Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Tell us how you cope without HRT

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Tried menopace which did nothing for me although i do like results quickly so maybe i did not give it a chance.

Now on Evorel conti 1/2 patch and i am so much like my old self again. Was reluctant to take HRT at first but after so many horrible symptoms i had to do something to give me back my life.


--- Quote from: Susan on May 01, 2012, 02:17:11 PM ---
The way most people know is if they are on a sequi HRT, they feel great when they are on the two weeks of oestrogen only pills/patch, then the two weeks they change to the combined oestrogen & progesterone pill/patch they can feel anything from not so great to really ropey.

If you fall into the later category the chances are you are progesterone intolerant.

The above is a kind of simplistic view, rather than a scientific one.


--- End quote ---

That pretty much sums it up, or at least for me anyway. I now understand why I've had so many problems finding a conti HRT that suits me. Since I've been on the sequi patches I do great on the est part, but as soon as I start the prog/est patches, my old friend insomnia returns.

I'm now experimenting with cutting my patches in half to see if a lower dose will help. If it doesn't I may have to join the ranks of the non-HRT ladies, but I don't relish the idea of constant insomnia and hot flushes. Maybe staying on the sequi patches and just having insomnia for a couple of weeks here and there will be preferable in the long run.

My periods were so dreadful and overwhelming for the last couple of years that when they finally stopped my menopausal probs seemed easy in comparison. I can`t take HRT because of past breast cancer, and can`t take St Johns Wort or Evening Primrose because of my epilepsy.

I went through the night sweats, depression, headaches, insomnia, acid reflux (?), and tried to adopt an "all things must pass" attitude, and certainly they all did pass in about 2 years. I was lucky. Just wish I could say the same for the VA, but there must be a treatment for that and I`m determined to find it!  ;)

Can honestly say 9 years on that apart from the VA I feel 100% better than I did in my 40s, and that can`t be bad.

Hang on in there xxx

I thought this was interesting but not sure where it belongs, so am posting it here.

silverlady x

An "extract"

 A much better alternative is to use bioidentical hormones. These are natural hormones that are "bioidentical" to the ones your body produces. The bioidentical that is prescribed 80 percent of the time is estriol. It's natural, not a drug, and you get it at compounding pharmacies. It has been used safely for decades, and I believe it's particularly useful when your ovaries have been removed or you've had a hysterectomy. Dr. Johathan Wright, whom I've interviewed many times, is a pioneer in bioidenticals, and you can see what he has to say about their value in this short video

There are a few good vidios.

It is a perfectly respectable site with very respectable  Drs.

It is not cranky and I put it here as a matter on interest as it also suggests ways of coping without HRT also other ladies might find in useful.

silverlady x

The thing is I do not randomly or endlessly search for dubious " new facts" unless I think them applicable or of interest, no one needs to read it it does not apply to them.


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