::)
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