Menopause news
Risk of breast cancer associated with use of HRT remains raised 3 years after stopping HRT.
6 March 2008
Further information from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial has shown that the Further information from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial has shown that the risk of breast cancer associated with use of HRT remains raised 3 years after stopping HRT. It must be remembered that the risk in the WHI trial only applied to women who had taken combined HRT before the trial as well as for the 5 year duration of that part of the trial, not to women who had not taken HRT before the trial and then took it for 5 years, and not to women who took estrogen only HRT. For many years it has been advised that by 5 years after stopping HRT, the risk returns to baseline so that this information should not change this advice.
For more information, see the statement on the British Menopause Society site here.
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