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Menopause news

HRT may reduce risk of diabetes.


Further information from the Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), reported in the January issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, has shown a reduced incidence of diabetes by 35% in postmenopausal women with heart disease taking HRT, compared to those taking placebo.

In the HERS study, 2,763 postmenopausal women with coronary heart disease were randomised to receive HRT or placebo and were followed for 4.1 years. In this time, fasting glucose levels increased significantly in those receiving placebo, but not in those receiving HRT in the form of 0.625mg conjugated oestrogen with 2.5mg medroxyprogesterone acetate daily. Diabetes was diagnosed in 6.2% of the HRT group and 9.5% of the placebo group.


These findings do suggest a beneficial effect of HRT on the risk of diabetes in postmenopausal women, but this possible benefit should not, as yet, be seen as indication for the use of HRT.

Ann Intern Med. 2003;138:1-9

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