Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Tell us how you cope without HRT

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Thanks for starting this thread.  For myself, I am not really coping that well.  Lots of doctors will not take the time to work out a form of treatment for symptoms and many seem to be dead set against HRT.  If you have a meno clinic near you are lucky.  It may be hard to hit on the right method of replacing the hormones and some women are unable to tolerate side-effects or unwanted bleeding which is too worrying form them.  It would be lovely if research could come up with the answer in the future.  How many women are out there are getting desperate, not getting reasonable advice and thinking that it may go on forever which in itself is depressing without the hormonal downs that lower mood.  I fear this stage of women's health is not getting the attention it deserves.  One thing that I need to do is walk so I hope that the aching I get in my hips never prevents me otherwise it would be pretty intolerable.  Drat our ovaries for doing this.


Thanks Bette, I will....

Dr Currie, thanks for this new thread.

I've had to stop HRT due to the double blow of severe progesterone intolerance and the exacerbation of migraines.  Now trying some 'alternatives' (Femarelle) in the hope of finding some relief of symptoms.

Already some good suggestions on this thread, so thanks ladies.


Night Owl

I hope you find something for relief.  So many women seem unable to tolerate any progestagins or progesterone. It seems to lower mood and cause many other pretty catastrophic side-effects.  How would men put up with all of this and they say we are the weaker sex!


Apologies if this seems like a silly question but how would you know if you are intolerant to a hormone such as Progesterone, apart from the "normal" side effects which are bearable such as cramping, sore boobs etc, what is it that makes you decide no this is not for me, severe migraines etc, just interested to know what makes woman decide this is definitely not working, apart from family history of clotting, cancers etc?


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