Menopause news
Results published on survey of HRT and Sexual Problems in Older Women
14 June 2007
A survey examining women's views on HRT and sexual problems has been published in the Journal "Menopause International". The paper summarises the findings of 3 online surveys carried out by Menopause Matters. As well as revealing important findings, the paper emphasises the importance of the use of online surveys which can obtain large amounts of information relatively easily and inexpensively.
Findings revealed that:
75% of respondents were in favour of HRT.
73% did not feel well-informed enough to make decisions about its use.
36% felt the risks from HRT had been exaggerated by the media, whilst 10% felt reports were balanced.
55% knew that different forms of HRT carried different risks.
In addition, findings showed that a high percentage of older women are not seeking medical help for problems such as painful intercourse (dyspareunia), despite the availability of good, effective treatment. Authors are urging health professionals to ask women about painful sex as part of menopause management.
Women's Attitudes to Hormone Replacement Therapy, Alternative Therapy and Sexual Health: a web-based survey (Menopause International)
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